Ok folks lets do it!
DM - East vs West all stars:
Alot of talk with the DM west/east all stars in a game, so lets get er going.
Westside: Krix, Lenny, Bruce, Scott + 1 or 2 alternates
Eastside: Cata, Bib, Nov, (Cabalist TBD) + 1 or 2 alternates
servers tbd, we will need captains.
Krix and Cata can you guys be caps to organize the players and pick alternates?
Lets shoot for May 20th evening to get some inactive people some time.
DM All Stars vs CA All Stars - CA Mod:
Think the DM guys can beat CA guys in CA?
Lets find out and develop some future matches
We'll need to confirm players but I am thinking this (and based on recent active status):
DM All Stars: Krix, Lenny, Bruce, Cata, BIB, Naus
CA All Stars (east - speaknow): Effess, Wolv, Rev, etc
CA All Stars (west - rage): Vis, Stolen, Souless, Patrick, Ant-MD, etc
note: I dont mean to leave any players out, but lets keep going with the theme
DM - East vs West all stars:
Alot of talk with the DM west/east all stars in a game, so lets get er going.
Westside: Krix, Lenny, Bruce, Scott + 1 or 2 alternates
Eastside: Cata, Bib, Nov, (Cabalist TBD) + 1 or 2 alternates
servers tbd, we will need captains.
Krix and Cata can you guys be caps to organize the players and pick alternates?
Lets shoot for May 20th evening to get some inactive people some time.
DM All Stars vs CA All Stars - CA Mod:
Think the DM guys can beat CA guys in CA?
Lets find out and develop some future matches
We'll need to confirm players but I am thinking this (and based on recent active status):
DM All Stars: Krix, Lenny, Bruce, Cata, BIB, Naus
CA All Stars (east - speaknow): Effess, Wolv, Rev, etc
CA All Stars (west - rage): Vis, Stolen, Souless, Patrick, Ant-MD, etc
note: I dont mean to leave any players out, but lets keep going with the theme