I don't think quakespasm does replacement skins. You will need to download PakScape, open pak0.pak in the ID1 folder, track down the player.mdl, make a copy of it and store it elsewhere in case you screw it up, open it in QME and replace the skin with the one you downloaded from that website. If the skin is done right, hopefully you won't have to mess with any of the UV coordinates on the model...
Here's some info I found by googling stuff:
quakespasm external textures
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Anybody know where i can find these skins?
no idea what naming convention quake-spasm uses and what matter of replacement content that engine supports
but im sure some of the other members can
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oh ok lol thanks im not too familiar with quake skins or anything like that lol i use quakespasmLast edited by armymen12002003; 02-25-2017, 12:06 AM.
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.....they are right at the page you linked.
the right pics ARE the skins
rightclick and save them, put one of them in ID1/progs and rename it player.mdl_0
(or whatever naming convention your engine of choice uses)
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Anybody know where i can find these skins?
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