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The "Introduce Yourself Thread"

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  • Originally posted by Canadian*Sniper
    You're not the first stupid newb to hate Bank either

    (oh hoe I'm on a run!)
    Oooh damn, I dont check this thread enough : D

    Another introduction for those who have not been introduced-

    I'm Bank, and to clear things up, I'm much better than you think you are. I'm the notorious creator of such things as Quake Radio, Quakone Squad, and the (long in the works) Quake Flash Movie. Most folks enjoy my company and it's likewise, but several people I dont get along with. An easy way to tell whether or not you'll get along with me is to ask yourself this question-

    "Am I a dumbass?"

    That should clear things up : D
    "It's called being awesome, maybe you should try it." -Bank


    • Hi. I've played online Quake lots in the late 90's. Still do it every now and then, but not as often. I usually hung out at Sodomizer's server at I first used my Internet name "Hoofum" for Quake, and it's been my official Internet name since. My sister played on the same server a lot as "Christie," I believe. We both used to be part of a small clan called Carolina Quillers (CQ) even though I never lived in the Carolinas. Anyone recall any of me or the clan and stuff?


      • Originally posted by Hoofum
        Hi. I've played online Quake lots in the late 90's. Still do it every now and then, but not as often. I usually hung out at Sodomizer's server at I first used my Internet name "Hoofum" for Quake, and it's been my official Internet name since. My sister played on the same server a lot as "Christie," I believe. We both used to be part of a small clan called Carolina Quillers (CQ) even though I never lived in the Carolinas. Anyone recall any of me or the clan and stuff?
        Welcome to the forums. I, myself, don't recall your name but I've only really been playing much Quake since 2002 (it was on and off prior to that). Prior to that, I played at the Hating, Marlinspike, Darkzone and some server that ran the CTF variant "Capture the Scrag" and some server that ran the Junker MOD that had guided missiles and tripwires.

        But there a lot of others here, so it wouldn't surprise me if there aren't a couple of people who do.

        Originally posted by joao93
        I am NighTmarE 7 (in forums,joao93). My real life name is João Lucas(I bet you can't pronounce least not correctely ) Well...I play Quake not so much 8 months...but I fell in love with it!
        You have very good English for someone in Brazil, it's pretty impressive. Impressive enough that others "correct" your English thinking it's your fulltime language, hehe. - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

        So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


        • Q-N here,

          Have been offline for some time. Built a new house and had the HP Media Center in a box for 5 months! Have not played much since "Singed" went down. Whatever happened to Diazoild anyhow????

          Looking for good servers, if there are any left. Used to play B-sessions, Widowmaker on a regular basis.


          • Frenzy Baby

            Well where do I start? First I'd like to thank IDSOFTWARE FOR MAKING SUCH A KICKASS GAME.
            I think the only other game that even compares.... would be mario for the original nintendo,
            in the essence that it's the funnest, original game around (I still play marion on nintendo,
            I never get tired of saving that princess). I was introduced to quake when the beta cameout,
            this nerd at school was running around bragging about how he was going to become the
            best at this new game called "quake", and so I had him hook me up with the beta version.
            Once the real version cameout, I made that same nerd hook me up with it. Haha! OWNED!? So
            he taught me how to logon to a local server that our isp was hosting, , he
            stomped me daily, until the student becamse better than the teacher, then he cried, and
            whined, and.... stopped doing my homework. From that point I stumbled across a server called
   , it was a headhunting server, and I became fucking addicted. I would
            skip school, hide in the downstairs closet waiting for my Mom to leave for work because
            she thought I had already gotten on the bus. Man, then my grades started slipping, and
            I didn't eat much. My Mom went on a week long vacation, and the only time I got up from
            the computer was to get another Mountain Dew, Eat, or Shit. Man, those were the days. Anyways,
            then I stumbled onto servers here and there you know, playing 16/16 players on a deathmatch
            server just fucking shooting my shotgun marvelously! Then I stumbled across, it
            was a CTF server , ran by 420 BlackZombie. ANYBODY REMEMBER IC$ BAG$? Anyways, I became hooked
            on CTF, and the grapple to me was the best fucking thing ever. So I was on anycomp
            all day EVERYDAY pimpin that hook. Well, then I kinda just have a blank spot, played
            quake ctf everyday of my life, until BOOM I found 3wave. I was playin that shit keyboard
            with all the best ctf'ers, and they were makin fun of me. Oh, my first name was
            Shit[TH]Happens, and I don't even remember what TH stood for. Anyways, then once I learned
            the mouse, some people would tell me "damn man, you play in a frenzy" or such things as
            how fast I would hook, so I named myself Frenzy. And, well, that's the name I'm known by.
            Anyways, I'm sexy.


            • Welcome frenzy. i remember you from those were the good days hehehe. You do play in a frenzy, you owned hook back then, a couople of people said that you were the best hooker there was.


              • Hey QuakeNekkid, I expected you find this place sooner. Anyways, welcome to the forum.

                And I think a lot of ppl know Frenzy ... he's old skool.

                (Am I the only one that finds it a little disturbing Monster was playing Quake on servers at age 7 or so, hehe).
       - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                • Frenzy you sexi sonofabitch!


                  • Canadian*Sniper wrote:

                    Frenzy you sexi sonofabitch!
                    Nice,now I know your sex.


                    • That doesnt mean ANYTHING Joao : P

                      I concede that many guys are fuxing hot. (on this muthafuckin plane!)
                      "It's called being awesome, maybe you should try it." -Bank


                      • must you talk about the plane every post?
                        I'm back, and better


                        • Only if there's snakes on it.
                          "It's called being awesome, maybe you should try it." -Bank


                          • ah, i see...
                            I'm back, and better


                            • Hi
                              I first played with my 450 aol ping, and a joystick. There was this mod with superweapons, pickup the arm holding an axe> go in water towards select e3 levels> and spam rockets back into the telporter room till the server crashed.

                              Once I found CTF nothing else compared. This is the only game I play that's not labelled strategy. Reading this thread has been a trip down memory lane with all the old names and servers.

                              I've played all the popular public ctf servers. My skill level is variable. At one time I could consistently beat most players, then i quit. I came back and was consistently beat by most players. Eventually I worked back up to parity, then undertaker pointed me out an aimbot. I tried it out to see what it was like. This bot made amazing shots on the server vs players. I was disenchanted that this was available/usable to all and quit again. Came back when there were new servers with bot scanners and again was consistently beaten.

                              So I've taken alot of abuse due to time off, but I really don't care the game is fun, and I don't take it that seriously. You can kick my ass all day on a server and I keep coming back for more. Not that i didn't have time in the sun. I've taken screenshots of games I've won vs worthy opponents, and there are lots of them
                              Life is Grand!


                              • Originally posted by ArmOrAttAk View Post
                                and a joystick.
                                I tried that once, it didn't work out well for me, hehe.

                                Once I found CTF nothing else compared. This is the only game I play that's not labelled strategy. Reading this thread has been a trip down memory lane with all the old names and servers.

                                I've played all the popular public ctf servers. My skill level is variable. At one time I could consistently beat most players, then i quit. I came back and was consistently beat by most players. Eventually I worked back up to parity, then undertaker pointed me out an aimbot. I tried it out to see what it was like. This bot made amazing shots on the server vs players. I was disenchanted that this was available/usable to all and quit again. Came back when there were new servers with bot scanners and again was consistently beaten.

                                So I've taken alot of abuse due to time off, but I really don't care the game is fun, and I don't take it that seriously. You can kick my ass all day on a server and I keep coming back for more. Not that i didn't have time in the sun. I've taken screenshots of games I've won vs worthy opponents, and there are lots of them
                                Welcome to the forums. I think everyone gets their Quake game back in a month or less
                       - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                                So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...

