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Blaze (omdm1)

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  • #16
    This map kicks serious ass ORL. The Quad, Mega, and Pent locations are perfect and I love the multiple paths you can take in each area. Consider this in the NewDM custom map list

    The map kind of reminds me of that quake3 map where most of the map was inside a large building but there was also a small outside part with lava where the entrance was. There was a BFG and Biosuit in the outside area :/


    • #17
      Originally posted by Canadian*Sniper View Post
      This map kicks serious ass ORL. The Quad, Mega, and Pent locations are perfect and I love the multiple paths you can take in each area. Consider this in the NewDM custom map list

      The map kind of reminds me of that quake3 map where most of the map was inside a large building but there was also a small outside part with lava where the entrance was. There was a BFG and Biosuit in the outside area :/
      Thanks C*S. Although I should say that Polarite and Peg came up with a few ideas that really made the map shine, such as the air lift near the lightning gun and the teleporter in the outside area, as well as a few item suggestions, including all the megahealths you will find on the roof

      Glad to hear you put the map on the NewDM server list I'll have to hop on sometime.


      • #18
        i'm working on making frikbot waypoints for this map and some others.. great looking map by the way, looks like loads of fun to play. i'm liking the whole castle theme to it. great job.. i see that your mapping skills have progressed well =D

        its taking me longer than usual however since I broke my elbow and my cast disables me from using mouse+KB at the same time.

        i pretty much cant play guitar , drums, games, or anything that requires two arms.. im extremely bored so ill make just more waypoints, haha

        it would also be helpful if someone told me how to get the MH and Ring at the top so i wont have to waste too muchtime looking around.. also, is there another way to get the quad in front of the castle without doing that jump? its most likely not possible for the bots to do trickjumps like that.
        Last edited by Monster; 02-24-2008, 12:27 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ORL View Post
          Thanks C*S. Although I should say that Polarite and Peg came up with a few ideas that really made the map shine, such as the air lift near the lightning gun and the teleporter in the outside area, as well as a few item suggestions, including all the megahealths you will find on the roof
          My congrats goes to pol and peg as well then

          Originally posted by ORL View Post
          Glad to hear you put the map on the NewDM server list I'll have to hop on sometime.
          It's not up yet but it will be. Everyone will be notified whenever there is a change in the whitehot server


          • #20
            it would also be helpful if someone told me how to get the MH and Ring at the top so i wont have to waste too muchtime looking around.. also, is there another way to get the quad in front of the castle without doing that jump? its most likely not possible for the bots to do trickjumps like that.
            no i'm not gonna tell ya.. the fun is in finding out.. anyways.. i can tell ya that there is no teleport or whatever that goes there.. u need skillz my son!

            same goes for quad..

            hope your arm will have a speedy recovery btw
            Last edited by =peg=; 02-24-2008, 06:35 PM.


            • #21
              haha guess the frikbots probably wont be able to do it then... =p

              thanks, cant wait until i get this damned cast off so i can quake it up again.. =D


              • #22
                Heh. I didn't even realize that there was a ring on the roof Sneaky.


                • #23
                  monster's sex life has suffered tremendously since he broke his arm!


                  • #24
                    hah - what sex life? =P

                    by the way, i just finished the waypoint, i'll have it uploaded to the Waypoint Depot soon. works very well, they make all of the jumps and use the wind tunnel consistently.. they just cant get the quad and MH/Ring at the top because its impossible for them to do trickjumps like that.


                    • #25
                      Wow, this map looks is sweet as hell



                      • #26
                        I really liked this map, it was very playable even in laggy Europe.


                        • #27
                          Looks great.



                          • #28
                            we should get together and try it out heh

