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NewDM: A new look at Quake Deathmatch

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  • I just want to note that I played on whitehot then rage using baker's proquake build and didn't notice anything weird with the RL. When you're running around focusing on other things, it's hard to notice.

    edit: ohhhh now I see it. Pffft what's the big deal?
    Last edited by Canadian*Sniper; 01-04-2008, 03:24 PM.


    • Thanks to Polarite, is hosting NewDM 0.07


      • couple of questions about newDM. What are the current settings for supershotgun, nailgun, and super nailgun? Also did you change any of the other weapons.

        Secondly, apparently baker really likes the ammo management, but I really don't like the way it's setup now. Especially with the nailguns and supershotgun consuming more ammo, these ammo types become much harder to come by. I can compromise on the rocket ammo pickup ammounts (3 and 6), but I would like to see gathering all the ammo from your opponent, not just the ammo from the weapon they're holding. This also makes killing someone with just shotgun disorienting, since they don't drop anything, why don't you get their shotgun ammo, at the very least?

        Armor. Come on, let's fix this. You beefed up some of the weapons, and also decreased the armor amount. I think if you want a successful mod you should start with little changes. Changing too many things makes it too foreign for a lot of players to want to play. I say either keep the armor as it was, or modify the the abosrption rates. Currently, green is 30, yellow is 60, and red is 80. Keep yellow as it is, but maybe reduce red to 70, this way your red armor (200 armor) will run out slightly before your 100 health runs out. At 80%, the red armor is very effective at keeping your health high and mostly taking off your armor. I would also consider increasing green armor's absorption rate to 50%. If this were the case, then 100ga/100h would yield 200 points of damage, 150ya/100h is 250 points of damage, and 200ra/100h is 300 points of damage. More armor for newbie players makes them live longer, and people tend to have more fun if they live longer.

        Also, can you vote to change maps in the mod? And I really think no-exit should be on.


        • Thanks for your feedback PapaSmurf. Right now I'm unable to work on the mod since my computer is having multiple heart attacks but I'm glad people are still giving me feedback on the mod.

          Originally posted by PapaSmurf View Post
          couple of questions about newDM. What are the current settings for supershotgun, nailgun, and super nailgun? Also did you change any of the other weapons.
          axe is the same except it does x4 damage when ring of shadows is equipped.

          shotgun is unchanged.

          cooldown = 1 second
          ammo cost = 4 shells
          pellet damage = 6
          # of pellets = 30
          very wide spread
          DPS = 180

          nailgun hasn't been touched but all ng spawn points are replaced with green armour. NG is in your inventory whenever you spawn.

          super nailgun:
          cooldown = 1/20 a second [the SNG lags Bam ]
          ammo cost = 1 nail
          nail damage = 9
          velocity = 2000
          DPS = 180

          GL and RL haven't been changed.

          LG still has the same DPS but updates more frequently (doing less damage per attack). The original gun did 30 damage 10 times a second. NewDM's LG does 12 damage 25 times a second.

          Originally posted by PapaSmurf View Post
          Secondly, apparently baker really likes the ammo management, but I really don't like the way it's setup now. Especially with the nailguns and supershotgun consuming more ammo, these ammo types become much harder to come by. I can compromise on the rocket ammo pickup ammounts (3 and 6), but I would like to see gathering all the ammo from your opponent, not just the ammo from the weapon they're holding. This also makes killing someone with just shotgun disorienting, since they don't drop anything, why don't you get their shotgun ammo, at the very least?
          That's a good point about the shotgun.

          Originally posted by PapaSmurf View Post
          Armor. Come on, let's fix this. You beefed up some of the weapons, and also decreased the armor amount. I think if you want a successful mod you should start with little changes. Changing too many things makes it too foreign for a lot of players to want to play. I say either keep the armor as it was, or modify the the abosrption rates. Currently, green is 30, yellow is 60, and red is 80. Keep yellow as it is, but maybe reduce red to 70, this way your red armor (200 armor) will run out slightly before your 100 health runs out. At 80%, the red armor is very effective at keeping your health high and mostly taking off your armor. I would also consider increasing green armor's absorption rate to 50%. If this were the case, then 100ga/100h would yield 200 points of damage, 150ya/100h is 250 points of damage, and 200ra/100h is 300 points of damage. More armor for newbie players makes them live longer, and people tend to have more fun if they live longer.
          Last time I changed the values of the armour I got yelled at but I'll look into this when I start coding again

          Originally posted by PapaSmurf View Post
          Also, can you vote to change maps in the mod? And I really think no-exit should be on.
          Atm you can't vote to change maps. I've been thinking of having a vote-nextmap option but not a vote-map one. That's open for debate of course. No-exit is on as in exiting the map will teleport you to the start of the map. There's a 1/5th chance that you will be killed when teleporting from exit to start.

          If no-exit was not on, then exiting a map would trigger the intermission thus ending the match.
          Last edited by Canadian*Sniper; 02-08-2008, 01:00 PM.


          • I'm going to be recoding NewDM from scratch so I can handle the changes properly. This will require testing that I will do on my home server with selected people when testing comes. The whitehot server will be hosting something a little different (soon. give me time) during this wait.

            What you can expect from NewDM when it's released again is map voting, custom maps, and observer mode. I'm at a busy stage in school right now so I ask that you all stay patient with NewDM's progress. I will work on it whenever I have free time and don't feel like quaking.


            • I tried to connect using glquake and nothing happens, it said I entered the game, but still on console.

              Do I need to download some files?


              • GLQuake is very, very primitive and I don't mean that in a good way. I mean bugs or things that don't work properly in certain situations. The situation you encountered means you have an NAT router which GLQuake is confusing.

                Use GL ProQuake 3.99 instead of GLQuake.


                It won't confuse your router with the way it does the connection handshake. JoeQuake, Qrack and DarkPlaces are also NAT-fixed.
       - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                • Originally posted by Baker View Post
                  GLQuake is very, very primitive and I don't mean that in a good way. I mean bugs or things that don't work properly in certain situations. The situation you encountered means you have an NAT router which GLQuake is confusing.

                  Use GL ProQuake 3.99 instead of GLQuake.


                  It won't confuse your router with the way it does the connection handshake. JoeQuake, Qrack and DarkPlaces are also NAT-fixed.
                  I used the glpro and when I went in to the server, I got this error message...

                  model maps/finaldest.bsp not found
                  unknown command "cl_serverextension_download"
                  Other servers worked fine except that one.


                  • NewDM has been removed from for the time being. I wasn't going to announce anything about this new mod and map until there were no more problems with the map (I have to address Zop about the framerate).

                    Just be patient. I'll make an entirely new thread announcing what's on sometime soon and will also provide a link to download the finaldest map

                    If you want to play NewDM, you can connect to Polarite's quake server here:


                    So ya. The reason you were stuck in console was because you don't have the finaldest map
                    Last edited by Canadian*Sniper; 02-25-2008, 09:22 AM.

