Thats a nasty and hard event that you're going through now ...
You should take all the time you need dude.
Take care.
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K0ngsd0ng... Sorry guys
Best of luck, and I hope you keep a sane mind in times like this my friend. Comeback soon!
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Horrible news about your friend.
It's ok, when you're not playing I'll frag some noobs for you!
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whatever you have to do, do it now fok, then come back and blast some Qmark......i think speaknow is even back up(?).....drop in for some pmode...or w/e
cya around
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Sorry to hear that, Daveman. Must be pretty rough. Hope to see you around soon!
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Our deepest sympathies and if you need to talk (or someone to listen ) let us know ...
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K0ngsd0ng... Sorry guys
I have been off of quake for a while. Just letting you know I been going through a real hard time. My best friend/roommate killed himself in his room on september 29th. I've had so much going on that I have not been able to even think straight or get time to do anything. I might be on here and there to get my mind off things. But if I am not on for a while I hope the quake community understands. But I will be back. It's always fun fragging with you guys cutting up and joking around it gets my mind off a lot of things. I don't know how long I will be gone but I will be on here periodically throughout this week and probably a couple of weeks to come. But just incase im not for good ol times sake I will leave you with this....
take care guysTags: None
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