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Quake Live with TotalBiscuit

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    Originally posted by Grim Warlock View Post
    I really want another Quake, mainly a sequel/prequel/expansion/revision of the first.
    I think they should do just like they did with The Chronicles of Riddick : Assault on Dark Athena... They included a updated version of Escape from Butcher Bay along with the purchase of Assault on Dark Athena!

    The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    So, that would result in Quake1 being entirely re-released under fancy new graphics/etc, but would include Quake1 in its entirety, just to set the stage for the sequel... which is what you would play next!

    2 games for the price of 1, and it catches up all the 'newbs' to the current Q1 verse.

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  • Grim Warlock
    I really want another Quake, mainly a sequel/prequel/expansion/revision of the first.

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  • OMacKnight
    I'm just going to let quake be what it was, I don't really want it to come back as a big thing anymore

    I'm more pumped for reborn, the game from the gd studio

    (I would still play quake, I just don't feel the need for more quake)

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  • Psyllex
    The version of Quake I have played the most is Q3 and Quake Live is very similar. Dueling or TDM is pretty fun, especially over local networks with people in the same room so you can talk smack and have a ball. Quake is a hardcore competitive game with a towering skillcap and it will always be that way. I don't think these things are necessarily 'changes' but moreso additions to Quake.

    Having weapon loadouts grants a way to dumb down the game, learn the controls, and gain skills with certain weapons. Zombie, Speedball, or what ever outlandish modes are for kids coming from L4D or ShootMania.

    I think this will be a good thing for the Quake community in the long run. It will bring more people to Quake and with it ones with an interest in hardcore competition.

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  • duoranger
    Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
    What all have you done to investigate the issue? Traceroute to various servers?

    Let's get you all patched up if possible, can *always* use more Quake gamers, even if its QLive lol
    its just my Cable ISP being a complete dick with me as always, and my uncle(which unfortunately i share my internet since he is the owner) playing LoL or diablo 3 on 3 computers with his kids and wife.

    but here on the HueHUELands, nobody really cared about that, i see TDM and CTF servers full all time here, and its really fun, i just hope now that bethesda decides to add atleast an option to buy Premium time on steam using your SteamWallet

    anyway, here's XIAN Burning id, and offering services to REFLEX as the new Announcer

    Xian01 comments on I just got the game on steam, is there a way to get the classic announcer back?

    and the audio file that he left on r/quakelive
    Xian left an audio clip on /r/quakelive : ArenaFPS

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    What all have you done to investigate the issue? Traceroute to various servers?

    Let's get you all patched up if possible, can *always* use more Quake gamers, even if its QLive lol

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  • duoranger
    well i can't play atm, my internet connection decided to hate me for online gaming

    But downloads are fine.....

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  • OMacKnight
    I'm far too biased and set in my ways.

    There's no reason to hate it, but I just really didn't enjoy it. :c

    Hopefully the new generation of quake live players will make it into something worth playing still. (I think there will be a very clear divide where older players might move onto things like ioquake3 and newer players who play quake live.)

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    lol, o my.


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  • Grim Warlock
    Lol, makes me wonder what Quake Live would be like with voice.

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  • R00k
    Considering the source of all the trash talk is coming from an average age of 16, I wouldnt give two heart-beats of concern. It's even more hilarious hearing the rage from a prepubescent over voip!

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  • Grim Warlock
    Originally posted by Godling View Post
    Tried this out last week. I haven't played it in ages and when I joined, the weapon switching felt slower than I remembered. I said in chat "I don't remember weapon switching being so slow?". No less than 2 people called me a homo-phobic slur and told me to go back to CoD. Wtf? This is the QL community? As bitter and screwed up as any. /shame /notwitha20ftpole
    Quake Live community is literally just as bad as the CoD community, lots of homophobic and sexist person on there. It's best just to block them with /block.

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    About a month back I was playing Titanfall, and my team lost by literally 1 point.

    I said "Hell,we lost by 1 point, can't complain!" , this turd named -VX9-Stealthy says...

    "Of course you can't complain, you got carried newb!"

    Obviously I wasn't carried, here's the clan website ; =VX9= Online Gaming Community

    Sure,internets full of assholes. Don't mean you should adjust what you would do normally.

    I've concluded that either you accept the assholes in your interactions with other people so that the nice guys/gals don't miss your possible friendship or you seclude yourself.

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  • duoranger
    Originally posted by Godling View Post
    Tried this out last week. I haven't played it in ages and when I joined, the weapon switching felt slower than I remembered. I said in chat "I don't remember weapon switching being so slow?". No less than 2 people called me a homo-phobic slur and told me to go back to CoD. Wtf? This is the QL community? As bitter and screwed up as any. /shame /notwitha20ftpole
    its the Ragemeter coming from QL and ESR forums

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  • Godling
    Tried this out last week. I haven't played it in ages and when I joined, the weapon switching felt slower than I remembered. I said in chat "I don't remember weapon switching being so slow?". No less than 2 people called me a homo-phobic slur and told me to go back to CoD. Wtf? This is the QL community? As bitter and screwed up as any. /shame /notwitha20ftpole

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