Lets start with my Quake story:
When I played quake1 (stopped 2003 and went to qw) we usually played 1on1/2on2/3on3/4on4/5on5 etc.. on dm6 with dmm3
The last tourney was held in the end of 2002 start of 2003, was called SQL!
Clans could choose what ever map they wanted from pak0/1 and what ever settings, but most clans just choosed dm6 4on4 hehe.
I used to play alot on the american servers and u guys just played 4on4 on dm3 with dmm1 and I used to think "oh how stupid, dm6 4on4 rox".
but now when Im playing QW its all 4on4 on dm2-3/e1m2 and it rox.
I just think that you guys underestimate QW but thats no problem, I used to do that myself, was administrator of the NetQuakeEurope site (netquake.be its down) and loved to always say that nothing can come close to Quake1.
My point is that, its not hard to play QW and get the movement and skills, its not a big of a difference between Q1 and QW.
Lots of my fellow Q1 players came with me after that last 4on4 tourney in Q1 and started playing QW even though we despised the game.
Endif and midair got us to change and the love for the tactical point of view (and ofcourse the activity, 70 clans in 4on4 tourney with over 500 players? http://eql.quakeworld.nu )
The community that we loved was just similar to the QW community.
not much hate, and once in a while some Dramah that got us involved and just spiced things up abit from time to time.
The QuakeWorld community right now
In australia ppl dont play 4on4 that much (well they actually have a hard time getting a mix games I think, though im not certain of it, its based of my AllSeeingEye updates!
In europe we play alot of 1on1/2on2/4on4 and FFA on a daily notice.
In USA/brazil u can find some 4on4's from time to time but ppl often play ctf/TF or clanArena (and 1on1/2on2 ofcourse)
I think if u guys still miss the 4on4 action that u had in Q1, you can still get the excitement in QW and then for your reunions that u might have (in q1) every wednesday/sunday (as we had in Q1) get back and play your beloved game.
I just want u to try to spectate the commentary games and maybe try some ffa and see that its not a big of a difference (try endif (mid_air)).
Im not trying to convert you, im just trying to say that its not that different.
For your questions baker: http://www.quakeone.com/forums/showp...81&postcount=2
The clans nowdays dont use qizmo voice, they use Teamspeak client or Ventrilo. before a official game, the admins get in their servers to check if they are "ghosting" (= having another player in the voice to give them info of the game)
The clients allowed are fuhquake/ezQuake and there are security patches for each one of the clients + there are some cmd lines needed.
the rules are:
Timelimit: 20 minutes
Overtime: 5 minutes if match is a draw
Deathmatch mode: 1 = weapons respawn 30 sec after u take them
Team play mode: 2 = team damage
Spawn model: Kteam, KteamPro or Normal QW
Powerups: ON = powerups spawns 1min after u take them
Discharge: ON = u can discharge the shaft in lava/water
FPS: A max of 77 fps is allowed.
KFjump: Toggled OFF (command = tkfjump) = no rocket scripts are allowed that can do the movment for the player
For big games www.Quakeworld.nu team have:
Pre show (mostly with me, sassa as host with some interviews with some players and some insight of the game, to look at the teams pracc before their official game)
Game Gaz or Hangtime from UK with fluent English take over and give us great coverage of the game, with controlling the point of view for the spectators so we follow the same view all the time and talk about what the players are doing and what they should have done etc.. gives us more info..
After talk I (sassa) take over and get some interviews from the players from the game and just gather it all togheter and then end the night
We used to gather ppl for Demo-Nights before.
You can in Quakeworld watch a demo togheter with as many ppl as u want through Qizmo (a proxy made for QW). We took old demos (clan9 vs DR etc) and watch and commentated etc..
We had Quiz nights aswell, with old questions that ppl used to answere in #quakeworld @ irc.quakenet.org
Our big game has been the smackdown4 (?) finals with over 500 ppl listening on the teamspeak of me hangtime and blitz commentating the game and over 1000 ppl watching the game live on several qizmo's.
This years EQL2 finals had ~200 ppl listening and over 400 ppl watching the game without any commercial broadcast on the big esport-sites.
If u want to watch a game live and listen to the commentary, then just hang around www.QuakeWorld.nu for the news to dropp in, or just go into the NQR or EQL section of the forum to see the dates of the big games.
The EuropeanQuakeLeague, the NationsQuakeRank and Duelmania are working togheter with www.QuakeWorld.nu .
Not only European teams are allowed, we have 3 american teams in EQL and 2 in NQR.
EQL is more like a league with 5 divisions 1-2 games / week
NQR is a playoff tourney with 1 game each 3 weeks.
Duelmania is a 1on1 tourney with bracket system (looser/winner)
NQR has a 2on2 ladder and a 4on4 ladder aswell, and just recently opened a 2on2 ladder in USA!
The QuakeWorld.nu site went down almost a year ago and we are rebuilding it as we speak to make it a better community place for all Quakers (yes even you here, but I think quakeone.com is way better for you if your not intrested of what I have writen here)
Quakeworld.us was a temporary solution for Quakeworld.nu but now we are back
I was supposed to reply another topic ( http://www.quakeone.com/forums/showt...=2578#post2578 ) but after some time I just saw that this post should have its own topic.
We are right now (thnx for CheapAlerts notice on eQuake) working on a legal solution and we will have it for you very soon, so everyone can install Quake/QuakeWorld legally without stepping on some licence or stuff..
As for the Quakeworld community?
I did a interview with a guy that just came into QW 2 months ago and is already playing in a clan ( http://quakeworld.nu/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=4064 )
I was happy to see his answere to this question:
What can we improve to make the way of getting into QW easier?
I think it's great as it is. It's childproof, but other than that it's good. As I said it's just to ask anyone for help and you can almost be sure to get it. The hard part is getting into a clan and start playing TDM. You have to be pretty good even for div 5. I'm not the best player, but I've made some really good strides smile.
And I was lucky and found Eipert who took me in even that I told him I couldn't play. But It's worked out great.
This whole post might be crap, im tired, its 08:00 am here and I need some sleep soon, el classico is coming closer.
But I was so eager to get this out and to get clear to you guys that I was one of u (or I still am) from 1996->2003 and I thought the same way as u guys and I dont want you to stop playing Quake1 (QUAKE1 still rules), but come and enjoy some Commentary games and have some fun, because QuakeWorld is almost like Quake1, just some small differences. You will enjoy the spectating as it was the World cup finals (or super bowl if ur american)
I will leave u with some links to the most popular Leagues and the sites that broadcast the info of the big commentary games
QuakeWorld.nu = http://www.QuakeWorld.nu
QW.nu/forum = http://www.QuakeWorld.nu/forum
EQL = http://eql.quakeworld.nu
NQR = http://nqr.quakeworld.nu
duelmania = http://www.duelmania.net
(no, this is not a try to get ppl over at the qw sites, its just some information that might be handy if you liked what I wrote but I dont think u had the energy to read all of it
PS. Me and Phrenic recently talked about the activity in QW in sweden.
We found some numbers and it showed that QW is actully bigger than Q2 and q4, but more surprisingly was that its even bigger than Q3.
When I played quake1 (stopped 2003 and went to qw) we usually played 1on1/2on2/3on3/4on4/5on5 etc.. on dm6 with dmm3

The last tourney was held in the end of 2002 start of 2003, was called SQL!
Clans could choose what ever map they wanted from pak0/1 and what ever settings, but most clans just choosed dm6 4on4 hehe.
I used to play alot on the american servers and u guys just played 4on4 on dm3 with dmm1 and I used to think "oh how stupid, dm6 4on4 rox".
but now when Im playing QW its all 4on4 on dm2-3/e1m2 and it rox.
I just think that you guys underestimate QW but thats no problem, I used to do that myself, was administrator of the NetQuakeEurope site (netquake.be its down) and loved to always say that nothing can come close to Quake1.
My point is that, its not hard to play QW and get the movement and skills, its not a big of a difference between Q1 and QW.
Lots of my fellow Q1 players came with me after that last 4on4 tourney in Q1 and started playing QW even though we despised the game.
Endif and midair got us to change and the love for the tactical point of view (and ofcourse the activity, 70 clans in 4on4 tourney with over 500 players? http://eql.quakeworld.nu )
The community that we loved was just similar to the QW community.
not much hate, and once in a while some Dramah that got us involved and just spiced things up abit from time to time.
The QuakeWorld community right now
In australia ppl dont play 4on4 that much (well they actually have a hard time getting a mix games I think, though im not certain of it, its based of my AllSeeingEye updates!
In europe we play alot of 1on1/2on2/4on4 and FFA on a daily notice.
In USA/brazil u can find some 4on4's from time to time but ppl often play ctf/TF or clanArena (and 1on1/2on2 ofcourse)
I think if u guys still miss the 4on4 action that u had in Q1, you can still get the excitement in QW and then for your reunions that u might have (in q1) every wednesday/sunday (as we had in Q1) get back and play your beloved game.
I just want u to try to spectate the commentary games and maybe try some ffa and see that its not a big of a difference (try endif (mid_air)).
Im not trying to convert you, im just trying to say that its not that different.
For your questions baker: http://www.quakeone.com/forums/showp...81&postcount=2
The clans nowdays dont use qizmo voice, they use Teamspeak client or Ventrilo. before a official game, the admins get in their servers to check if they are "ghosting" (= having another player in the voice to give them info of the game)
The clients allowed are fuhquake/ezQuake and there are security patches for each one of the clients + there are some cmd lines needed.
the rules are:
Timelimit: 20 minutes
Overtime: 5 minutes if match is a draw
Deathmatch mode: 1 = weapons respawn 30 sec after u take them
Team play mode: 2 = team damage
Spawn model: Kteam, KteamPro or Normal QW
Powerups: ON = powerups spawns 1min after u take them
Discharge: ON = u can discharge the shaft in lava/water
FPS: A max of 77 fps is allowed.
KFjump: Toggled OFF (command = tkfjump) = no rocket scripts are allowed that can do the movment for the player
For big games www.Quakeworld.nu team have:
Pre show (mostly with me, sassa as host with some interviews with some players and some insight of the game, to look at the teams pracc before their official game)
Game Gaz or Hangtime from UK with fluent English take over and give us great coverage of the game, with controlling the point of view for the spectators so we follow the same view all the time and talk about what the players are doing and what they should have done etc.. gives us more info..
After talk I (sassa) take over and get some interviews from the players from the game and just gather it all togheter and then end the night
We used to gather ppl for Demo-Nights before.
You can in Quakeworld watch a demo togheter with as many ppl as u want through Qizmo (a proxy made for QW). We took old demos (clan9 vs DR etc) and watch and commentated etc..
We had Quiz nights aswell, with old questions that ppl used to answere in #quakeworld @ irc.quakenet.org
Our big game has been the smackdown4 (?) finals with over 500 ppl listening on the teamspeak of me hangtime and blitz commentating the game and over 1000 ppl watching the game live on several qizmo's.
This years EQL2 finals had ~200 ppl listening and over 400 ppl watching the game without any commercial broadcast on the big esport-sites.
If u want to watch a game live and listen to the commentary, then just hang around www.QuakeWorld.nu for the news to dropp in, or just go into the NQR or EQL section of the forum to see the dates of the big games.
The EuropeanQuakeLeague, the NationsQuakeRank and Duelmania are working togheter with www.QuakeWorld.nu .
Not only European teams are allowed, we have 3 american teams in EQL and 2 in NQR.
EQL is more like a league with 5 divisions 1-2 games / week
NQR is a playoff tourney with 1 game each 3 weeks.
Duelmania is a 1on1 tourney with bracket system (looser/winner)
NQR has a 2on2 ladder and a 4on4 ladder aswell, and just recently opened a 2on2 ladder in USA!
The QuakeWorld.nu site went down almost a year ago and we are rebuilding it as we speak to make it a better community place for all Quakers (yes even you here, but I think quakeone.com is way better for you if your not intrested of what I have writen here)
Quakeworld.us was a temporary solution for Quakeworld.nu but now we are back

I was supposed to reply another topic ( http://www.quakeone.com/forums/showt...=2578#post2578 ) but after some time I just saw that this post should have its own topic.
We are right now (thnx for CheapAlerts notice on eQuake) working on a legal solution and we will have it for you very soon, so everyone can install Quake/QuakeWorld legally without stepping on some licence or stuff..
As for the Quakeworld community?
I did a interview with a guy that just came into QW 2 months ago and is already playing in a clan ( http://quakeworld.nu/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=4064 )
I was happy to see his answere to this question:
What can we improve to make the way of getting into QW easier?
I think it's great as it is. It's childproof, but other than that it's good. As I said it's just to ask anyone for help and you can almost be sure to get it. The hard part is getting into a clan and start playing TDM. You have to be pretty good even for div 5. I'm not the best player, but I've made some really good strides smile.
And I was lucky and found Eipert who took me in even that I told him I couldn't play. But It's worked out great.
This whole post might be crap, im tired, its 08:00 am here and I need some sleep soon, el classico is coming closer.
But I was so eager to get this out and to get clear to you guys that I was one of u (or I still am) from 1996->2003 and I thought the same way as u guys and I dont want you to stop playing Quake1 (QUAKE1 still rules), but come and enjoy some Commentary games and have some fun, because QuakeWorld is almost like Quake1, just some small differences. You will enjoy the spectating as it was the World cup finals (or super bowl if ur american)

I will leave u with some links to the most popular Leagues and the sites that broadcast the info of the big commentary games
QuakeWorld.nu = http://www.QuakeWorld.nu
QW.nu/forum = http://www.QuakeWorld.nu/forum
EQL = http://eql.quakeworld.nu
NQR = http://nqr.quakeworld.nu
duelmania = http://www.duelmania.net
(no, this is not a try to get ppl over at the qw sites, its just some information that might be handy if you liked what I wrote but I dont think u had the energy to read all of it

PS. Me and Phrenic recently talked about the activity in QW in sweden.
We found some numbers and it showed that QW is actully bigger than Q2 and q4, but more surprisingly was that its even bigger than Q3.