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Looking for old Abyss of Pandemonium files

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  • mando
    thanks for the link
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  • hgdagon
    Just found SP vised maps. v1.10 update still rings no bells, though...

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  • Mr.Burns
    I wonder if the download link for version 1.05 over on the mod DB site has what you are looking for?

    Kind regards


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  • hgdagon
    Thanks for the help, anyway, guys. I still hope I'll end up finding a God-forgotten fan site, that has the files laying around.

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  • MadGypsy
    Bro, I got behind my PC and tried every trick I know (that's a lot of tricks BTW) and I can't find jack. I even checked torrents and had no luck. I wish you luck. Unfortunately, the links I posted (which aren't even what you want ) are the best I can do.

    I won't 100% give up, though. I'll let my mind spin in the background. Maybe I'll think of something I didn't try. When I found Mech Warrior, or maybe it was some other mod (the one I found that didn't involve Chozo) it was through some hella abstract way. I don't remember how I got to the server directory rip. If I can remember how I did that maybe I can find your mod the same way. All I remember is I read a bunch of text files and did an eyeball search which provided me with links to more text files that eventually ended in a link to the mod.
    Last edited by MadGypsy; 03-28-2017, 03:48 PM.

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  • MadGypsy
    Can you live with v105?

    Or maybe this?

    It's hard to do this from my phone. I'm a far better "tracker" from a PC.
    Last edited by MadGypsy; 03-28-2017, 01:43 PM.

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  • hgdagon
    Originally posted by Mr.Burns View Post
    There's a download over on Megazoid's Quake Terminus site...
    Just v2.0...

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  • Mr.Burns
    There's a download over on Megazoid's Quake Terminus site (see Quake Terminus) which might be worth a look..

    Hope this helps

    Kind regards


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  • hgdagon
    started a topic Looking for old Abyss of Pandemonium files

    Looking for old Abyss of Pandemonium files

    Does anyone still remember Abyss of Pandemonium? Now, I know that v2.0 is out and freeware, but I still wanna get my hands on some (arguably) outdated files, namely:

    abyss-trans-sp.rar - FOUND!

    Web Archive has 4 copies of abyss-trans-sp.rar, but all 4 are broken, 1900kb.
    As for v1.10 update, it is nowhere to be found.

    Maybe someone has these files laying around? I'd really appreciate if you'd upload them. Thank you.

    Edit: Here's a link to a cloud folder, containing all the AOP-ralated stuff I currently have. I never found the 1.10 patch. Keep in mind that 2.0 (IIRC) contains only multiplayer code, 1.10 was the latest SP update. The Final Mission is based on a demo version code, so it may not contain any of the code improvements of the retail version.

    Edit2: Having revisited the website, there are mentions of both SP and MP gameplay, so 2.0 DOES contain SP code. Source
    Still, for completion sake, I won't stop trying to track down that 1.10 patch
    Last edited by hgdagon; 07-14-2019, 01:38 AM.