Originally posted by Dreadful
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Hmmm. Thats odd, Omi, cause I went through the server's logs, several times, in fact. Reading and searching and reading and searching more. Not once did I see where it said you were kicked or banned... Interesting. And, I honestly don't recall you bringing such a thing to my attention before this. I'm not chickenshit, I just don't base my decisions on your opinions, no matter how much you would like that.
I will admit, Omi did get muted for no good reason. I apologize, and I have made it clear to the admins and the other players on the server, that bitch about shit talking, that this is a video game, and shit talking exists not matter what you do about it. Muting will only piss others off, as we've seen already. As for excessive mm1 chat, I would, and Im sure the other admins agree with me on this, mute, not kick, or ban, IF needed. Even though Omi was not excessively chatting in mm1.
Frenzy had the code for about a week, Some people came to me about it, and he abused the power, so I took it away. Mind you this was way before Y5 and SS started chipping in on the server with me.
Bib, however, has never had admin on SpeakNow.
Y5 And SS have worked with me on the server for a while now and recently started going in thirds on the price. This has been going on for several months now. You all never complained then. But, once you found out they were admins, I started getting complaints thrown at me left and right about their "adminship". So, whoever's ass your pulling this information out of is full of shit and I would quit reaching immediately. Its amazing how jealousy can stem from one simple discovery.
Well put.
Hey! Now, theres a concept that works!
Thanks At least I'm not too lazy too quote
I think sunshine was trying to keep the game organized for the others. They may have not minded that you CC, this is true. But most of the time on the Late Nights of the server, it is the better, not trying to fuck a game up crowd that plays.
Kicking you was wrong. If control of a situation like that has ever needed to be gained, I use the admin-remove command, which simply removes you from the current game, and I encourage this to be used by the other admins. I guess sometimes it just feels better to kick someone. =\
Better to have a server that can fall into shit, than not have one at all.
Same admins, different server.
I am handling the situation.
I do check the server logs, and I do know what is going on 85% of the time. I dont need Omi to post a public thread every time something happens on the server.
I will admit, Omi did get muted for no good reason. I apologize, and I have made it clear to the admins and the other players on the server, that bitch about shit talking, that this is a video game, and shit talking exists not matter what you do about it. Muting will only piss others off, as we've seen already. As for excessive mm1 chat, I would, and Im sure the other admins agree with me on this, mute, not kick, or ban, IF needed. Even though Omi was not excessively chatting in mm1.
Frenzy had the code for about a week, Some people came to me about it, and he abused the power, so I took it away. Mind you this was way before Y5 and SS started chipping in on the server with me.
Bib, however, has never had admin on SpeakNow.
Y5 And SS have worked with me on the server for a while now and recently started going in thirds on the price. This has been going on for several months now. You all never complained then. But, once you found out they were admins, I started getting complaints thrown at me left and right about their "adminship". So, whoever's ass your pulling this information out of is full of shit and I would quit reaching immediately. Its amazing how jealousy can stem from one simple discovery.
Well put.
Hey! Now, theres a concept that works!
Thanks At least I'm not too lazy too quote
I think sunshine was trying to keep the game organized for the others. They may have not minded that you CC, this is true. But most of the time on the Late Nights of the server, it is the better, not trying to fuck a game up crowd that plays.
Kicking you was wrong. If control of a situation like that has ever needed to be gained, I use the admin-remove command, which simply removes you from the current game, and I encourage this to be used by the other admins. I guess sometimes it just feels better to kick someone. =\
Better to have a server that can fall into shit, than not have one at all.
Same admins, different server.
I am handling the situation.
I do check the server logs, and I do know what is going on 85% of the time. I dont need Omi to post a public thread every time something happens on the server.