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config of #1 1v1 player

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  • config of #1 1v1 player

    For those who know load1mbimage, he won the 1v1 of the best 2 in NQ about a month ago. (Demo at

    He is known to be the best 1v1 DM player in the world in Quake 1 NetQuake.

    Well here is his config that he uses with the XQuake Client Software version (which can be downloaded at



    bind mouse2 +forward
    bind a +back
    bind z +moveleft
    bind x +moveright
    bind s +jump
    bind ctrl "+attack"
    bind mouse1 "+hook"


    bind 2 "impulse 2"
    bind 3 "impulse 3"
    bind 4 "impulse 4"
    bind 5 "impulse 5"
    bind c "impulse 7"
    bind d "impulse 8"
    bind v "impulse 6"


    bind ` toggleconsole
    bind tab +showscores
    bind + sizeup
    bind - sizedown
    bind p ping
    bind f10 quit
    bind f12 screenshot
    bind end kill
    bind ins e"xec ctf.cfg"
    bind del e"xec stefan.cfg"


    cl_forwardspeed 400
    cl_backspeed 400
    cl_sidespeed 400
    cl_rollangle 0
    scr_conspeed 9000
    sensitivity 3
    d_mipscale 1
    d_mipcap 3
    v_kicktime 0
    crosshair 3
    viewsize 110
    d_mipcap 3
    m_pitch .022
    volume .4
    cl_bob .0
    gamma .3
    m_yaw .022
    sv_aim 1
    sv_maxspeed 360
    fov 120
    v_kickpitch 0
    v_kickroll 0
    r_waterwarp 0
    cl_bob 0
    cl_bobup 0
    cl_bobcycle 1
    ambient_level 0
    sys_ticrate 0.01
    r_drawviewmodel 0


    bind q messagemode2
    bind t messagemode


    alias brb "name l1mi brb"
    alias eat "name l1mi food"
    alias 0 "color 0"
    alias 1 "color 1"
    alias 2 "color 2"
    alias 3 "color 3"
    alias 4 "color 4"
    alias 5 "color 5"
    alias 6 "color 6"
    alias 7 "color 7"
    alias 8 "color 8"
    alias 9 "color 9"
    alias 10 "color 10"
    alias 11 "color 11"
    alias 12 "color 12"
    alias 13 "color 13"

    alias n "notready"
    alias r "ready"
    alias o "observer"


    max_fps 135

    pq_quadblend 15
    pq_suitblend 1
    pq_ringblend 10
    pq_pentblend 10
    con_filter 1
    demo_progress 0
    cl_flash 1

    crosshaircolor "192"
    cl_pentarmor 1
    cl_swimup "1"
    cl_fullpitch "3"
    cl_itembob "0"
    cl_teamrequests "0"

    pq_timer "1"
    pq_teamscores "0"
    pq_scoreboard_pings "1"
    pq_spam_grace "5"
    tp_took "0"
    pq_confilter 1
    hud_sbar_drawoverlay "0"

    fps_fastsky "1"
    fps_fastwater "1"
    fps_deadbodyfilter "1"
    fps_gibfilter "1"
    fps_drawflame "0"
    fps_smoketrail "0"
    fps_missileparticles "0"
    fps_bulletparticles "0"
    fps_splashparticles "0"
    fps_bloodfilter "1"
    fps_explosion "0"
    fps_skycolor 250
    fps_watercolor 15

    d_mipcap "4"
    d_mipscale "50"
    max_fps 300

    pq_ringblend 0
    pq_quadblend 0
    pq_pentblend 0
    pq_waterblend 0
    pq_maxfps 300
    r_polyblend 0


    echo "-server cfg loaded-

    // Dm servers \\

    alias rq "port 26000; connect"
    alias qrf "port 26000; connect"
    alias rq2 "port 26001;wait; connect"
    alias hdz "port 26000; connect"
    alias flanders "port 26000; connect"
    alias gchq "port 26000; connect"

    bind del "exec stefan.cfg"

    Last edited by kimp; 04-24-2010, 02:44 PM.

  • #2

    this shit makes me laugh.. he beat me with weapon stay.. have him play the mod im used to and i win everytime... I just have big enough balls to play something i'm not used 2. Weapon stay is a whole different game. For example, u kill someone at mega health and he spawns up top where mega is, u don't go after the freefrag. U let him live and u run to ra and get ra. If u kill him at mega and don't leave the free frag alone he'll spawn at RA, get the rl and he has control again.. Pretty lame if u ask me..

    Kimpo since he's the #1 player in the world, set it up so we have another 1 v 1. If he says know to play w/o weapon stay he's basically like wolv with a slit b/w his legs.



    • #3
      Originally posted by chris View Post

      Kimpo since he's the #1 player in the world, set it up so we have another 1 v 1.

      That was played at a server which both westcoast and post-atlantic players ping evenly at-

      But krix and loaded both pinged 110-115 there...

      It would have been a server where international matches could be played..

      However I think its down now--

      Perhaps when there is another server in ny there can be another match in dmm1, as NY servers are where they ping best at to the US


      • #4
        set it up..

        ill play with any ping as long as it's the same all the way around.... ask that ****** if when we played w/o weapon stay who would win .. i beat that dood on the regular..


        • #5
          Kirx is 2ez.


          • #6
            DMM3 is completely different than DMM1. Krix has advantage DMM1 and loaded has advantage DMM3. Europe has been playing DMM3 for as long as it's been an option, and we've been doing DMM1 since 1945 or whatever. This isn't even worth arguing.

            In other news, loaded is the only player besides myself that I've seen using mouse2 as forward.


            • #7
              I use mouse2 for forward too.


              • #8
                i use mouse2 as forward
                mouse1 for attack
                v is strafe left
                b is back
                n is strafe right
                space jump

                My configs ez and ive been playing with the same cfg since i started. Never changed it.


                • #9
                  Thanks cata..

                  cata speaks nothing but the truth. END OF STORY!..


                  • #10
                    I also use mouse2 as move forward. Also, he uses a for back and s for jump? With the strafe buttons below? I can't understand how someone can play like that.


                    • #11
                      I use W like NORMAL people.



                      • #12
                        I use E for move forward. Mouse2 to jump.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Souless View Post
                          Mouse2 to jump.


                          • #14
                            Kinda weird actually, I use W for every game except for quake. I've tried to make the switch to W for it, but it's just not the same. I also use the arrow keys for movement and jumping in quake, but WASD for every other game. So I have to slide my keyboard way to the left. Chronage is the only other person I know who does that.


                            • #15
                              yep same here. I got on the WASD bandwagon for every other game ive played but doesnt feel right with quake. I use:

                              Mouse1 - Fire
                              Mouse2 - Forward
                              ,< - Strafe Left
                              .> - Strafe right
                              Right Shift - Backwards
                              All Other Keys - Impulse 6 + Fire

