I used to play dm and ca and 3312 mod ctf.
I havent played for a really long time though. I haven't even had a computer in years till like a couple weeks ago.
1. what mods do people play and where can i find games?
2. Where can i find quake and a bunch of cool console commands and shit? I havent played in like 9 years... Did people redo quake or anything? whats the best stuff to use?
Anyways I've probably played like 10 times in the last 9 years and it was like 5 years ago.
I saw theres an interview with rampage? He's the most famous quake player now? wtf? I used to play him 1 on 1 all the time on dm6 for fun. I hope people still play. I used to be the bomb at this game. But I think the evolution of playing is probably crazy now. So I'm going to be owned like a bitch haha
Anyways where does everyone play?
I havent played for a really long time though. I haven't even had a computer in years till like a couple weeks ago.
1. what mods do people play and where can i find games?
2. Where can i find quake and a bunch of cool console commands and shit? I havent played in like 9 years... Did people redo quake or anything? whats the best stuff to use?
Anyways I've probably played like 10 times in the last 9 years and it was like 5 years ago.
I saw theres an interview with rampage? He's the most famous quake player now? wtf? I used to play him 1 on 1 all the time on dm6 for fun. I hope people still play. I used to be the bomb at this game. But I think the evolution of playing is probably crazy now. So I'm going to be owned like a bitch haha
