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Put cheatfree on dm.quaketx

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  • #31
    Originally posted by bluntz View Post
    More to follow.



    • #32
      Muller.. you can't tell me there isn't favoritism in DM servers.. guys regularly pick only the best of the crop and leave the fodder on observer hopeful that they may be 'called up' next.. I've witnessed this first hand.. newbs / below average players don't get picked often unless there aren't enough people on the server..

      In CTF we have no such thing as captains.. people just join red and blue freely and then we mix and match the teams depending on who joined what team to equalize it.. this liberal approach to teams has provided us with nonstop close matches when the server is full.. I can't say the same for DM where a close match comes about 5%-10% of the time

      This also gives a fair chance to newbs to play.. we don't oust guys like Little me, Lerster, Quicky, or anyone else.. where in DM these guys would never even get a shot at playing

      It's uncool to say shit like 'Rematch' when a handful of people have just waited over 20 minutes or beyond to get in just to watch themselves sit on observer again.. extremely discouraging for Quake to say the least.. and don't get me started on the map issue.. but that is separate altogether


      • #33
        I agree, that in CTF, we never have any of these issues Perhaps some of the DM community should take head to how we do things, it saves a lot of arguments. I've been playing a lot of DM lately (more than I ever have infact), and it's been quite fun. At the same time though, I do see some crazy things. Example: bunch of observers during a 20 minute match, it's a close game, so everybody says rematch and ready's up, and completely ignoring the fact that now those observers will have to sit for 40 minutes, and even then, might not get a shot at playing. Who cares if you had a close game, this doesn't mean make everybody sit so you can have "another close game". Sometimes though, I feel like a lot of us point out these "flaws of dm" just to be ignored, yet somehow they want new players to come to DM.

        I don't so much think it's "funny" that CRMOD was the choice server before, because Texas is a very centralized location and creates fairness in ping most times. However, it is also "fishy" that everybody wants to play on the only server that doesn't have an anti-wallhack on it. is a perfectly smooth server nowadays as Avalanche upgraded the server, and it's anti-wallhack, yet nobody plays there? Fishy indeed.

        Tremor: I'd love to hear your rational reasoning behind not having anti-wallhack installed on your server, as I don't think I've seen you actually respond to this yet. The community is wondering.

        If anybody says it's so they can see the Quad/Pent glow, that's basically bs to me, because you can hear either of those from a distance at any point in the game. Rarely does a player with one of these powerups sneak up on anybody in the game.

        On another note, we definately should be bringing back CTF Sundays. The tournaments don't workout, it's been tried year after year, and they fail. We've had very few success situations while trying to run a tournament in recent years. I've actually seen activity in CTF twindle once it's popular every Sunday because we thought, "If we have this much activity lets try a tournament". Going back to just showing up on Sundays and playing 3wave sounds like a great idea, and I for one am all for it. Lets do it.


        • #34
          muller.. you guys didnt pick anyone. you said rematch and tried to ready up.
          It shouldn't matter how much I play dm. If I want to play a shouldn't matter that I am not a "regular" and only come once in a blue moon. I should also point out that termor stayed and played the game with us. He didn't leave like cd and the rest because they - the chosen few - would actually have to sit and watch.

          Iv given up trying to play dm ages ago because they always pick the same players.. (its not only me complaining about this). So of course I will go there and try to get players for ctf. I wouldnt get picked to dm anyways.. unless of course I was lucky enough to be the 6th player (which kimp tends to be).

          and if ur argument is considered the way we should run games.. when avalanche played a ctf game with us last week.. we shouldnt have let him play.. because he doesnt come all the time. that is just foolish.

          DM is what it is. If wallhacks are permitted, I will simply adjust my play accordingly. *cough* Besides.. I want to make sure I can really see the quad glow!!
          Cbuf_AddText (va("say ZeroQuake GL version 1.10\n"));


          • #35
            Yeah, I wouldn't tell you that, Ramp. But I can tell you that guys who show up regularly and who want to play, do get to play. Not every match if they are new or less skilled than some, but more often than you'd think if you hang around a lot.

            New guys showing up lately like XratedKilr have gotten play time in DM. Crow plays a ton and his skills are still on the rise. But yes, most of the time people just want to win. Rematches are a fact of DM, because yes, really close matches are rare and intense so if you've just had one, it's natural to want to play with the same teams again to see what happens the 2nd game. Other ports exist for a reason when a server is full and eight people are waiting. And there is also a way to deal with "the way things are" that can either help a cause or hinder it. That was the point of my other post.

            CTF seems more forgiving to me because of flag captures, the lovely X factor, which have the ability to smooth out a poor performance from any one guy because those generous extra points can also eclipse a rape performance by any one guy on the other team (e.g., bosh getting 80 quad frags on elder but his team still losing).

            I don't see excessive team stacking in DM. Usually after a rape match, teams will get mixed up, the point should always be to try for a close game.

            But anyway, CTF Sunday.

            Do it.


            • #36
              Originally posted by monoz View Post
              and if ur argument is considered the way we should run games.. when avalanche played a ctf game with us last week.. we shouldnt have let him play.. because he doesnt come all the time.

              Yeah, definitely. Esp when he asks if he can use cheats on the server or if anyone wants to go DM.


              • #37
                based on numerous players experiences.. no one cares if you cheat as long you can play and get a team game going.

                nevertheless, im done with this convo. OFF TO VEGAS!!
                Cbuf_AddText (va("say ZeroQuake GL version 1.10\n"));


                • #38
                  Originally posted by monoz View Post
                  based on numerous players experiences.. no one cares if you cheat as long you can play and get a team game going.

                  nevertheless, im done with this convo. OFF TO VEGAS!!


                  • #39
                    some good points made by ramp/muller/frenzy/mono

                    IMO, as far as cheating goes, and i've said this a bunch of times - i honestly don't think anybody in the current DM community uses cheats, although admittedly i could be being naive

                    the reason i say that is partly because back in 99/2000ish i know i messed around with an LG bot in clan arena and also messed around with pak2 in DM (with the bars sticking out of player models) so i'm 100% certain of what to look for when eyecamming somebody

                    i know pretty much for certain nobody uses aimbot in DM, it's way too obvious to tell the signs of an aimbot, and as far as wallhacking/pak2 or whatever goes, from personal experience of using them, it's always obvious to tell when somebody was using them back then when they were rampant and i don't think anybody uses them anymore either

                    the reason i say that is because a pretty fool-proof way to rule out sombody using wallhack/pak2 is just to eyecam them and see how they play/look around, the most simple sign to rule it out is when players check corners that end up being empty, or looking into certain places for weapon/ammo to find them empty, or to run into players at a corner or something with no idea they were there, or any other similar instance, and all of this stuff usually happens every minute or two in a DM game.. and i'm pretty sure with such a small community we've all eyecammed each other playing a bunch of times and i personally have never saw/felt anything fishy.. so besides that i don't see what other cheats people are worried about that someone could be using

                    and the thing about the quad/pent glow is that it's a crucial difference when you can see it before they turn the corner, the reason being is that when people know that quad is coming they wait for the glow and start spamming rockets/gl's, which makes it near impossible for the quad guy to come into the room, without this glow, the quad guy can enter any room/area and clear it out because nobody will have a chance to run

                    and besides corners, another crucial part is that the glow can be seen under/above walls. for example, if you're coming from lower bridge to mound, you can look up and see the quad glowing completely and see if he's going to YA, to pent window, or to RA. without the glow you are completely clueless as to where quad is headed from certain positions, when the whole purpose of the glow is to give the non-powerup player atleast some what of a level playing field in keeping the powerup player at a distance

                    altho DMTX has become the most played server recently, the active DM players have all played and do play tg's at any other server, i know sometimes when it's only east coasters we go play at crmod or even lately at chi, and the results/standings of the players is always the same except for some changes due to ping differences

                    just my 0.02

                    edit -

                    as for the whole 'capping' thing, the reason we do that is so we can usually have the better players end up on opposite teams, otherwise the games would be lopsided. likewise, if the server has 10+ people, who's to decide which 8 get to play? it does suck to not get picked but honestly the most a player can sit is usually 2 games, either due to a RM or not getting picked twice, but after that i can almost guarantee somebody would sit or pick them.
                    if the person spent those 20 mins to eyecam the game and learn some basics of DM they would in turn do better anyways

                    with the new post by baker now and what not, i think the best option would be some type of code to enable just the powerup player to be visible and disable all the other data if people are still weary of cheating
                    Last edited by rcade; 08-05-2011, 03:06 PM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by bluntz View Post
                      Well I am pssd.
                      I go away to work for a week and come back to find Grapezilla banned from
                      Admin as a direct result of some whiney little fkrs cryin for someone to do something about getting owned by quote "aimbots"
                      Yes I am mad brah!
                      I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may.
                      More to follow.
                      ie Proof for ninjaz since he seems to think I faked the avi!
                      i dont think you faked the avi i just said it didnt show much.. it looked like omi was camping or controlling that area, and there was no hacktivity going on


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by ninjamonkeyz View Post
                        thats just a video of someone i guess its omi dominating/camping the rocket launcher room in a dm match. Nobody was typing in the video
                        Here is your proof
                        I already had this uploaded because Tremor actually investigated this kid's rants before this came to a head.

                        All the whining by Chezwik finally pushed McMurfey to do something Drastic.
                        Last edited by bluntz; 08-05-2011, 06:20 PM.
                        May be too intense for some viewers.
                        Stress Relief Device
                        ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by bluntz View Post
                          Here is your proof
                          I already had this uploaded because Tremor actually investigated this kid's rants before this came to a head.

                          All the whining by Chezwik finally pushed McMurfey to do something Drastic.
                          I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. Just go away, you're useless in TGs and for you to try to call me out on here for being an ass, when everyone already knows I'm an ass, is asinine and dumb.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by omicron View Post
                            I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. Just go away, you're useless in TGs and for you to try to call me out on here for being an ass, when everyone already knows I'm an ass, is asinine and dumb.
                            you're an ass


                            • #44
                              So I fn TROLL'd AROOOOUND !!!
                              Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by omicron View Post
                                I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. Just go away, you're useless in TGs and for you to try to call me out on here for being an ass, when everyone already knows I'm an ass, is asinine and dumb.
                                Well your half rite cheezdwick.
                                And I am making sure the other half know about you too before you break anything else around here.
                                Last edited by bluntz; 08-05-2011, 10:36 PM.
                                May be too intense for some viewers.
                                Stress Relief Device
                                ....BANG HEAD HERE....

