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Quake 2 Super shotgun model

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  • #46
    Maybe you should try 2 meshes and export them both into one model. It actually already is two meshes (unless they are connected), what you mean is you have 2 meshes in 1 object. Separate it into 2 objects and convert them both down to one MD3.

    I'm not saying this will work. I'm saying it is another way to look at it. Then again maybe you are skipping a step somewhere or something. There is no way for me to guess what you could be skipping cause we don't even use the same software.


    • #47
      Thanks I gues I have to do some good animation studying first!


      • #48
        Hi guys

        I updated the file download links with the debugged version of the super shotgun.

        -solved the issue of interfering texture on the multiplayer model. Now the MP model retains the original skin.
        -solved the issue of mismatched texture details on the two new models

        THX and have a good day


        • #49
          Very nice work Helloween.
          Last edited by webangel; 02-09-2013, 02:27 AM.


          • #50
            Thanks Webangel I am a big fan of your work!


            • #51
              Originally posted by Helloween View Post
              Thanks Webangel I am a big fan of your work!


              Does your shotgun work with Q2XP?
              I am to lazy to try it....

              Just tried it with Berserkers.


              • #52
                I tried it out in Q2XP but it does not recognize MD3 models....


                • #53
                  It got corrupted somehow. It wont even extract onto the desktop etc
                  I DL it 3 times. When it finally 'extracted', it left a empty folder.
                  **Great Work BTW*
                  Could you please UL to maybe MediaFire File Storage I haven't ever had a corrupted DL from them. I'd love to see your work in action.
                  *You can edit your Post to reflect the change.


                  • #54
                    Hi quake.elite

                    I tried to download the file and everything is working fine for me.

                    Please try to change the rar to 7z and see if it can be extracted.
                    If not, sand me a PM with your mail and I will sand you the file directly !



                    • #55
                      broken link server is down


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Helloween View Post
                        Hi Seven,

                        Thank you for the nice words and of course for your splendid work
                        with your constantly evolving mod.

                        And here it is after another day of hard work, the next step in my project.

                        Download in mangafox 2.0

                        I think that all is going quite well so cross the fingers…. I’m trying to stay as faithful to the original as I can.
                        The only thing that worries me is that the model is becoming a little to edge.

                        Even though your model might be edgy/blocky, dont let this let you down.
                        Everybody started like this.

