Hello everyone!
I want to say thank you for this fantastic site and thank you to everyone who is contributing here and keeping this great game alive.
Quake brings back so many great memories from the 90's. I still remember the day I bought the game to play on my first computer and how it really made an impression on me. A little while later 3Dfx came around which truly made it an unforgettable experience.
It's really great to see the game still being alive today and to see all the hard work people are putting into it to make it even better. I can't express into words how much I appreciate it.
Again, thank you. Thanks a lot everyone.
I want to say thank you for this fantastic site and thank you to everyone who is contributing here and keeping this great game alive.
Quake brings back so many great memories from the 90's. I still remember the day I bought the game to play on my first computer and how it really made an impression on me. A little while later 3Dfx came around which truly made it an unforgettable experience.
It's really great to see the game still being alive today and to see all the hard work people are putting into it to make it even better. I can't express into words how much I appreciate it.
Again, thank you. Thanks a lot everyone.
