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Fucking Omicron!

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    BYOB, nothing wrong with that.

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  • wicked_lord
    I noticed that well over a week ago and you just now get to it? I would not give anyone here one of my beers. Buy your own and quit mooching. A beer given to anyone is a waste of taste.

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    started a topic Fucking Omicron!

    Fucking Omicron!

    never ceases to amaze me.

    You probably was thinking that this post was going to be evil or something like that, but it isn't. I wanted to spotlight Omicron for his donation to the 2014 Quake Server Donation (Shmack/CRMOD servers).

    What better way to spotlight that fucker then bring it to the entire community's attention, and I'm in no way detracting the other Quaker's who donated to the cause, because without those donations shit wouldn't have been handled,PERIOD!

    I just thought that it should be known by everyone that Omicron deserve's at least one of your beers

    Salute Omicron!