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The "Introduce Yourself Thread"

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  • I can understand. I like alot of black metal, right now I'm wearing a Darkthrone t-shirt. There is black metal bands that don't have a satanic image. There was one black metal band that was vegan, their lyrics mostly talked about the ancient forests and such. I have listen to some black metal bands that uses National Socialist ideas, thats what most black metal bands that come out of Eastern Europe are now these days. I like alot of death metal too same with gore grind.


    • Ive got some map ideas based around Immortal's lyrics actually, which could be fun to work around with... and a nice challenge to try and recreate that monolithic oppression one gets from tracks like Antarctica.

      Yeah, Im not big on national socialism or satanism... I like it when the band tries to paint a landscape in their music or such. Heh, were clogging up this thread.
      Inside3d - Because you can't be Outside 3D!


      • That would be cool to make a map inspired by Immortal. I would love to play a map where its just axes, kind of like a viking inspired map just have viking long boats at a shore and people battling it out. I never made maps on the pc. I made maps on console games that have map makers which is easy since its just like putting legos together. But I would like to try making a map on the pc.


        • Originally posted by Sir Chunky
          There was one black metal band that was vegan, their lyrics mostly talked about the ancient forests and such.
          Haha, I believe that would be more 'pagan' than 'vegan'. If they were talking about eating yummy vegetables and not touching poor creatures for moral reasons then it would be vegan.


          • Yeah, Immortal for me is one of the few black metal bands that I can listen to and really enjoy. Most other black metal bands always have some type of shitty production that I can't stand.


            • what's up mothafuckas.

              i'm killjoy. i used to map for quake1 until the wee hours of the morning. i'm now doing graphic design for and currently don't have quake due to a recent hard drive crash (lost a serious map collection, too).

              you may remember me from such sites as QBoard, PeejNFribs, my own KJDMX, MPQ, QMap and TeamShambler, and such maps as Avanipaala Praasaada (kjsp1) and various DM tomfoolery.

              I recognize a few names on here, whats up scampie, rene.


              • Welcome. Avanipaala Praasaada is a very cool map.

                As far as your map collection goes, quick recovery:

       <--- 2500 DM maps
       <--- almost every single player map in existence
       - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                • Originally posted by Monster
                  Yeah, Immortal for me is one of the few black metal bands that I can listen to and really enjoy. Most other black metal bands always have some type of shitty production that I can't stand.
                  "shitty production" is to give the music that raw and cold feeling. Some like it, some don't.


                  • Originally posted by FragBait
                    Hi, I'm FragBait. I started playing Quake back when it first came out, but being a little kid, I wasn't really allowed to play on the internet. Starting in 1999 my dad, Chunkster, started playing Artifact Quake in QuakeWorld. He was a webmaster and admin for Webbster's Artifact QuakeWorld Server. Every once in awhile my dad would let me play. We quit for awhile and went to newer games, and more often than not we would just play quake on a LAN. One day though, when I was home alone (this was sometime in 2001 or 2002 or something), I installed GameSpy 3D and looked at normal quake servers. I found Shmack and Deadzone and I started playing on there. Soon my dad caught on and we started playing together then. We played at those 2 servers and Widomaker and SINGED when it came out for a few years. Eventually the interest left the both of us as we moved on to other games, one of which was KOTS2000 on Quake 2. Interest for us dropped out of Quake 2, and by this time World of Warcraft had come out and that's what we've been playing lately. I don't know if anyone's noticed or not but i have been coming back and playing once in awhile as of late and I forgot how fun it was. I am 16 now, going on 17. I guess it's kind of late to be returning now; I am going to be on foreign exchange soon. :-) But I will enjoy my time while I am here.

                    edit: I guess I should mention that I primarily play runequake on so that's where you will find me if I am on.
                    Frag gave most of our shared histroy with quake. So I'm just stopping in to say Hi! I might add one small note. The origin of his name actually came from Doom2, well before quake. We used to LAN everyweekend since the release of doom. To try to get new people interested we would let them sit in on a game and let them play against "the kid", thus Fragbait. I think he scared more new players than the adults.


                    • Hey Chunkster.. Welcome back to both or you!
                      Lifes a game.. It's time to Play!
             Pick your Poison.


                      • I am NighTmarE 7 (in forums,joao93). My real life name is Joćo Lucas(I bet you can't pronounce least not correctely ) Well...I play Quake not so much 8 months...but I fell in love with it!

                        I am 13 and I hate Bank.


                        • No matter how we don't like each other,no ofenses taken.


                          • You're not the first stupid newb to hate Bank either

                            (oh hoe I'm on a run!)


                            • Newbie,yes. You're the one being it right now.


                              • I did not think Joao was 13. He is much past the maturity level of foqer and gamefreak. I don't know about me though. eheehh

