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Will come back to quake if..
I completely agree that 50 rockets should be the standard on ca servers.
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lol... ok i guess i was put in my place. Cant really argue with your post at all.
I just would like to at least go back to 50 rockets.
and NO, thanks for YOUR time.
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sorry disco but how exactly are u qualified to say how the developers intended the weapons to be used? You are certain that they intended the grenade launcher to be used primarily as a weapon for firing into other rooms while camping an area? The idea of the firing gl using up two rockets is to discourage people from exactly the type of play that you tend to rely on when you get on your high horse about "I'll play how I want to play, who are you to tell me how I should play this game." Which still boggles my mind sometimes since you're obviously capable of just running around looking for a fight which is what I and most people who still play ca do(it's also what you did last time I saw you play).
But yes, using rocket launcher to fire at doors or walls while sitting in one general area is also spam. No denying that. Everything in moderation though disco...a little bit of spam is pretty accepted in quake. It's only when you decide to try to piss people off by spamming constantly(and you know you have, also no denying that) that you will be verbally accosted for it. Thanks for your time. ;D
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you rock
Originally posted by Disco Rockstar View PostIf you are good enough then you wont walk around acorner blindly into a pile of grenades or try and fight at the mound with 10 other people.
It is definetuckingly time to go back to the original weapon useage.
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its not everyones routing. It depends on your ISP. Im coming from texas and i still ping 40 to speaknow. Why dont you just drop your Cable and get DSL.
Also Rage is fun and all but its getting ridiculous now with the 40 ROCKETS/GL count cap. Comeon... we have gone from 100 to 50 and now to 40? What is next? 10 rockets and the person that waits until the end wins?
GL takes 2 rockets to use as well..
The Rocket Launcher and the Grenade Launcher were put into the game to be USED. You call it spam when i toss grenades but is that any different than firing your rockets at walls near the ground or around corners hoping to catch someone? No its the same thing. We need to go back to the way these weapons were intended to be used.
If you are good enough then you wont walk around acorner blindly into a pile of grenades or try and fight at the mound with 10 other people.
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As you all may know, I very rarely respond to this threads, but this I found a little confusing.
First off Souless, you are not missing anything. Second, almost every day for the past few weeks there has been some sort of DM activity. Even more impressing, everyday last week there were multiple ctf games going on throughout the day.
I would like to see you come back to quake as well, but that requires communication. You vanish for months, keep very little contact with anyone, and expect to be pampered into coming back to a game you seem to not care for anyway.
The routing to Chicago has been messed up for months, so I do not think complaining to your isp will clear the situation. I am more than willing to play on rage with you, but then that requires effort on your behalf. You can contact me here, or on mirc. I'm not a hard person to find.
I may offer this as a suggestion, try ctf.
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hey I liked playing with souless and would like to see him come back. my speaknow ping is fucked also :/. for me that means 50-60 ping instead of 25 though. I don't know whats up, peoples routing to chicago has been all fucked up for like 3-4 months now. It seems to mostly be people on comcast? and actually the speaknow server has been really choppy this week, i think fatpipes is overloading the box its on
There are actually a lot of people who prefer rage. People come on all the time and say "rage anyone??" If you want to start a game on rage just connect it doesn't take long. I do this whenever speaknow isn't smooth for me.
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to the quake mobeal
dananananananana danananana Q1!!!!
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Gee fellas, if we all band together we can bring him back to quake1! Whadya Say!?!?
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I don't think 2 of those 3 things you listed are very feasible, maybe its time to just deal with it :/
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