Originally posted by inkub0
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1. .lit files
2. fully dynamic world lighting/shadows (slow, just like dp)
3. Normal maps/bump maps, unsure about luma
4 - what do you mean by enhanced sprite? The .spr32 thing? Pretty sure FTE supports that.
5. pk3 - FTE supports Quake 3
6. md3 - see above
7. skyboxes - as you can see in my screenshots, the r_skybox console variable will load them, FTE also loads sky from worldspawn now
8. Control all this stuff by menu - 1 and 2 have menu options, most of the others don't need menu options (md3 menu option? I don't think so).
Update: FTE does run Portals of Praevus, I had to rename the portals/pak3.pak file to pak0.pak though. Spike knows about all the other stuff, too. The fs_cache 0 thing seems to not affect all users. Have patience.
Also, could everybody stop typing in super huge letters and crazy colors? It makes the text hard to read. :-)