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Raptr and Quake1 support...

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  • Raptr and Quake1 support...

    Last night I setup my Raptr channel and tentatively titled it Gaming^9000 and attached the Quake1 logo to it as the channel avatar.

    In less than 24hours, my channel received 200+ views and it has zero content. That enticed me to contact the Raptr team to possibly get the Raptr updated to be capable of being setup to use all the modern engines/clients, including Quakeworld clients.

    Hopefully they will hit me back with a positive response. I am forever looking for an avenue of injecting interest in our beloved game,whether you're a QW or NQ gamer, we all love Quake.

    334 views as of this posting, still under 24 hours being active.
    Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!

  • #2


    • #3
      Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


      • #4

        I'm unfamiliar with the raptr thing, is it basically twitch but using their client?
        wew lad


        • #5
          yes,and no. It was founded by Dennis "Thresh" Fong , and overall it's an AMD gamer's best friend (that is my description lol)


          Raptr is one of the fastest growing online gaming platforms and communities in the world. Raptr helps gamers get the best experience every time they play by providing optimal settings for their rigs, keeping their drivers up to date, earning real rewards, and helping them connect, play, and chat with friends. Raptr has over 22 million users in over 100 countries.
          The company is led by CEO and founder Dennis Fong (co-founder of Xfire, Lithium, and Raptr was founded in 2007 and is backed by investors Accel Partners, Founder’s Fund, DAG Ventures, and Tenaya Capital. For more information, please visit


          Pretty much, if you run an AMD gaming rig, you've got zero reason to not have this application. It's bitchin to say the least,and I approve of it heavily. At first I was like oh hell naw, you're not gonna dictate what graphical settings / other stuffs that my games do or don't use, but after getting cozy with it, it's 2legit2quit.

          If Raptr doesn't get back to me, I'll attempt contacting Mr.Thresh directly. Something tells me he wouldn't mind showing some love for the game that propelled him into the lime light back when he won Carmacks Ferrari 328 GTS Cabriolet during the Red Annihilation Tournament,and thats all I am asking. Some modern support for the game that started it all for him, atlesat imo.
          Last edited by Mindf!3ldzX; 12-08-2014, 04:00 PM.
          Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


          • #6
            I yeah, I remember raptr because I was building a system for a friend recently and it forced itself into his non gaming machine

            I guess it'll be interesting to use if I ever jump to AMD

            but I like my intel/nvidia too much to jump

            good luck getting the attention of the thresh himself :p
            wew lad


            • #7
              Quake, my secret weapon ;P
              Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


              • #8
                I have an AMD A10 laptop. Ill check this out.


                • #9
                  apparently the amd a10 is really good, especially for low-mid range gaming and I've even seen it run battlefield 4 at above 60fps at a non 1080 resolution at medium settings
                  wew lad


                  • #10
                    And the A10 supports Mantle!
                    Last edited by Mindf!3ldzX; 12-09-2014, 08:30 PM.
                    Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                    • #11
                      might have to use an amd a10 for my next build then

                      since without a gpu I can power most games, with a gpu I can enjoy life to the max and play those (nearly 500) games on my steam library
                      wew lad


                      • #12
                        I run GTA 4 high graphics at 40-45fps and medium around 60

