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The "Introduce Yourself Thread"

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  • Rocketguy is from Croatia too. Let's beat him up


    • Originally posted by Canadian*Sniper View Post
      Rocketguy is from Croatia too. Let's beat him up
      LOL will settle this feud in D3!


      • Yo,
        I started playing [id] games with Commander Keen but when Wolf3D came out I was totally floored. I played that and Spear of Destiny for a while and then this Novell admin friend of mine told me that a game called DooM was out. I saw it running on his 386 and was blown away. I only had a 286 @ 12mhz back then but when I got my 1st 486 (AMD 80mhz) I started playing Doom 1 & 2 and Duke3D a lot.

        By the time Quake rolled around I had upgraded to a Cyrix 166mhz which was "OK" at running Quake1. I played a lot @ local LAN parties and online @ the nearby Cybercafe on a T1. Don't remember what servers that I played on though.

        I was into the old Quake-related websites such as Bluesnews, Shugashack (now Shacknews), Planetquake, etc. I also gamed from time to time w/ some people in Clan r3v. Uh thats it really. I have never really stopped playing Quake1 but I mostly practiced w/ FrogBot a lot when I didn't have a good net connection.

        I have some old Quake1 demo files of various old school clans (late 90's) playing, as well as some personal demos if anyone is interested in seeing them.

        In addition to Quake1, I play a lot of Street Fighter 2 Super Turbo as well as Street Fighter 3: Third Strike.

        Hit me up sometime for a 1v1. I am in the Bay Area, California.

        Last edited by jUiCeR; 07-14-2007, 06:56 PM.


        • Originally posted by jUiCeR View Post
          In addition to Quake1, I play a lot of Street Fighter 2 Super Turbo as well as Street Fighter 3: Third Strike.
          I'll play ya sometime add me to your IM contact list.


          • What's up fellas, I've been around for about 3 weeks and haven't introduced myself.

            I'm an old school quake player, called JawBreaker. I started playing quake back in '96 when it was first released. I had a 200mhz MMX Gateway 2000 with a 17" monitor! Man, that thing was the shit back then... I didn't really get into DM too much, but started hitting CTF hardcore. I was in a couple of clans, that I don't remember if they were big or not... XW, PGY, 138, and 420.

            I've been playing battlefield 2 for the last couple of years, so I was still in the FPS games. My buddy mentioned something about quake 1 a few weeks ago and I had said that it was by far the best game ever made. He told me that people still play it... so I figured I would give it a try again.

            I was a pretty decent player back in the day... especially being a HPB (200+ ping). I'm starting to get back in the groove of things on rage, but still have some work to do. I remember that I had a lot of scripts back then, but wish I remembered what they were and what they did. I remember having a RL Jump script, but that's about it.

            Does anybody know of where I can get some scripts that may help my game out?

            Anyways, hopefully this place will be around for awhile, becuase I keep getting the quake itch. I hope this game never dies out.



            • The ProQuake Launcher has several scripts built-in including the one above you wanted.

     - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

              So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


              • My favorite script is for fast LG/RL switching, here it is:

                alias +lg "impulse 8;+attack"
                alias -lg "impulse 7;-attack"

                and if you're using proquake then you can make use of the "bestweapon" command:

                alias +lg "bestweapon 8 2 1;+attack"
                alias -lg "bestweapon 7 6 5 3 2 4 1;-attack"

                bind mouse2 +lg

                so, what this allows me to do is simply have mouse1 fire rockets and mouse2 fire lightning gun (assuming i have both weapons and ammo).


                • Hai!
                  New to the site... not to the game! How ya'all doooo-nin?!


                  • This intro of me is long overdue...
                    Hullo all, my name is Tia and I'm going on to 22.

                    My picture is in the photo gallery if you are wondering what I look like...teehee.

                    I'm a Quake chick, I first been introduced to Quake around 2001 or 2002 don't remember exactly, but it BEEN a long time, by my aunt Idalis.

                    She succumbed to AIDS quite a few years ago, got it from a cheating boyfriend...

                    At any case she was playing the game until she could no longer could, then I took over while I was in the house caring for her. I don't know where she got it from, I think she bought the game in the store, but I could never find the physical copy after that...

                    What else??
                    I used to be a drama queen on TLTQ forums and Widomaker. I never cheated and was always honest (unlike some shmack players accuse me of) but I have been banned quite a few times (back then) for my potty mouth and trying to stir trouble and stir people up hehe, some people still remember me for doing that....

                    Back then quake kept me off the streets and out of trouble and developed my interest for computers, which knowledge accumulated, led to me building my own comp. 2years ago, i love my comp

                    My first Quake name was AaliyahVamp!!re, I took this name because I had started quaking like I said earlier around 2001-02 the same time Aaliyah died. Then changed my name to Paradise, because some noobs (term not used in derogatory way) I think DOPA, fuzznut and napoleon (i think) praised my gameplay saying that I play beautifully and gracefully yay thanks.

                    I have always been an very ambitious person and played my best at all times, and perfecting myself is my endeavor, so I took time out to watch others, record demos and improve. Good players at that time on Wido that I observed and learned from where Gohan, Wulf, Angel, C0re, and maybe more I cant remember now...

                    I have changed my config, 2 years ago, I discovered the god of Quake, Thresh, and I have changed my config to his and adopted a whole new style of play (ground fighting) rather then be hook dependent-used to be a real hook monkey. It was a good choice switching to his config as it offers much more room for improvement and it did take me further then my previous config in terms of performance (I rarely lose when I play). i enjoyed re-learning to play the game over the "proper" way with my new config and tactics. If u watch me (i do get a few ppl watching me play once in a while) i look like I play like a ctf person with alt hook, people similar to me in terms of gameplay are sole and slugnut. funny thing is i never played ctf yet i use a ctf config lol...

                    i play mostly ffa (free for alls) but im also a competent dm-er.

                    I play mostly on runequake servers, well actually there is only one now, shmack haha. Too bad there aren't as many good players as there used to be back in the widomaker days... a lot of them quit... shame...

                    Aside from a few like slugnut, ad (which play runes) other good players like frenzy or tical which dont play runes (which I mostly play)...well maybe i should say there are good players which play other mods, because although i do consider myself very skilled and talented, i always get my ass handed over to me at rage or bomber (which i might drop in the server if i cant find a runequake game), oh forgot to add yeller nr. 5 he is also wicked at ra and ca, funny how i used to beat him a lot and now he sometimes surpasses me, monster is good too.... oh and quazy...

                    what else....
                    thats about it, about me...
                    i haven't played much quake at all recently because of my job and boyfriend.
                    i work a night shift, and when i get home in the a.m. there is nobody to play with me blah, and the rest of the day i sleep.

                    aside from quake which has always been my passion, a passion for a game which offers limitless room for improvement, i also like to read, enrich my knowledge, watch good movies (i like 80s movies) they so rich in content, and listen to music, i like all sorts.

                    aside from quake, terms of games, i have been getting into a lot of strategy games lately, mainly been playing warcraft3, starcraft, command and conquer, i think all things are related in the universe to each other and as long as u learn from something, i.e. develop strategy skills, learn etc, u can use them anywhere, come to think of it, everything every element gives u an edge in quake, its not only an action game, strategy plays an important role too...

                    im part of the SNS clan now, a very nice bunch of people, i respect all clans and players, some play to win, some to have fun, some both, the only people i dont like is jelous ones, disrespectful, racists and ppl that badmouth others...

                    oh gosh i've talked a lot
                    well i hope u enjoyed reading this.
                    i'll try to be more active on the forums, i've been spending a lot of time on it at work, thats why i decided to post my intro....

                    Last edited by Paradi$e; 08-05-2007, 06:53 PM.


                    • Paradise is raising the bar on introductions


                      • yap always raising the bar


                        • I used to be a drama queen on TLTQ forums and Widomaker. I never cheated and was always honest (unlike some shmack players accuse me of) but I have been banned quite a few times (back then) for my potty mouth and trying to stir trouble and stir people up hehe, some people still remember me for doing that....

                          Back then quake kept me off the streets and out of trouble and developed my interest for computers, which knowledge accumulated, led to me building my own comp. 2years ago, i love my comp
                          If you ever need advice on what parts to get etc... I know a lot about that kind of thing. It's always good to know how to build your own computer.


                          • hey thanks, somehow im crazy i buy the most expensive parts and the best, dont look at the price, i like to have the "rolls royce" of everything, like to live large, but am never in debt


                            • Hey all, i'm new here. Just reinstalled quake with some of these packs like Nquake and darkplaces. I was playing for a little bit today, but what i was looking for was TF servers. Any more team fortress players anywhere? 2fort4?

                              My name is darat on there, i'd like to know really when the best time to play with other people is. Im from the US east coast and really enjoyed this game back in the day when i had to play it at about 50% screen on my old 486 DX2 computer.


                              • TeamFortress is still going strong and can be played almost any time. Go to and there is a list of servers for all the Quake series.
                       - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                                So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...

