Hello world,
I'm prolly most widely known as Mr.Burns_tu, [DC]Mr.Burns or Newb amongst many, MANY others.
I've been playing for more years than I care to remember. I am [almost] undoubtably the grandad of the bunch and being located in England (unfortunately) I used to regularly haunt the dircon and demon servers. This was a particular culture shock as I was used to playing on a Lan with SV-Maxspeed around 600 instead of 320 so playing on dircondemon was like playing in treacle.
i spent *many* years playing Q1 mods like Painkeep and DMP so forgive me if I seem a little 'distracted' while playing netQuake or RQ.
After some years of practice and getting somewhat disenchanted with the 'frag at all costs mentality' I decided to set up the SPC and Q1 netquake servers for a select bunch of like minded peeps to enjoy a 'fair and square' sporting game of quake. At this point I feel I should thank a nice lady player from Holland called Buurvrow, [DC]Sir Henry and [DC]Fodder (both from England) for their invaluable assistance in getting the server up and running in the manner that (as one correspondant put it) 'quake the way it always should have been'.
These days I tend to hang out (avoiding Polarite
) ) at gchq, shmack, fear and blackhat if anyone fancies a game but please remember that I am old , infirm, have a bad leg and therfore should be very gentle.
I'll spare you the piccie's of me in case there are children watching
Kind regards
P.S to Lefty and IEEE i did try to canvass the views of some of the european players for a BDA/RQP server but I got zero feedback. Never the less I'll try again in the hope that someone would like to play these mods on a (albeit modest) european server.
P.P.S other players worthy of mention for reasons of skills, contributions to the quake community, lack of exposure to the US community or just plain personality... Polartite, B4T, Sir Henry, Megaziod, Jackhammer, [DC]Fodder, [DC]Coleslaw, [GC]Mayan, D'Rouen, Nikola, [GC]Mono, [GC]Gaz, trouby, sassa, Dag, Def, S.T.E, Jer, HappySlappy, [DMC]Crunch (for producing Q1 DMP, IEEE/Wifi Man and loaded1mbimage. I'm sure there are more but and apologies if I've missed you, but do a little digging and you'll find them
I'm prolly most widely known as Mr.Burns_tu, [DC]Mr.Burns or Newb amongst many, MANY others.
I've been playing for more years than I care to remember. I am [almost] undoubtably the grandad of the bunch and being located in England (unfortunately) I used to regularly haunt the dircon and demon servers. This was a particular culture shock as I was used to playing on a Lan with SV-Maxspeed around 600 instead of 320 so playing on dircondemon was like playing in treacle.
i spent *many* years playing Q1 mods like Painkeep and DMP so forgive me if I seem a little 'distracted' while playing netQuake or RQ.
After some years of practice and getting somewhat disenchanted with the 'frag at all costs mentality' I decided to set up the SPC and Q1 netquake servers for a select bunch of like minded peeps to enjoy a 'fair and square' sporting game of quake. At this point I feel I should thank a nice lady player from Holland called Buurvrow, [DC]Sir Henry and [DC]Fodder (both from England) for their invaluable assistance in getting the server up and running in the manner that (as one correspondant put it) 'quake the way it always should have been'.
These days I tend to hang out (avoiding Polarite

I'll spare you the piccie's of me in case there are children watching
Kind regards
P.S to Lefty and IEEE i did try to canvass the views of some of the european players for a BDA/RQP server but I got zero feedback. Never the less I'll try again in the hope that someone would like to play these mods on a (albeit modest) european server.
P.P.S other players worthy of mention for reasons of skills, contributions to the quake community, lack of exposure to the US community or just plain personality... Polartite, B4T, Sir Henry, Megaziod, Jackhammer, [DC]Fodder, [DC]Coleslaw, [GC]Mayan, D'Rouen, Nikola, [GC]Mono, [GC]Gaz, trouby, sassa, Dag, Def, S.T.E, Jer, HappySlappy, [DMC]Crunch (for producing Q1 DMP, IEEE/Wifi Man and loaded1mbimage. I'm sure there are more but and apologies if I've missed you, but do a little digging and you'll find them