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More Complete Archive Of All Quake 1 Bots

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  • jasonb
    Thank you akarta, I have added all of the quake client-side bots/bot cheats to the bot archive:

    Arctures, I have all of the frikbot waypoints here, including a few of the HIP maps:

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  • akarta
    Originally posted by jasonb View Post
    Hi, I'm obsessively locating all the old Quake 1 bots (Quake C mods) and mirroring the mod files on GitHub here:

    I've also created a cool quake 1 bot genealogy mindmap:

    We're up to about 121 bots now, but the archive is not complete, and we need help.

    - Maybe you know a bot that is not listed?
    - Maybe you have a mod .zip that I cannot track down?
    - Maybe you know about an older version of a bot we can add to the list?

    I also have a wish list of broken URLs for bot mods, maybe you have one of these files:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm open to suggestions for great places to look. I've been digging through Usenet from 1996, through gaming magazine CDs on the internet archive, through old gaming news sites (blues news, etc.) from back in 1996 and so much more.

    I've also been trying to track down the bot authors themselves to see if they have backups of their old .zip files or source code to contribute to the archive. All email addresses from back then bounce.

    - Maybe you know one of the bot authors and can reach out?

    Thanks, Jason.
    Jason do look at
    certainly an important development in bots

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  • Arctures
    Hi all,

    Seeing as this is a bot thread, I'd like to ask does anyone have Frikbot waypoints for Scourge of Armagon or Dissolution of Eternity? I recall a couple existed years ago back on the Frikbot Warehouse site, but those pages are all blank now.

    Also does anyone have a backup of Frikbot X with Painkeep which was mentioned in this thread? I read Lightning Hunter spent a long time improving the waypoints for this release and it's a real shame it's been lost to oblivion because he uploaded it to a temporary website I've tried contacting him twice by e-mail and got no response, so I assume he's left the community.

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  • vegetous
    Originally posted by bbb View Post
    Thanks but those answers didn't quite answer what I was after, I was probably not specific enough...

    What I am really after is how do I use frogbots with Rocket Arena maps?

    I saw in this file here that there is a filename called ""...

    and in that file is a whole bunch of maps with a .QC extension and it includes a whole bunch of Rocket Arena maps. Can I use those .QC files somehow? Do they somehow enable frogbots to play on the RA maps?

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  • bbb
    Thanks but those answers didn't quite answer what I was after, I was probably not specific enough...

    What I am really after is how do I use frogbots with Rocket Arena maps?

    I saw in this file here that there is a filename called ""...

    and in that file is a whole bunch of maps with a .QC extension and it includes a whole bunch of Rocket Arena maps. Can I use those .QC files somehow? Do they somehow enable frogbots to play on the RA maps?
    Last edited by bbb; 09-09-2021, 05:56 AM.

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  • Moon[Drunk]
    If you have nquake I think you need to replace the qwprogs.dat in your quake subfolder "fbca" with the one vegetous linked to.
    Now when you start your botmatch thru the menus you will get more maps to choose from.

    Have you tried the Humanoid by aq_lemonjuiced? Itīs quite challenging.

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  • vegetous
    You don't need the qc files, you'll need the qwprogs.dat from here:

    And put it inside your Quake main folder, in a subfolder named frogbot (for example)

    Alongside with a server.cfg file, like this one here: server.cfg
    sv_gamedir "frogbot"
    hostname "My Frogbot Server"
    sv_maxrate "90000
    sv_aim 2
    sv_maxspeed 320
    samelevel 8393536
    maxclients 8
    maxspectators 8
    fraglimit 0
    timelimit 10
    teamplay 0
    deathmatch 3
    rcon_password 123
    serverinfo allow_skybox "1"
    serverinfo watervis "0"
    serverinfo admin "email"
    serverinfo url ""
    registered "1"
    set pausable "1"
    set sv_demofps "30"
    set sv_onRecordFinish ""
    set allow_download_demos "1"
    allow_download "1" //allow downloads
    allow_download_skins "1"
    allow_download_models "1"
    allow_download_sounds "1"
    allow_download_maps "1"
    allow_download_pakmaps "1"
    sv_crypt_rcon "0"
    localinfo jawnmode 1
    localinfo k_timetop 999 // maximum time in minutes allocateable by a player for a game
    localinfo k_overtime 0 // Overtime mode (0 = off, 1 = time, 2 = SD)
    localinfo k_exttime 0 // Overtime length if overtime == 1
    localinfo allow_startsound 1 // Start sound mode (0 = off, 1 = on)
    localinfo k_count 3 // Number of seconds for the countdown to last
    localinfo autoreport 0 // Auto team report for humman (0 = off, 1 = on)
    localinfo k_spectalk 1 // spectators can talk to players during game
    localinfo add_q_aerowalk 1 // quad in map Aerowalk
    localinfo k_kfp 1 // "kill" flood protection
    localinfo proxy 1 // qizmo or mqwcl (0 = off, 1 = on)
    localinfo k_motd1 "Frogbot"
    // Teams names
    localinfo team0 zero
    localinfo team1 one
    localinfo team2 rock
    localinfo team3 cure
    localinfo team4 red
    localinfo team5 push
    localinfo team6 ram
    localinfo team7 star
    localinfo team8 none
    localinfo team9 mesh
    localinfo team10 jag
    localinfo team11 fore
    localinfo team12 edge
    localinfo team13 blue
    serverinfo maxfps 77 // maxfps
    A qw server like fteqw:

    Which will be placed in your main Quake folder (C:\Games\Quake, for example)

    And a command line to iniciate the server like here: C:\Games\fteqwsv64.exe -mem 32 +gamedir frogbot -port 27500 +map dm6

    Than run your favorite QW Client and connect to localhost: connect localhost

    OR you can download everything ready in a 7z file from here:
    Last edited by vegetous; 09-05-2021, 09:34 AM.

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  • bbb
    How do I get Frogbots to work with all the maps that I see in the "" folder in the mega file? I see they are all .qc files but I don't know where to put them?

    I have currently installed quake from nQuake and can play Frogbots on the default maps that come with that installation only.

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  • vegetous
    Happy to help!

    You're doing a great job to preserve this part of the Quake history!

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  • jasonb
    Thank you vegetous, I'm deeply grateful!

    The quake bot archive would not be as complete as it is without your contributions!

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  • vegetous
    Hi jasonb!

    I've got some bots for you:

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  • jasonb
    I would kill for a good archive of all the frogbot mods (FMODS), it seems they were wiped from the web when botepidemic went down.

    It's a shame because it seems the most popular/preferred bot now.

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  • jasonb
    Thanks, no problem at all.

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  • vegetous
    I had to re-upload the contents of my whishlist folder, cause I'm stupid! :p

    I was using a script to compare your whish list and my archive, but I didn't realize that the command line interface for everything, doesn't always return only exact matchs in the search results. So I end up adding some Sega Saturn files to that folder!

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  • jasonb
    This is fantastic, thank you so much!

    I'll download everything and update the archive.

    UPDATE: I've added all of the bots to the archive. Thanks again!
    Last edited by jasonb; 06-24-2021, 07:28 PM.

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