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something that might be good for new players

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  • foq
    I got loads of cigars... plenty of beatings to go around!

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    Don't make me beat you with my cigar, Magnus

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  • Magnus
    Hey, here's one for you Dill...

    Don't fn rage quit when you're readied up and the clock is counting down.

    We had you in a 4v4 and you rage.. pfft.

    I just got done playing a bunch of games since you rage-quit a match you were committed to Dill. We got crow and xrated in almost all the games.

    When you ragequit like that, people will be less inclined to pick you in the future.

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    Enjoy the Wings and Beer, next time you want a game of Quake, hit me up. No Bullllllllshit attached

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  • Dilligaf
    Give that man a cigar...

    Yeah, that was the server and yeah I might need a tissue... pissed me off, one of the few times I get to play and I'm told to disconnect. I got off work a little early today. Long weekend and all...What the hell's up with that shit. I thought we we were trying to INCREASE the population of the quake community!

    Target was from Texas... I wonder if he had something to do with it.
    Anyways... I'm going to Fatz... watch a ballgame... eat wings and drink beer... gnight
    Last edited by Dilligaf; 09-02-2011, 06:27 PM.

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    10 Bucks it happened at DM.QUAKETX.COM

    The exact same shit happened to us, while we was playing Q3DM17 or whatever, the lift'y "in space" level.

    GG's today on that map, 2v2.

    Then, the "squad" showed up,took over, and started a game and didnt pick me. Wahhhh,isnt that what doug did? Shouldn't I be needing a tissue right about now?

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  • Phenom
    Hmmm wasn't me!

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  • Dilligaf
    started a topic something that might be good for new players

    something that might be good for new players

    Don"t run people off that are on the server and wanting to play!!!!