Originally posted by golden_boy
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-players may now hold forward and jump to bunnyhop
both of those are laughable at minimum,and completely ridicule material at maximum.
The first two suggestions fly's in the face of competition IMO. The whole point of a first person shooter, in my opinion,is you give each player the identical toolset.
How that player uses the same toolset given to everyone is what separates a good player from a great player.
So now that bunny hopping is free,the learning curve has been straightened out for bunny hopping. I'm sure every newer player to join the fray will run into a server full of pro-bunnyhoppers,because when you make it easier for one category of player, you CAN'T make it harder for the other category of gamer.
check this basic view point I got
Bunny hopping requires a learning curve,its a talent that must be mastered.
Everyone starts at Newplayer level and gradually moves to the left in such a plot line,but by giving out free bunny hopping the gap between Eliteplayer and Avgplayer dwindles, while Newplayer gap between Avgplayer will be widened, by a larger margin than anyone I think is considering.
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