1. Spawn Shields
If I were to single other the one thing that I think has made the biggest difference in having fun on a server, I would have to say it is the spawn shields.
Back 4 years ago, there were no spawn shields.
A good player would go out of there way to memorize all the spawn points on a map and shoot rockets and grenades at the spawn points, even if no player was present.
Additionally, it was annoying dealing with spawn campers that would pitch a tent and continually grenade bomb a spawn point.
Those spawn campers, if you killed them, would go right back to the same place and do it again.
2. Grappling Hook
I used to hate the grappling hook. I thought it detracted with the obstacles of a map and thought it eliminated the coolness of rocket jumping.
But the truth is, I also initially hate the hook because I was a ground player and entering a server with a hook with like an upside down world for me.
Plus, I used to suck with the hook.
3. Strong Spawn and Runes
The two most popular server types are CA+, with no self damage and spawn with full armor, and rune servers where you get basically acquire a permanent power-up.
Doom 2 deathmatch always seemed to be fun the way it was made. But for me, vanilla Quake deathmatch always seemed to be a bit lacking.
I like playing Rocket Arena, CA+, IHOC or even Practice Mode DM where emphasis is on tactics, and less emphasis is on map control. That's just me.
4. Enhanced Voting/User-Friendliness
I think vote-map/warp is the most important characteristic on any server. In the old days, you often only had vote-exit and that was if the server permitted non-admins to have say in the map change.
What do you feel is the best improvement over vanilla Quake out-of-the-box as far as it applies to online play?
If I were to single other the one thing that I think has made the biggest difference in having fun on a server, I would have to say it is the spawn shields.
Back 4 years ago, there were no spawn shields.
A good player would go out of there way to memorize all the spawn points on a map and shoot rockets and grenades at the spawn points, even if no player was present.
Additionally, it was annoying dealing with spawn campers that would pitch a tent and continually grenade bomb a spawn point.
Those spawn campers, if you killed them, would go right back to the same place and do it again.
2. Grappling Hook
I used to hate the grappling hook. I thought it detracted with the obstacles of a map and thought it eliminated the coolness of rocket jumping.
But the truth is, I also initially hate the hook because I was a ground player and entering a server with a hook with like an upside down world for me.
Plus, I used to suck with the hook.
3. Strong Spawn and Runes
The two most popular server types are CA+, with no self damage and spawn with full armor, and rune servers where you get basically acquire a permanent power-up.
Doom 2 deathmatch always seemed to be fun the way it was made. But for me, vanilla Quake deathmatch always seemed to be a bit lacking.
I like playing Rocket Arena, CA+, IHOC or even Practice Mode DM where emphasis is on tactics, and less emphasis is on map control. That's just me.
4. Enhanced Voting/User-Friendliness
I think vote-map/warp is the most important characteristic on any server. In the old days, you often only had vote-exit and that was if the server permitted non-admins to have say in the map change.
What do you feel is the best improvement over vanilla Quake out-of-the-box as far as it applies to online play?