3 engines?? Which is the best? Does DP play Hexen II?
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for doomsday there is a pack with a lot of models. although its not nearly all of the game, a lot of items are still missing. but most are remade as models.
and also a lot of people remade most of the textures from hexen
Doomsday Engine User Forums.are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
> then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread
Here's a build of UQE v1.16 targeting Windows XP. It still requires the 2012 C++ runtimes, the x86 ones. Also, a build with SSE2 and some other optimization enabled. Seems to work alright, but don't have WinXP to test it.
Other than that, hello~
Visual C++ VS2012 Runtimes Update 1sigpic
Is there some documentation for the newest UQE Hexen? Because there are no options in game so I donīt really know how to activate any new engine features.
golden_boy, it works, but for some reason it havenīt found a large number of textures.
Loaded wadfile maps\gfx/QuArK.wad
added 1 texture frames
WARNING: texture ttex137 not found
WARNING: texture ttex029 not found
WARNING: texture rtex253 not found
etc...Last edited by Mathuzzz; 04-19-2013, 11:07 AM.
Mathuzzz; how many different textures does the map actually use?
Also, make sure the wad file contains those textures (check the wad file in Wally).Last edited by golden_boy; 04-19-2013, 11:31 AM.
Well, itīs a big map, so it uses lots of different textures, but I solved it by moving Quark.wad from tmpQuark\gfx\ to tmpQuark\maps\gfx\, I donīt know why it saves in different path, but Iīm still OK with it if I can continue with mapping.
What are the tools you provided me? I was expecting only bsp compiler, but there is also vis and light. Are they different from standard Hexen 2 ones?
The vis and light tools are Hexen 2 capable versions of these ones.
The light tool supports coloured light via .lit files, and things such as different falloff formulas. I recommend reading the documentation on that site (readmevis.txt).
The qbsp.exe is the uhexen2 one, because it is easier for me to cross compile. It has a couple raised limits compared to the official version.
Just today, I had to bump MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES in qbsp as well. I think I might have to raise more limits before my map is done...
Edit: My map broke the BSP format limits, specifically the clipnodes one. Argh. So I can either start turning stuff into func_walls, or switch to q3bsp.Last edited by golden_boy; 04-19-2013, 12:32 PM.
It seems I can't finish my Hexen 2 map as intended because of the BSP format limits.
It has found a new home in Scout's Journey.
Hexen 2 aftermath | spawnhost
Thank you again golden_boy for those tools. It is too bad you cannot finish the map, it looks great.
Now that I can continue my map, I hope I can post some alpha screenshots in some time.
Also, thank you KrossX, UQE 1.16 now works fine under XPLast edited by Mathuzzz; 04-20-2013, 04:02 AM.
cant you use bsp2 for the map, cuz i thought i read somewhere FTE supports BSP2?
and i know FTE supports hexen2, i use it for hexen2 myself
so if you could do the map as bsp2 couldnt you keep it a hexen2 map specially for FTE?.are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
> then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread
I have some questions and if it's not the right place to ask, I'm sorry.
I've had some haxen/heretic 1-2 stuf on my hdd, but but I wasn't planning to touch until having made a quake compilations, but I actually did touch them yesterday and here's what I understood
1.Hammer of Thyron is direct recompilation of hexen II that make it compatible with new os and/or new processors and bring NOTHING new to the game
2.UQE H2 (as well as UQED3 & UQE Quake) DOES NOT RUN ON WinXP (I do have vc++2012 installed, but it keeps saying "UQE**.exe is not a win32 application")
3. jsHexen is the best source port for Hexen II and it supports new models/textures (Like DP for Quake...) (I've tried running H2 only with HoT & jsH2, UQEH2, as menrioned above, wouldn't run at all)
This is what I understood from my yesterday's first-time-peek to Henxen II, and if I'm wrong please correct me.
Still there's something more I need to know, about all 4 games
1.What good engines are there for DOOM-based games (as far as I know Heretic I & Hexen 1, if I'm not mistaken Heretic II uses Q2 engine)?. By "good" I mean one that gets rid of sprites, makes EVERITHING HD and 3D. Since I'm Doomsick I can't play Doom 1-2 on any engine other than Risen3D (Yes, not even DommsDay...) but as I found out yesterday. Risend3D won't run Heretic or Hexen....
2. New models textures for all games except for Hexen II (I have inkub0's 0.85) and engines they're compatible with
3. Everyone keeps saying that UQE is "targetting" WinXP, so it may be just me. Could you, please, list ALL the dependancies of UQE?
Once again sorry, if this is offtopic and thanks in advance.
KrossX posted WinXP compatible UQE Hexen 2 few posts above.
Hammer of Thyrion does support some features also. I havenīt played Hexen through HoT for a long time, but there is support for colored lightning, better texture filtering, widescreen support, better quality music support etc...
Originally posted by hgdagon View Post1.Hammer of Thyron is direct recompilation of hexen II that make it compatible with new os and/or new processors and bring NOTHING new to the game
@szo as I said above, I only persume so....