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The "Introduce Yourself Thread"

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    hey there
    wew lad


    • Hello there...
      I'm pretty sure I'm kind of a freak of nature here....a former player turned mom to three teen girls. I've missed this game since I left it behind. Played at 2:30 a.m. after getting off work in the 9-1-1 center, with my coworkers, for about a year...then had babies and well, life just changes when that happens.
      Just wanted to say hi..and I don't really know where to start, so any direction would be helpful. I've forgotten EVERYTHING...except how much fun it was. I have a little time now that everyone has their own lives...please point me where to start...I guess finding the disks would be good, but after that?
      Thanks a ton...


      • welcome 2marbles

        its always great to see other girl-gamers,
        especially ones which love quake <3

        you can easily get quake and both mission-packs on steam
        quake itself is 10bucks, and each mission-pack is 5bucks
        QUAKE Collection on Steam

        then id suggest getting an updated client, like Qrack, darkplaces, proquake or directQ,
        as running dosquake or GLquake on modern OS is not recommended, and there is no reason why you should
        links to each of those engines can be found on the main-page of this site, over at right.

        and over here in this thread you can find instructions how to set up steam quake (or regular quake) with an updated engine\


        if you like coop, you should come join us some time at a game of RQcoop or FvF!
        both are really fun coop-mods which enhance the game with some new features while keeping the feel of original quake


        if you ever wanna play some coop, just poke me and id gladly play with you

        if i ever play online myself, its mostly at for RQcoop
        or over at when playing FvF
        Last edited by talisa; 07-12-2014, 12:27 PM.
        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


        • Hi,
          I m Dimension 0
          I m french.
          I play this game since 1998.
          I m fond of Quake 1


          • Welcome to enjoy your stay!


            • Salut Fond

              Un cousin (Québec) te dis bien le bonjour.



              Originally posted by Dimension 0 View Post
              I m Dimension 0
              I m french.
              I play this game since 1998.
              I m fond of Quake 1


              • Greetings!

                Welcome one and welcome all, when it comes to Quake we love it all!
                Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                • Thanks all!!!
                  Salutations cousin du Québec


                  • Hey guys, I'm RitzBitz aka Ritz, or RIIITZ. Been playing Quake since the original release back in the day and have continued to the sequels over the years, kinda new to the modding thing though. Amazing to see that it's still such an active game community with work still being done. It's definitely come a LONG way!


                    • hi All, I'm Sloopdoom, nice to see all. I 'm from China. very like fps game. a big fan of Carmark


                      • Nice to meet you man! I'm new too so i suppose I should also say something here. LOL!

                        Welcome to the community!


                        • a big welcome to all the new guys!
                          wew lad


                          • Hi everyone,

                            I astounds me to see the extreme dedication you all have about my game. You're the ones keeping it alive and I thank you deeply for that. It's amazing to see the improvements in level design over our early attempts in the original game. I still have not made a Quake map since shipping the game in 1996. But Trenchbroom gives me motivation to try it out again - what an amazing tool.

                            Just wanted to say hi and thanks for everyone.


                            • "Does that say who i think it says?"

                              "Ya, George A. Romero; he made the 'Dawn of the Dead' movie.. ya know..."



                              • did anybody check yet and can confirm if that is really THE john romero?

                                if so that would be awesome, if john romero would really be among us here at quakeone
                                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread

