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Clan Arena X Poll

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  • Clan Arena X Poll

    There has been much (ignored) debate about the differences between Clan Arena + and Clan Arena X. The whole conflict is this , players of CA have been accustom to the more outdated but still highly popular CA+ version of Clan Arena, and with the newer improved version of Clan Arena,also came an increase in Splash Damage from RL (maybe GL as well) and also Direct RL damage (and maybe GL as well)

    This Poll is to gauge how much the CA community dislikes or likes this drastic change in what has become an "accepted" factor in Clan Arena. There are 2 options, make changes or dont make changes.
    No dont change it,I like it how it is.
    Yes change it (explain)
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  • #2
    Mindz, is on the same box as

    One of them gets a lot of play and activity (Bomber), gets play but not nearly as much as either chi ( or Bomber.

    Bomber has default Quake rocket damage ... like CTF, like the original CA, like IHOC, like ThreeWave CTF, like QuakeWorld's Clan Arena Championship Edition (Drezor played there a lot, I believe), like CRMOD and Rocket Arena and Rune Quake.

    CA+ has a big limitation on splash, it's pretty rare I see more than 30 damage from splash on CA+. It is more of a shaft-whore mod, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    My question would be this.

    Let's say the rocket's mirrored Players complain about the max speed too. And the ticrate. And a lot of those players complain about custom maps.

    If Bomber became identical to CHI, why would anyone play there?

    Would Bomber become those players favorite server, or would they still prefer CHI?

    Where would the players who like the Bomber settings better play? Shall they quit playing CA?

    I personally don't prefer the ticrate at CHI. The ticrate is the rate the server updates to the client. It is my understanding that it is hard-coded into the mod (CA+) and some 1990's setting meant to be dialup friendly, but it feels like molasses to me because I'm used to playing on other servers.

    I DO UNDERSTAND the appeal of the shaft-oriented nature of CA+ and why some players prefer that style of play. If the ticrate weren't so slow, I'd like playing CA+ more than I do now.

    My question would be this:

    Why change the settings on a server for players who would prefer to play elsewhere even if the settings were changed.

    I do see your point, but unless I'm missing something, if Bomber were completely CA+ style, it would be the same as CA+ on, which is on the same box as Bomber but gets 1/20 the play of CHI. - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

    So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


    • #3
      I agree with Baker. These same people who complain about the CAx settings wouldn't play at Bomber if the settings were changed because they'd stick to CHI or wherever else. If people don't like the change they can stick to the CA+ servers. So far, there's been more than enough players playing on Bomber every night anyways so if a couple people decide not to play there, it won't "break" the server. They'll still be great games on a nightly basis.


      • #4
        Splash is horrible at CAx , 120 RL is a bit over the top as well. I dont mind the 120 dmg, its the splash thats annoying to no end.

        I would rather not see the CA community split in two like other mod's have in the past (RQ+,RQA,BDA,RQ/PubCTF,3wave,SuperCTF)
        Splitting up a mod's community into two categories of the same mod (Clan Arena is Clan Arena,whether its a + or x) is never a good idea. CAx's biggest feature that surpasses CA+ is the newmap feature,and the only thing turning away players from liking it atm is horrid splash over all.
        my vote : fix the splash.
        Last edited by Mindf!3ldzX; 09-12-2006, 07:17 PM. Reason: correcting spelling
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        • #5
          every server should be unique


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
            Splash is horrible at CAx .....
            How many times does it need to be explained that all damage is default in CAx. The rocket and grenade damage, and the splash radius are in fact default quake, as Baker said like every other quake mod besides ca+. The only non-standard setting on is that sv_maxspeed is 350 rather than 320, same as shmack pmode and shmack ra. bomber 2v2 tourney ports (01-05) are default 320.

            How is this debate being ignored? I've been arguing with the 5 people who think this is a problem for the last week. Who did you bring this up to that ignored you mindz?

            CAx is not in fact intended to be just like ca+ but with new featuers like pq_teamscores, cc queing, custom maps, etc, but rather to address issues that people don't like about ca+, i.e. crippled rockets and the weird feel of the movement. Some people like ca+ exactly how it is. Good for them, they can keep playing ca+. I'm not gonna connect to chi 5x/night and say "omg gay gay this mods is for 6 ping lg whores wtf fix cipprled rockets..."

            Actually I asked r00k (author of CAx who also was involved in the developement of ca+) about why ca+ feels weird, he said he thought it was not the ticrate but rather that ca+ messes with other stuff like sv_accelerate sv_stopspeed and sv_friction.

            No one agrees on how things should be. That's just how it is. Some people love that CAx uses default quake settings. Some poeple are used to ca+ and want it to be that way. But I find it annoying that people seem to find it hard to grasp that it's ca+ that uses non-standard settings, not CAx.

            Rocket damage/radius has been the same since bomber went up, and people only started complaining about it this week. One reason I think that is is because r00k recently set all deaths to gibs. So now if someone with low heath (say 10%) catches just a bit of splash and is gibbed, it makes it look like they took massive damage, as normally for gibs your health must hit -40 on death. The gibs is temporary I think as r00k is working on it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Yellow No. 5
              Rocket damage/radius has been the same since bomber went up, and people only started complaining about it this week
              No,this has been complained about for well over a week,more like ever since Bomber started being hosted by HDZ.
              Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


              • #8

                its retarded sometimes.... hurts my mind.
                why change it?
                be unique!?! your unique.


                • #9

                  yellow 5 is right. It's CAx that is standard, people are just so used to CA+ that they can't imagine splash being different. Once you play something for so long, you adapt to that kind of game, now that people see something different, they wanna complain. I never hear any of the regulars complain. So why should a server be changed because of the non-regulars? Infact, right now, I just checked HDzBot on irc, there is West, Vibe, Dire, all who complain about bomber's settings, playing on bomber, and chi is empty. Proof that either way, bomber is going to have players. I say leave it how it is.


                  • #10
                    And thats a fact! Go Bomber!
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                    • #11
                      I think part of this is a result of the enlargement of the community.

                      If you go back 1 or 2 years ago, players were so oriented to a single server that they didn't even know of other servers.

                      CTF didn't take a big hit because Trinicom went down; CTF took a big hit because the players at Trinicom didn't know of any other CTF servers (Intertex, HDZ, RuM).

                      A similar thing nearly happened when Max went down in April, everyone was worried that Max going down would kill off the CA community like what happened to Trinicom.

                      Some of those players only knew of Max and I spotted one every once in a while at Shmack and connected to tell them about (This was before Phocus setup Phathookups, which later became CHI).

                      Some of the players that played CA+ on Max for years on end, hadn't played on other servers for years so they didn't know where else they could play CA+ at the time (HDZ).

                      I've heard some CA+ players complain at Rocket Arena about the splash damage, I didn't laugh but I found it amusing they had played only 1 mod at 1 server for so long as to not actually know that CA+ rockets weren't the standard in Quake, but the exception.

                      Rocket Arena has been around for 10 years and all 10 of those years, the rockets have had standard damage, but this was new info to those players.

                      Tonight there were big games (9 to 14 players) at both CHI and Bomber, but neither server was maxxed out (16); some players like CA+ style and some players like CAx style. No one was "forced" to play a way they don't like.
             - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                      So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                      • #12
                        since player accelerate is up and when rockets hit for splash do they shoot you back further? i think thats what everyone is freaking out about because has everything default and it seems more playable should just try setting it to normal speed and see what happens..

                        thank you
                        This body holding me,reminds me of my own mortality.
                        Embrace this moment, remember, we are eternal,all this pain is an illusion.


                        • #13
                          Here's something you can try,

                          in your quake console type




                          both have maxspeed 320...


