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  • r_waterstyle and realtime lights do not work happily with one another when the map is watervised (hexen2 is always water vised).

    technical details: this needs a clipplane to fix it, but those are vile monstrosities with glsl.
    I have been working on trimming glsl combinations in order to add a clipplane permutation, but the clipplane has not been added yet.
    Some Game Thing


    • hope you can fix this soon, cuz this bug ruins gameplay even more then the black squares around particles bug
      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


      • than temporary you can use r_waterstyle 1
        Also i spot, after using fteqw.exe on my notebook i quit to windows and my pointer is lagging on touchpad.
        Hexen:Edge of Chaos: News - my most awaiting game
        Qtracker - for easy searching of Quake and HeXen II servers
        HeXen II: All Source Ports List - i am collecting everything for HeXen II
        HeXen II Files - under development
        Me at Facebook - want play hexen2 multiplayer write me
        hexen2 ftp
        hexen2 maps, mods, addons, etc, torrent


        • thanx for the tip raven, it fixed the weird problem i was having.

          water looks a bit less fancy that way, but still looks nice, and it fixed the problem i was having
          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


          • rtlighting+r_waterstyle should be fixed now, by the way.
            Some Game Thing


            • awesomes, thanx again spike

              its indeed fixed
              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


              • RTLIGHTS for DEMO 1 2 3 almost ready
                Ia! Ia! Shubb Niggurath!

                "Not dead is what forever can wait" (HPL)


                • awesome inkub0, cant wait to be able to use them in-game
                  are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                  > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                  everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                  • hey spike,

                    i saw that new FTEQW allows usage of spec maps, right?
                    how would the naming for these have to be?
                    and how do they work? brighter is more shiny and darker is less glossy, yes?
                    would a simple black/white image work, or does it have to be colored?
                    and what is no shine, 100%black or 50%grey?

                    like for example, for rtex083, would this work for the gloss? and how exactly should i name it?
                    (very overly basic example, just took texture and made edges black and glass white just for example)

                    would like to contribute something to help make HeXenII prettier, and this seems like it would be something i could do
                    cuz i cant create textures from scratch, but if this is how spec maps should be, i could however make those by editing the textures inkub0 made and make specular textures for them by editing them

                    EDIT: oh and another quick question... which file-types does fteqw support? i know it supports tga and jpg cuz inkub0 used those, but does it also support PNG? cuz thats personally my preferred file-type to work with cuz its loss-less and paintshop pro which i use doesnt handle tga very well at all
                    Last edited by talisa; 11-30-2012, 02:30 PM.
                    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                    • another question spike... is there a way to have soft shadows in FTEQW instead of hard shadows?

                      and inkub0, you forgot to add lights to the torches in the first corridor and in the hall with the moving block in the first map

                      Last edited by talisa; 11-30-2012, 07:21 PM.
                      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                      • foo_gloss.png will work fine.
                        the RGB value is a plain multiplier (generally best to keep it fairly dark), while the alpha value serves as an exponant to control the angle at which it is visible.

                        Soft shadows/shadowmapping would be enabled with the r_shadow_shadowmapping cvar, but this mode of operation is slightly buggy (you get a phantom box projected around the light), and slow (it uses too high a shadowmap resolution for most lights (512*512*6 for every single light, even those that are a long way away), and slow (it generates shadow samples even for areas that are offscreen)). Thus I really cannot recommend using it at this time.

                        EDIT: my mistake, its debug_r_shadow_shadowmapping for now, sorry. thus removing any problems with DP writing random config files and resulting in major glitches with fte.
                        Last edited by Spike; 12-01-2012, 04:07 AM.
                        Some Game Thing


                        • r_shadow_shadowmapping doesn't seem to be a valid cvar when I enter it in the console.

                          Also how would I go about extracting the texture sheets for the Hexen 2 weapons so I could make hires skins for them, and where would I put them/what format would they have to be?


                          • Bloodshot, Quark will help you, you can switch to hexen2 mode, open pak?.pak files, and look on models, open model and in left side you see skin? lumps, you can right click on them and export as image file (Save skin File).
                            Hexen:Edge of Chaos: News - my most awaiting game
                            Qtracker - for easy searching of Quake and HeXen II servers
                            HeXen II: All Source Ports List - i am collecting everything for HeXen II
                            HeXen II Files - under development
                            Me at Facebook - want play hexen2 multiplayer write me
                            hexen2 ftp
                            hexen2 maps, mods, addons, etc, torrent


                            • Bloodshot,

                              You mean something like this ?

                              First of all,
                              The screens above show jeanks work.
                              He made higher res skins for many many Hexen2 models already.
                              Download jeanks package and look what is still missing.
                              Some of the powerups and mana skins has been done by inkub0 already.
                              Those are also included in the pack. As well as in inkub0īs pack.

                              Jeank also made an extended jshexen2 engine, which you should test. It is all together in his 1-click download package.

                              To do this stuff by yourself:
                              Open the Hexen2 model of your choice in your favorite Quake model editor.
                              Be sure to use the Hexen2 color palette.
                              Then simply export the skin to your harddisc.
                              That file is now base for your High Res skin (you see the unwrapped texture).
                              It is almost identical to retexturing a Q1 model.

                              Naming convention may/is of course different according to the engine that you use (as it is for Quake engines/skins).

                              This is the higher res skin for the scarabstaff:

                              Name it: scarabst_0.tga
                              and put it into your models subfolder.
                              I think most Hexen2 replacement-supporting engines should be able to read it.

                              Have fun.

                              PS: It is sad that you did not reply my pm some time ago...


                              • Thanks, I'll look into those

                                Sorry, I forget to check my PM's a lot, especially because I'm busy with school as well - I kinda end up skimming these forums from time to time and occasionally posting

