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Version 100 - Your input?- What do you think about getting to one hundread releases?

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  • sketchlake
    Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
    oh I agree that it looks like attempted video tags. It just doesn't look like ones that would work on any site. If he by some chance just copied and pasted his post from some other site and therefore that site is using those tags, the site developers need to take a crash course in design.

    According to that design they would be using some homemade bbcode script that first pools all the tags and then throws them into some switch that makes decisions based on the data. That's retarded. I could write a regex that would practically blink-replace the whole page. The silliest part is they would have to use some .indexOf and .substring function to make the pool and then a . replace function to make the modification, all of which are just wrappers for regex in the first place. Why not just run a complex regex with a global flag and skip all the unnecessary code that would be required to pool, switch/case and replace.

    A good example would be my math expression parser. If I did it a way similar to what would be necessary for those video tags I would have code like happy wheels

    if("sin"){}else if("cos"){}else if("floor"){}else if("ceil"){}..................................... .

    that is absolutely ridiculous.

    In contrast, that video syntax would be like if I made it necessary to write expressions like these



    [sin]expression[/sin] ultimately sin(expr) is all that is necessary
    Here's a short vid of walking through some of darkhold.

    Walking through darkhold: [video=youtube] [ame][/ame] [/video]

    It's short because after a few min the captureprogram freezes the computer when it uses up all the ram and hits the iron.

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    version 117r - More Weapons!!!1111 Bri'ish L85 bullpup non-reliable assault shovelclub!!!! Overheating G36C!!!! Overpenetrating FN-SCAR-H!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 GET!

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    version 117r - More Weapons!!!1111 Bri'ish L85 bullpup non-reliable assault shovelclub!!!! Overheating G36C!!!! Overpenetrating FN-SCAR-H!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 GET!

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    version 117o - Series of tubes edition
    Many bug fixes have occurred for this release including bugfixes to the flame thrower. The pipes mutator has been expanded to have additional options: Ice, Water, Poison Gas, Laser. These additions can also be added to map objects. Also the misc_fire_crossbow.. now has 2 additions: ice jet and poison jet. An AUTOMATIC setting has been added to the pipes mutator which sences what type of pipes exist in a map via map clues.

    The Game has over 150 weapons.
    Everything is Free and Opensource.
    Get it now!

    (Note: Game spans 2 DVDs, Download both!)


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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    version 117m - FlameThrower-and-pipes edition
    This new version includes a Flamethrower! Much work was done to ensure proper operation including a binary-tree-search so the flame ends where water or slime begins! Additionally much work has been accomplished to allow a mapper to set what objects/pipes/etc will emit a steam and/or a flame jet when struck by a bullet (see func_wall in netradiant for more information), (somewhat similar to the ICBM level in Call of Duty 5 (COD5) Modern Warfare.) Additionally a mutator can be enabled in the environment section of the mutator menu (create>mutators) where all pipes will emit steam and/or jets of fire (you can also disable this totally even on maps that have it set in map objects). Thus any texture with the name "pipe" within it can erupt flames and steam. Another addition is that misc_fire_crossbowbolt has an added projectile to fire: number 20: flamethrower jet. This is useful for mappers who want to add more traps! Much debugging and annoying error messages were worked out for this release aswell!

    Combine the flamethrower with the methane lake mutator for extra fun!

    The Game has over 150 weapons.
    Everything is Free and Opensource.
    Get it now!

    (Note: Game spans 2 DVDs, Download both!)


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  • Guest's Avatar
    Guest replied
    Gibs feedback plz

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  • Guest's Avatar
    Guest replied

    version 117k - Tec9 edition
    Our resident weapon modeler has modeled a Tec-9 for us.
    Thus our game now has additional weapons: Tec-9 SMG, Pounder SMG (.50 AE variant with extended magazine).
    The weapon makes short work of enemies, and being open bolt: does not overheat.
    However it's reliability is not the stuff of legends.
    Good for hosing down the opposition.

    The Game has over 150 weapons.
    Everything is Free and Opensource.
    Get it now!

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    R 117j - Subterfuge and Lies Edition.
    150 weapon milestone has been reached!
    New weapons: Defender Sword, Bearded Axe, Spiked Cudgel, Bronze Cudgel
    Bug fixes regarding server-admin ability to disable default weapon during teamgames. Improvements to stats of spectre submachinegun to real-world weapon projectile velocity.

    (Note: Game spans 2 DVDs, Download both!)

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  • Guest's Avatar
    Guest replied
    R 117i
    New weapons: Arming sword, Spectre Sub-Machinegun

    (Note: Game spans 2 DVDs, Download both!)

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    ChaosEsqueAnthology R 117H - Malum-in-se Edition. ,

    R 117H - Malum-in-se Edition.
    This update features new weapons, and new Romanesque areas for DarkHold and the building system.
    Two new weapons: A brutal new spiked mace that is quick to swing (being hollow and light)
    Sai: these can interdict weapons far above their own weight class (similar to the special ability of the quarterstaff and elven staff)
    New building: Romanesque Belltower - A tall belltower in the old pre-13th century style.
    Map update: The Darkhold Dungeon got more complex: A Romanesque area modeled after an 11th century church has been added to the crypts below.
    (Thought Theme for this release
    _"Fight to the end"_
    _"Conquer the enemy"_
    "Far as the eye can see"
    "I see my victory"
    "I'm not afraid"
    "Never afraid"
    _"Never give up the fight"_
    _"I'm a solider in a battle"_
    _"Never ending, Never ending war"_
    -Yngwie J. Malmsteen
    NOTE: This game now has over 140 weapons and has expanded to 2 DVDs (Download both!)
    "How can less be more, more is more"
    "Out of the darkness the voices are calling..."

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    Release 117f: New magic circle spell: Vampyric Conduit: damage done within the circle is added to the lifeforce of the attacker (be careful not to attack undead within the circle (unless you are undead) tho!)


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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    Release 117e: A new spell has been added: Grace. A magic circle spell somewhat inspired in-part by Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Be like the sweet pink haired girl Madoka Kaname and save your friends from the hardships of life: for those within the circle a healing aura heals wounds (but harms undead: purifying the area), for any damage fired into the circle from outside no damage or even health is dealt to those inside the circle (however damage originating from players inside the circle to those inside is unchanged). No gibbage occurs inside the circle and reduced blood. Cherry Blossom like particles fill the air. Additionally respawned players souls float up within the circle as ghosts giving a calming effect.

    Additionally, White/Holy spells (Holybolt, Holyword, Grace) are increased in spell level when cast outdoors directly under the sky: Holybolt by 4 levels (1 level if a scroll), HolyWord by 3 levels (1 level if a scroll), and Grace 2 levels (1 level if a scroll) giving one added ease at purifying atleast the above ground world!.


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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    Originally posted by nahuel View Post
    hello chasoesqueed

    great stuff as always !!!
    Hey how's it going! Thanks

    Did a new spell yesterday: timesink, as I was inspired by Madoka Anime and it's sequel movie Rebellion.

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  • ChaosEsqueEd
    Release 117d: This update adds a new spell: Timesink. Now you can have some of the power of Homura from Puella Magi Madoka Magica! (Though not the ability to travel backwards in time). You can slow down time, and at higher levels of the spell you can run as fast as normal while everyone is slowed, also at higher levels you can set how slow you want time to go (by pressing E F and or Crouch for different levels of slowdown, these can be combined, while you cast the spell (C)), and end the spell by re-casting it! Enjoy!

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  • nahuel
    hello chasoesqueed

    great stuff as always !!!

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