This post -><- continued HERE.
RE: OoPpEe , just because the bitching is really RAMPANT doesn't mean its any less important. I'm sorry most of the people bitching are REAL NETQUAKE PLAYERS, who happen to have invested way more time playing this game than anything else, so when you consider it POINTLESS BITCHING then you're obviously just re-itterating that you have no fucking clue, so STEP OFF the locking of post's.
RE: OoPpEe , just because the bitching is really RAMPANT doesn't mean its any less important. I'm sorry most of the people bitching are REAL NETQUAKE PLAYERS, who happen to have invested way more time playing this game than anything else, so when you consider it POINTLESS BITCHING then you're obviously just re-itterating that you have no fucking clue, so STEP OFF the locking of post's.