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  • Hi I'm Mach10

    I just discovered last week all the new modifications to Doom2/jdoom and Quake/Qrake ... Doom64 ... and such .... I'm wondering what else has been changed.

    I'm a drug and alcohol counselor and I work in Fresno California and the facility I work at [I can't say the name of the place I work at] holds 26 beds for men that are freshly released from prison or are on parole with the state [not probation ... that is a county issue].

    They can live at this place for a year and during that time they are expected to follow the rules and not screw up. First 30 days is the black out period and after that they can go job searching in the Fresno area ... Population is half a million people in Fresno alone. They can either go to school or go to work. We have several clients that find work ... working as plumbers.

    I myself ... have over 9 years ... clean and sober ... I never went to Prison but I spent about 3.5 years [off and on] ... in the local county jails. Very boring ... watch TV ... Sleep ... read books ... play cards ... watch TV ... Sleep ... read books ... play cards ... etc ... etc.

    I just recently got married ... Oct 15 2005 ... she is a librarian at Corcoran State Prison #2. When Robert Downey Jr. [the movie actor] was doing time in prison ... my wife was his librarian.

    And it is May 6th and it is 1:21 PM and my wife called ... she is going home early ... WHY ?? ... Her boss called and all non-essential employees are to go home ... there is a hostage situation happening at the Folsom prison in the Sacramento area. And yesterday at the prison she works at ... she told me ... a inmate was slashed up. She gave me an update on that one ... another inmate was trying to cut his head off ... WHOA !!

    Anyways ... my new interest in Quake and Doom ... is because at work they have allowed the clients to have a computer. Well it was a hand me down and it was a piece of shit. I ... being such a nice guy :d ... decided to build them a good computer. They now have ... WinXP Home - 2 Seagate 120 GB harddrives - ATI Radeo 9800 video card and one Gig of DDR ram ... and the CPU is the AMD 2500+ / barton core. And there is a DVD burner in the tower but no burning software installed ... burning DVDs and CDs will not be allowed.

    They love playing Painkiller at the moment ... but they've reached a level where they can't kill this one large and mean monster guy ... this sucker is big and just wont go down ... I've got the walkthrough file and we are hoping to figure this out.

    Anyways ... I will be posting questions about Qrake and such and such ... I've got Qrake 1.54 .... where is Qrake 1.55 ??

    In my WINXP Home system ... I'm using a MSI K8N Neo2 motherboard ... 2 Gigs of DDR ram and an AMD 3500+ Bit64 CPU ... and lots of HD space. I also have a Creative 5.1 speaker sound system.

    In my living room ... I have a Pioneer VSX-1014TX THX Select Certified Receiver ... with Acoustic Research speakers ... and four PANASONIC DMR-EH50 DVD Recorders ... they have a 100 GB harddrives in them. And a Sony 51" HD tv. We currently are using Directv ... we did have HD Comcast but we've turned it off ...but we connect to the Internet through Comcast and we will keep the basic channels but no Cable boxes. DSL is not available where I am living now ... I did have DSL in my apartment.

    Well if anybody has any questions feel free to ask. I'm a member at ... ... my member name is ... lacywest.


    • Originally posted by Mach10
      I just discovered last week all the new modifications to Doom2/jdoom and Quake/Qrake
      A lot and at the same time not a lot.

      You can read about changes just by looking around in the forums, or checking out other sites listed in the links block on the left side of this site.

      Anyways ... I will be posting questions about Qrake and such and such ... I've got Qrake 1.54 .... where is Qrake 1.55 ??
      QRack 1.56 will be available for download here very shortly (any day now).

      If you have any questions, just ask away in the Quake Help forum. - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

      So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


      • Bizarro!


        • Im Herb]ed. I used to play as Preacher on trinicom and 3312 mod. Then I moved to dm and also way way later on to ca. I consider myself the best quake player of all time, I am extremely good looking and well just bow down to me now because I am obviously just a better person then you are.... hehe anyways nice to meet you all, I am sure most of you know me so HI. BTW GLAD GARBAGE BAGS ROCK!


          • HERBED! this guy fuckin OWNS! Let's get an RA match going.


            • Sonfoabitchin!

              Hi all, just found this site thanks to Clan RUM's. Just thought Id say hi, always glad to meet a fellow Q1 addicts, er fans.

              I started out in '96-'97 somewheres, in the spring of '97 for sure, as an HPB. I had a rocky start, as a kid, didn't quite understand how the whole internet thing/server connection worked and since the best connection I could find was in Chicago (was livin in St. Paul), I started using that one. Well, dad was a bit upset at the $400 LD phone bill that month...

              After overcoming that adversity I made it to college alive and well and picked up my beloved T1 connection. And the LPB Wakko was born. I found a new clan that was just forming, and signed up as one of the orginial 4 TuSa (The Unstoppable Sonofabitchin Asskickers often misinterpreted as Team USA) members, and a few legends were made. If any of you ever played CTF (regular, rune, or scrag) from '97-'99ish Im sure you'll remember us. I can't remember the original server's, as they were all just numbers. But later on, just look at the list Stryker provided and I played on most of those. We were pretty close with RUM, glad to see you around man!

              I was banned from several servers for "hacking" (aka owning). And I seem to remember clearing out a few servers to the curses of "Oh shit, its Wakko". My specialty was the grappling hook, and Im pretty much handicapped without it. Needed the true 3 dimmensions it created in the game to actually do well. Without the hook, its just 2D and rocket jumping.

              I quit once Q2&3 came out, the servers started disappearing, challenges started fading, and the new ones just weren't as good as the original. Man, I really have a hard time thinking of another time where I enjoyed myself as much as when I was "in the zone" Quaking. The sheer rush and emotions were fantastic. Halflife (Clan RCA) and Counterstrike, as fun as they were, just couldn't measure up. The joy of blowing the crap out of someone or having someone do something to you that had you saying "WTF? How the hell did he do that?! (and damn, I have to try that)."

              Really glad to see you all here, maybe we'll face off sometime. At this point, probably kick my ass, a bit rusty, but ahh the memories! Happy fragging to ya!

              Wakko [TuSa]
              aka Screwdriver
              aka QuadNazi (No Quad for you!)


              • Originally posted by HERB]ED
                I am sure most of you know me so HI. BTW GLAD GARBAGE BAGS ROCK!
                Must be the Herbage!

                Originally posted by Wakko
                Hi all, just found this site thanks to Clan RUM's. Just thought Id say hi, always glad to meet a fellow Q1 addicts, er fans.
                Welcome to the forums, Wakko. Always nice to have more old skoolers show up here.

                Yeah, Crash of RuM has been real supportive of Quake, that guy rocks!
       - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                • my profile

                  Greetings all!

                  Wow, new member here at quakeone. Since TLTQ went down I have only been a regular at Happened to see someone post a link to here and decided to come and visit. It took me 1 hour to go through this thread! I guess I should say something about myself too...

                  My name was not orginally created by myself. I had a friend of mine call me that one day. I had a lawn and garden company for 10 years. I was out working one day (by myself) working as hard and fast as I could to get the job done. I had a walkman strapped securely to my waist and was jamming to some Metallica. I was mowing a Motel 6 and underbid it to get the work. He happened to see me and pulled over and motioned for me to come over. I stopped and said, 'What's up?" He said, "Man...your one crazy cracker!" I laughed and realized that I must look like a partial idiot working like I was.

                  The name meant more to me as I thought about it because I used to spend my time cracking programs in assembly language. Finding ways to bypass the security measures in programs so I could copy and play the stinking game. I thought long and hard about it and decided to make it into one name. "Crazycracker" Then I thought that it was improper english and replaced the "y" with an "i". Then I alternated the case to make it look like a ransom note that was cut and pasted together. Then born my alias, "CrAzIcRaCkEr".

                  I first started online in 1983 when I got my first dial-up modem. It screamed at 300 baud. I mainly connected to local BBS's to chat, post in forums, and play some online text games like Empire. This was on a 286 machine with 1 meg of memory. I think it had a 8mhz processor in it (turbo mode). As time went on, the modems became faster and I bought everyone one of them 1200, 2400, 9600, 14400, (skipped the 33,400) and then went 56k (cable user now). UPDATE: Fiber coming in 2010!!!

                  I orginally was a Castle Wolfenstien player. Then Doom was released. OMG! I loved it! I played until I beat the game on nightmare level (very difficult even today). The Quake came out. I downloaded a copy and soon after decided that ID Software deserved my money, so I went and purchased a copy in early 1998 when it made it to the $10 bin at Best Buy. I had already played and beat the game in the first two difficulty levels when I started searching for any updates out there.

                  Thats when I came across Gamespy. I downloaded gamespy and set it up and found 100 game servers! OMG! So I started trying the populated servers one by one until I came across one called Igloo was a start map only DM server (unlimited frags). It was full 24/7 with a bunch of noobs (including my self). If you played at the server long enough, you eventually would be the leader because the game would never cycle. Clayborn would of loved this!

                  Igloo went down in 1999, so I began searching again for another quake server that was busy. I came across two that I found very amusing. Marlinspike and Gooland. Both were rune servers, but with different config settings. From 1998 to 2000 I used a Gravis Exterminator gamepad. It had an analog joystick and eight buttons. I did OK with this setup, but could never beat Weird, Slot, Quazy, Gohan, and a few other players. Weird was riding me one day and told me that, "You need to get rid of that physichotic joystick". So I tried the mouse for a week and realized he was right. My frags nearly doubled in a month.

                  Moving on, I now am a Shmack fan and visit very few other servers. I don't mow grass anymore and never set my dreams on doing it all my life. I always had my dreams set on working on computers or with computers. I sold the business and my big hydrostat and put myself through college. Most of my computer classes were boring because I was overskilled for them. I just needed the degree. I graduated about 4 years ago and now work in a bank in the Information Security department. My job is to prevent CrAzIcRaCkEr'S from finding their way into our banks secure data infrastructure. <---Imagine that! LOL!

                  It suits me well though. Since I have done it myself, spent most of my childhood writing programs and break others written software, it seems natural to me to identify weaknesses in a security system and find ways to improve it.

                  Finally, I am 35, married with child. Quake is not my only hobby. I also built and maintain a few websites on the side...

                  My dads campground -
                  My High School Graduating Class -
                  My daughters gymnastics team -
                  My church -

                  I subscribe to many newsgroups and get my news and downloads the real old fashion way. Forget Kazaa, Limewire, etc.

                  Oh yeah, this place is great too:

                  You will only see me online late at night during the months of June-September. I own a jetski and love to spend my time on it during the summer months. The Ohio River is 5 minutes from my house, but I enjoy going to Kentucky Lake much more. My jet ski is a stand-up style and I love to do freestyle tricks on it. If your interested in what this is all about, check this video. Absolute blast!

                  Well, thats me and my life. Thanks to the rest of you for sharing!



                  • Originally posted by CrAzIcRaCkEr
                    Greetings all!

                    Wow, new member here at quakeone. Since TLTQ went down I have only been a regular at Happened to see someone post a link to here and decided to come and visit. It took me 1 hour to go through this thread! I guess I should say something about myself too...
                    A guy who needs no introduction to anyone who has played any amount of Quake in the last 7 years :d

                    Glad you showed! I'm know many others are as well.
           - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                    So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                    • Hey Crazi. Keep owning at RQ.


                      • yeah sure I'll play ra or anything... hell i even play runequake... sucks for me anyways my msn is [email protected], I am on sometimes. Mainly if you want to say something to me you should email me and I will definately email you back. If I am on msn I am probably talking to chicks or checking my email. I wont be around much for the next week but after that I will be around regularly.


                        • Originally posted by CrAzIcRaCkEr
                          Greetings all!

                          My name was not orginally created by myself.
                          After reading all that in one breath (mind you one of the most informative bio's that I've seen) You deserve the name twice over!

                          Originally posted by CrAzIcRaCkEr
                          I orginally was a Castle Wolfenstien player. Then Doom was released. OMG! I loved it! I played until I beat the game on nightmare level (very difficult even today). The Quake came out. .
                          My son took me this same route. But he prefered the other games.

                          Originally posted by CrAzIcRaCkEr
                          Finally, I am 35, married with child. Quake is not my only hobby. I also built and maintain a few websites on the side...

                          My dads campground -
                          My High School Graduating Class -
                          My daughters gymnastics team -
                          My church -

                          You've done alot for your age!! Loved the sites and I may have landed my camper or tent at your dads once or twice. Has he always owned it? I don't seem to remember the Park it and I'll come collect it part I don't normally like Indiana but the site made it worth another look I remember you playing Marlinspike, but saw you at some others that I went to late at night. Wasn't playing under my current name then. But was glad to see you back. ;&#222;
                          Lifes a game.. It's time to Play!
                 Pick your Poison.


                          • Originally posted by Baker
                            Quake Terminus is the very first site listed on the left side nav bar that isn't a Quake Engine. It's there

                            (#4, right under ProQuake)
                            Agreed. BIG respect to Mega for all his efforts over a number of years tp keep QT going. [Bows Respectfuly]
                            "Helping to keep this community friendly, helpful, and clean of spammers since 2006"
                            WWW: Quake Terminus , QuakeVoid You Tube: QuakeVoid

                            News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT


                            • Bad Mr. Burns!!! You can't introduce yourself again!

                              You are only allowed to introduce yourself once! It's in the manual, heheh.

                              You may have tried to get away with it, but I caught you!

                              [/catching Mr. Burns trying to introduce himself twice, hehe ]
                     - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                              So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                              • Kidding around aside (heh, I'm so tired that is everything funny) ...

                                Back from 2001 to 2003, Quake Terminus was the only site I knew of that was any good for Quake. Later some additional useful sites cropped up, but for a long time it was Quake Terminus or nothing at all.

                                Sucks that Megazoid's "secret origins of Quake Terminus" thing (he didn't call it that) basically was that no one played Rune CTF anymore in Europe.

                                I was looking at the Quake humor cartoons on Quake Terminus earlier today, and without Megazoid preserving those, those cartoons, like many other things, would not be in existence today. Quake needed a caretaker, someone to organize and salvage things.

                                [/me now goes to bed]
                       - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                                So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...

