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Dissolution of Eternity: DM Questions! (Power Shield, etc)

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  • Lejionator
    Thank you for the answers, guys! Helped me a lot!
    Some guys here the NetQuake brazilian community are having fun playing Rogue and are working and gaining experience with this mod(or mission pack, if you like). Almost all maps are very funny and beautiful.

    The only annoying problem is the impossibility to call vote on maps, because the standard maps in this game are totally suited for DM(or FFA) only, practically none is ideal for 1v1 or teamplay(except r2m8, the boss map, which can serve well for 1v1 only because of the fact it is small).

    We are testing this server in the order of weeks:

    I will soon post more news about it!

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  • talisa
    lava-nails do 15 (LNG) and 30 (LSNG) damage rather then 9 (NG) and 18 (SNG) per shot


    the source QC for rogue is available.

    seven also included the original sources with his SMC:

    wouldnt know where else you could aqcuire the rogue QC source

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  • PrimalLove

    Power Shield: This item is given for 30 seconds. While you have it, a shield will spawn in the direction of where you were hit for a brief time. It will absorb 70% of damage from an attack unless it is a lava spike and then it only absorbs 30%. This seems to be all it does.

    Vengeance Sphere: When you obtain this item it will immediately spawn a sphere that will spin around you for 30 seconds or until you die. Once you die it will send the sphere to track your last enemy and kill him/her and anyone close by with additional radius damage. If the person that killed you last dies before the orb gets to him/her then you will get the message "You were denied vengenance" and the sphere will disappear.

    Anti_Grav Belt: This has a timelimit of 45 seconds and gives you 1/4 gravity during that time.

    I do not know of any FAQ for this Mission Pack. Maybe someone here does. Nor am I sure if they released the source. But here is some info on the new weapons..

    MiniGrenade does 90 damage points to player and 60 to anyone else and its based on radius of 130 or less units around its origin.
    MultiGrenade will release 4 additional minigrenades the same strength as the above in random directions from the original multigrenade.
    MultiRocket: If its coop or deathmatch it will fire 4 missles straight at its target. Each missile will do 60 + a random number bwtween 1 and 15 damage. If its the shambler or dragon the damage is reduced by half. They also do additional radius damage of 75 hit points of a 115 unit radius. If it is not coop or deatrhmatch the missiles will home in on the target. If you are aiming at a monster it will home in on that target. If not, it will fly around until they find a target and will track and destroy.
    The plasma gun will do 80 damage + a random number between 1 and 20. As well as radius damage of additional 70 to anyone near by up to around 110 units away. It will also fall to the ground and discharge. If anyone is within 320 units of the plasma it will do an additional 50 damage points to anyone within that radius and throw you into the air some. I think that covers most of the multiweapon stuff.

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  • Dissolution of Eternity: DM Questions! (Power Shield, etc)

    Hi, dudes!

    I wonder, with detailed explanations, how it really works the Power Shield, how many percent of damage subtraction, durability and other effects that this item has. This item is very unclear to me and it's my main question.

    The Vengeance Sphere acts as my health points drop to 25, I believe. It seems to work the same as its counterpart of the game Quake II: Ground Zero.

    The Anti-Grav Belt is easy to know what is the effect, but just do not know for sure if the durability is about number of hops or time limit.

    Is there a FAQ or something in great detail with everything about this mission pack, how damage points of each lava nail, multi-rockets, etc? And is there any official(or unofficial) "Source Code" file released by id Software or something?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Lejionator; 12-15-2014, 04:34 AM.