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  • hey

    Yeah so I bought this computer and I had gotten kind of rusty at pc. So i was using wifi and trying to play quake. Tried for like a week and gave up. So i finally sent some pics of my laptop to my buddy and he showed me I can actually hook up normally. So Im hopefully back now once I get a 100 foot ethernet cord. Anyways I realize Im pretty dumb for not realizing this for like 4 years and I wasted a lot of good quaking time. But once my ethernet cord comes in the mail I will try to play a few hours a week. So can I get a list of servers? Also I need console commands. I cant remember very many commands to get my quake setup properly. I was able to play on a foot stool yesterday and it was fun and it was actually super low ping. But runes?!? wtf. Anyways I do intend to be back now.

    Also if anyone could teach me how to move faster Im dying to learn. I used to be pretty good at it. But Im barely used to my sensitivity.

    I was just playing single player for a bit. I dunno what I did but theres clearly some commands I put in a few years ago that are messing with my ability to play single player. But anyways the cord is in the mail. Im hoping to get it this week cause Im off work till the 30th.

    Also when I go back to work the main time I will be able to play is at night. I finish work at 11:15pm eastern time usually. Sometimes earlier.

    Quake on!

  • #2
    Hi Herb

    For runequake the main commands you will need to get you going are as follows:

    Command: +hook
    Purpose: allows you to use the grappling hook (assuming it hasn't been voted off). The hook can really speed up your movement around a given map given a little practice.

    Command: rune-use
    Purpose: Some (but not all) runes require activation. So for example, if you have picked up the Quad Damage rune then the Quad Damage will not be activated until you activate the rune using "rune-use".

    Command: rune-delete
    Purpose: to allow to you drop a rune you no longer require/want

    Command: rune-tell
    Purpose: displays an on screen message advising you of the rune you are carrying.

    In practice most players will bind the above commands to a specific set of keys. For example, bind x rune-use

    There is also a lot of voting options so the players can vote to change the current map/level or tweak the server to their prefered play mode. Try vote-help in console to see more information.

    As I mentioned to you on the Shmack server, there are still quite a number of online servers available which you may like to try...
    Recommended Servers:
    Server Name Mod Address Port Location
    New York (FFA) FFA DM by Slot Zero 26000 New York
    New York (coop) RQuake Coop by Rocketguy 26001 New York
    New York (DMPlus) Death match Plus by Steve McFadden and Zop 26002 New York
    New York (CAx) CAx by Rook 26004 New York
    New York (ctctf) ctctf 26005 New York
    New York (crmod) crmod by J.P.Grossman 26006 New York
    New York (RuneQuakePlus) RuneQuake Plus by IEEE 802.11 26009 New York
    New York (NewDM) NewDM (with voteable bots) by Canadian Sniper 26010 New York
    EuroQuake / Bigfoot FFA DM by Slot Zero 26000 Belgium
    Shmack (RuneQuake) RuneQuake by Slot Zero 26000 Chicago
    Kind regards
    Last edited by Mr.Burns; 11-25-2020, 02:20 AM.
    "Helping to keep this community friendly, helpful, and clean of spammers since 2006"
    WWW: Quake Terminus , QuakeVoid You Tube: QuakeVoid

    News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT


    • #3
      hey cool thanks. I found some more servers too : 26010 and atleast 26000 also works : 26100 : 26000 : 26000 26000

      I seem to be missing a lot of maps. whenever I try to join 26006 its always on a map i cant use.
      Does anyone know how to setup quake so it automatically downloads the map or else where to get the maps?


      • #4
        Originally posted by herb ed View Post
        I seem to be missing a lot of maps. whenever I try to join 26006 its always on a map i cant use.
        Does anyone know how to setup quake so it automatically downloads the map or else where to get the maps?...
        Hi Herb,
        In case you haven't picked them up yet you should be able to find a series of server map packs over on . For example, the maps for the FFANY server at port 26000 can be downloaded from The maps for the coop server on port 26001 of the same server can downloaded from .

        Some (but not all) Quake engines will allow you to connect to a server, download the current map if you dont have it, and reconnect to the server to allow you to play it. For example, if you want to configure the latest version of proquake to autodownload maps you would edit the config file for your quake engine and add the following 2 lines:

        cl_web_download "1"
        cl_web_download_url ""
        To test it, connect to a server such as, vote for a map you dont have, and see if your engine tries to download the map and reconnect you to the server.

        Hope this helps

        Last edited by Mr.Burns; 12-27-2020, 04:19 PM.
        "Helping to keep this community friendly, helpful, and clean of spammers since 2006"
        WWW: Quake Terminus , QuakeVoid You Tube: QuakeVoid

        News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT


        • #5
          Herb. Long time, you making a come back? Still in the GTA I think?


          • #6
            LTNS! I'd join you but my PC can't run Quake.
            Quake One Resurrection

            Great Quake engine

            Qrack 1.60.1 Ubuntu Guide
            Get Qrack 1.60.1 running in Ubuntu!


            • #7
              Come join us in the Quake discord. It's where we organize games:


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mr.Burns View Post
                Hi Herb

                For runequake the main commands you will need to get you going are as follows:

                Command: +hook
                Purpose: allows you to use the grappling hook (assuming it hasn't been voted off). The hook can really speed up your movement around a given map given a little practice.

                Command: rune-use
                Purpose: Some (but not all) runes require activation. So for example, if you have picked up the Quad Damage rune then the Quad Damage will not be activated until you activate the rune using "rune-use".

                Command: rune-delete
                Purpose: to allow to you drop a rune you no longer require/want

                Command: rune-tell
                Purpose: displays an on screen message advising you of the rune you are carrying.

                In practice most players will bind the above commands to a specific set of keys. For example, bind x rune-use

                There is also a lot of voting options so the players can vote to change the current map/level or tweak the server to their prefered play mode. Try vote-help in console to see more information.

                As I mentioned to you on the Shmack server, there are still quite a number of online servers available which you may like to try...
                Recommended Servers:
                Server Name Mod Address Port Location
                New York (FFA) FFA DM by Slot Zero 26000 New York
                New York (coop) RQuake Coop by Rocketguy 26001 New York
                New York (DMPlus) Death match Plus by Steve McFadden and Zop 26002 New York
                New York (CAx) CAx by Rook 26004 New York
                New York (ctctf) ctctf 26005 New York
                New York (crmod) crmod by J.P.Grossman 26006 New York
                New York (RuneQuakePlus) RuneQuake Plus by IEEE 802.11 26009 New York
                New York (NewDM) real game casino live 26010 New York
                EuroQuake / Bigfoot FFA DM by Slot Zero 26000 Belgium
                Shmack (RuneQuake) RuneQuake by Slot Zero 26000 Chicago
                Kind regards
                Hi, thx for servers
                Last edited by Domition; 07-19-2021, 07:04 AM.


                • #9
                  Holy shit Ed! I haven't seen you since ...06? Doubt you remember me (RaVen X). How's it?

