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  • Rampage

    This may sound like a Quake crush...

    But Rampage is good. Smooth movements, and FAST. Guess it's the first time Ive watched him. May I ask your setup? Quake Client, Mouse, FOV, Sensitivity, mousepad, hell how you rest your arm. I have played since the game came out on and off but it seems like I hit glass ceilings. I want to get better. If you dont want to give up the goods I understand. Hell you can IM me this stuff if it's super secret. or even email it to me.
    Last edited by Patton; 02-01-2010, 08:56 AM.
    Originally posted by Baker
    Why does the biggest cry baby in the forums use an Arnold Schwarzenegger avatar? Arnold never cries like a little girl like how you have cried in every Kimp thread.

  • #2
    Originally posted by stolen View Post
    This may sound like a Quake crush...

    But Rampage is good. Smooth movements, and FAST. Guess it's the first time Ive watched him. May I ask your setup? Quake Client, Mouse, FOV, Sensitivity, mousepad, hell how you rest your arm. I have played since the game came out on and off but it seems like I hit glass ceilings. I want to get better. If you dont want to give up the goods I understand. Hell you can IM me this stuff if it's super secret. or even email it to me. [email protected]
    I'll just do it here for the sake of other people reading who are also interested.. hopefully you aren't kimp... since he asks me for this information every day of the week..

    Quake Client = Proquake 3.5 .. I prefer fuzzy shaft and all that.. if you're an oldschool Quaker you should know by now that straight shaft in NQ in the old days = cheat! fuzzy shaft in comparison is tougher to deal with because you can see yourself being hit..

    pq_maxfps = 400 (it lowers my ping by about 20).. the vid card is actually quite weak.. its really up and down but always over 300 FPS.. which is still decent enough for an old game like Quake

    Fov = 100.. I used to play with 90 but it's definitely slower when you RJ

    mouse = MX300 (old school, it skips DPI from time to time but it does the job for this game). I had an intelli 1.1 which I loved but it malfunctioned.

    Sensitivity = 7 .. the reason for this is because 7 is adaptable for both RJ and good aim, I don't have to compensate for either.. people create different sensitivities for different weapons but I believe that can actually mess up your timing and aim since your brain is constantly trying to adjust to different speeds.. I would suggest if you want to move fast but keep your aim stable you find an inbetween sensitivity (not too high, not too low). Each of us has different timing and reaction time, so that's also something to take into account when you try different settings.

    Resting your arm is actually a really important factor, if not the most important.. most people have their elbow/arm in the air and their wrist on the table.. this is actually quite poor.. also having different levels is not a good idea either (ie your keyboard is a level below your desk so your left hand is on the keyboard but is below your right hand which is on the mouse/desk).. you should make sure you have an arm rest for your elbow.. and that your arm rest is level with your desk (so your arm isnt tilted upwards too much, only slightly). This in particular has helped my shaft % for a long time.

    If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.

    Key setup:

    Q = hook
    w = forward
    s = back
    a = left strafe
    d = right strafe
    space = jump/swim up
    2 = swim down
    shift = impulse 2 (for boomstick)
    x = shaft
    mouse2 = rocket launcher


    • #3
      Neat and Thanks!

      No not Kimp. Patton is the name I'm known by some. Played as stolen for like a month now as I don't even remember why I started using patton 10 or so years ago.

      Couple more simple questions. Do you use the D_input or m_filter or any other mouse effecting commands and your not weirded out by me or anything now right?
      Originally posted by Baker
      Why does the biggest cry baby in the forums use an Arnold Schwarzenegger avatar? Arnold never cries like a little girl like how you have cried in every Kimp thread.


      • #4
        No dinput and no m_filter, all default Quake settings other than fov/maxfps adjustment.


        • #5
          i also use FPS-400 and i also use fOV 100...

          Everything else is completely diff though. Must explain why i am better.

          Hey update the grunt vault! i enjoy reading those.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Disco Rockstar View Post
            i also use FPS-400 and i also use fOV 100...

            Everything else is completely diff though. Must explain why i am better.

            Hey update the grunt vault! i enjoy reading those.
            I'm extremely busy, moving out soon, but I will see if I can get around to it, I don't like the way the update is being handled.


            • #7
              u like tals dick?


              • #8
                yeah the grunt vault should have its own sub page with links in it for each separate grunt of the week. The whole messageboard thing sucks because people think they have already read it and there are 90 other comments in there about the other grunt people...


                • #9
                  Tal your E is open should use that for shaft instead of X


                  • #10
                    For some reason I got used to X and Q for hook, what do you use for hook Rook?


                    • #11
                      gosh i was such a bitch 4 months ago.
                      Originally posted by Baker
                      Why does the biggest cry baby in the forums use an Arnold Schwarzenegger avatar? Arnold never cries like a little girl like how you have cried in every Kimp thread.


                      • #12
                        I think it takes a lot of balls to flatter someone over the internet, we get a lot of hate spread across these forums nowadays so you rarely find someone who is actually willing to put himself out there like that. In the same respect, I think there are others like Cata, Spoon, Vis (for his ping), Krix (for his ping), Bib and a few select others who deserve as much credit as you've given me here.

                        Early on when I first started playing Quake I was really a mediocre player but after I got into CA I had a chance to play against some of these guys consistently and it made me much better.. (along with other oldschool players who are no longer around)..

                        Although I don't play as much now, I feel like I've had an indirect impact on some of the current players in terms of their ability to pull off different RJ maneuvers (Rev, Phenom, Mindz etc) that I've been using for a long time.. the CA game has evolved quite a bit.. most of the oldschool players relied more on aim and stationary positions and now we're seeing more players fly around the map.. another thing to note is that in the past there were only a few who had a very good shaft but now there are more players who are averaging 20%+ shaft efficiency .. it sucks that the map rotation has come to a stall (the server should really enforce a 5 map rotation without the ability to switch back to DM3 -- just have it as part of the rotation).. and many of the top players from CA are now strictly playing DM.. (while CTF is dead..)
                        Last edited by Rampage; 05-21-2010, 05:19 PM.


                        • #13
                          Yah ,I've borrowed quite a bit from you over the years. It happened really easy, considering our paths crossed many times throughout Quake on different mods

                          DM would see much more gameplay from myself if it wasn't so non-pickup friendly style Quake (ie, less than 5minutes per game,able to CC freely)

                          Everytime I connect to a DM server, atleast half are -99'd and I just cant tolerate waiting haha
                          Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!

