I'd like to make a request in which will require the help of Administrators and Registered Users...
People who use this site regularly, often refer to each other as a community. Being a niche community, makes it challenging to inspire new people to join and current people to stay. That means the flow of attendance will have the natural gravitation to deplete...death, new interests, or otherwise.
It is our burden to attract (outwardly or passively) people to this site to sustain mutual interests and it's future.
We can either continue our path as "The nature of the beast" for the culture of the community; or we can be progressive and aware of what we have and work towards an enlightened culture that is stimulating to be around.
We need to clean up our act.
Browsing through the forums (modern and days-of-ole), I see much distasteful discussions that alienate people. Threads that should have been tossed out a long time ago that have no constructive element, just destruction. Publicly view depictions of our dirty laundry.
These threads I am referring to reflect animosity, bias, and prejudice towards each other and those who would normally be in our community.
Sorry for being so...verbose... but I honestly believe I need to spell everything out to get my point across.
My request is that everyone reports offensive content, request removal of threads, and would be actively conscious of what it is you put out there: Using discretion in your expression.
Do all complaints need to be aired in a new thread? Has this complaint been referred to before? Would your message best be suited in a Private Message or a Social Group?
One feature the QuakeOne.com forums could use, is the option of a thread life span. If you knew that your topic would be short lived, or irreverent after a period of time, it would be nice to set an expiration date.
-Master Splinter
People who use this site regularly, often refer to each other as a community. Being a niche community, makes it challenging to inspire new people to join and current people to stay. That means the flow of attendance will have the natural gravitation to deplete...death, new interests, or otherwise.
It is our burden to attract (outwardly or passively) people to this site to sustain mutual interests and it's future.
We can either continue our path as "The nature of the beast" for the culture of the community; or we can be progressive and aware of what we have and work towards an enlightened culture that is stimulating to be around.
We need to clean up our act.
Browsing through the forums (modern and days-of-ole), I see much distasteful discussions that alienate people. Threads that should have been tossed out a long time ago that have no constructive element, just destruction. Publicly view depictions of our dirty laundry.
These threads I am referring to reflect animosity, bias, and prejudice towards each other and those who would normally be in our community.
Sorry for being so...verbose... but I honestly believe I need to spell everything out to get my point across.
My request is that everyone reports offensive content, request removal of threads, and would be actively conscious of what it is you put out there: Using discretion in your expression.
Do all complaints need to be aired in a new thread? Has this complaint been referred to before? Would your message best be suited in a Private Message or a Social Group?
One feature the QuakeOne.com forums could use, is the option of a thread life span. If you knew that your topic would be short lived, or irreverent after a period of time, it would be nice to set an expiration date.
-Master Splinter