This may sound like a Quake crush...
But Rampage is good. Smooth movements, and FAST. Guess it's the first time Ive watched him. May I ask your setup? Quake Client, Mouse, FOV, Sensitivity, mousepad, hell how you rest your arm. I have played since the game came out on and off but it seems like I hit glass ceilings. I want to get better. If you dont want to give up the goods I understand. Hell you can IM me this stuff if it's super secret. or even email it to me.
But Rampage is good. Smooth movements, and FAST. Guess it's the first time Ive watched him. May I ask your setup? Quake Client, Mouse, FOV, Sensitivity, mousepad, hell how you rest your arm. I have played since the game came out on and off but it seems like I hit glass ceilings. I want to get better. If you dont want to give up the goods I understand. Hell you can IM me this stuff if it's super secret. or even email it to me.