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Quake questions

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  • Jappan
    Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
    Quake is intended.... .....Mac's run windows now anyway? am I missing something here.
    Cheers I'll definitely try what you recommended.

    It's not like I got Mac for gaming, I'm a professional musician and this is my everyday tool. I guess I could get a cheap/light pc for games such as Quake but we'll see. And yes, Mac can run windows but unfortunately the drive on my Mac is quite busy enough with all the stuff and heavy apps. I've got on daily use.

    When it comes down to all this huzzling with engines and ports and stuff I'm crippled. For that I'm glad there's this site. I haven't got much freetime but I'll definitely want to get this work. All this because of one certain game...

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    no, just well informed

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  • Phenom
    Welp... My work here is done. Back to praying for an updated Qrack4Linux release.

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  • Phenom
    aren't people who link or make reference to clanHDZ considered a terrorist?

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    Quake is intended to be run on Windows 7 and other updated operating systems. (including Mac,with certain clients)

    Quake has more support now, then it did during its hey dey.

    If you watch a video of Quake1 uploaded to YouTube, I garuntee it wasn't recorded using the out of date engines from your past.

    Things you need :

    Quake Installer (google for clanhdz,and explore)
    Updated Quake Client/Engine ( QuakeOne - Quake 1 Resurrection - Quake 1 File Downloads - Quake Clients there is a Mac client somewhere in there... )
    Patience (You won't need too much of this,because you have to assist)

    When you think about gaming on a computer,or go shopping for a game at a retail store on the computer platform, if your first thought is Mac then something is warped in your reality. Choosing Mac is to punish yourself when it comes to gaming....this was true when quake1 came out,and is still true today.
    doesn't Mac's run windows now anyway? am I missing something here.
    Last edited by Mindf!3ldzX; 12-19-2011, 02:15 PM.

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  • grave_digga
    Originally posted by Jappan View Post
    Why are mac-people being punished?
    Because they are using overpriced intel pcs with a lousy OS on it.

    There are also Mac ports of some newer engines...

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  • Jappan
    No Quake for Mac?

    Hi, I'm definitely a long lost son of Quake. After over 12 years, one week ago I received a tip from my friend who randomly found out I used to be a Quake junkie when I was a kid (until my older brother - God smack him down - erased it as it was "too violent for me") and I installed and learned how to work with DOSBox. I once again experienced the long lost gut-twisting feeling of the original Quake but my joy was premature for it was only the demo. No biggie, I was (and I still am) very much willing to purchase the real thing, but after searching and searching I cannot find a version for mac.

    My question: am I - as a mac user - left all alone in this quest to relive my childhood passion? Is there no way to legally play Quake with Mac OS X?

    I did in my darkest hour try to look up for a pirate but it was a no go. There are of course modified versions more available (I believe) but for me I'd rather settle only for the original. So I'm bleeding my heart out as this beautiful game as a whole is once again taken away from me. Why are mac-people being punished?

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  • rambo
    Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
    I took you seriously, you obviously didn't check your Private Messages.

    I will stop sending out Private Messages if they fall blind eyes!

    Private messages need more appearance on here, because i really think some people just dont notice them.

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  • Wally

    shareware is the only kind
    that will run on my dos

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  • Frenzy
    Originally posted by Wally View Post
    thanks Mindf!3ldzX,

    yeah I checked the pvt msg now.

    Shareware Quakey is the only kind
    that will run from dos on my win 98 box.

    another quakey query:

    what maps -version 28-will run
    from Quake .091...?

    I wonder.
    Why would you WANT shareware to run? I sent you a private message as well awhile back, I hope you learned a bit

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  • Wally
    thanks Mindf!3ldzX,

    yeah I checked the pvt msg now.

    Shareware Quakey is the only kind
    that will run from dos on my win 98 box.

    another quakey query:

    what maps -version 28-will run
    from Quake .091...?

    I wonder.

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  • Mindf!3ldzX
    I took you seriously, you obviously didn't check your Private Messages.

    I will stop sending out Private Messages if they fall blind eyes!


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  • grave_digga
    Why you don't get a legal copy of quake? As i wrote above it'll cost you not that much. I ran GL Quake and Winquake on my W98 machine back in the days.

    This is the Quake\ID1 folder:

    So you need pak1.pak to have the full game version. Otherwise you're stuck to Episode 1 (pak0.pak).

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  • Wally
    thanks to the last two guys
    who took me seriously..

    im gonna try GL client and another qcrack.

    i tried 'registered 1' single player
    and it freezes upon enteriing
    slipgate of any episode besides 1.

    uh, what is 'LG'?

    thinks a million, guys

    what maps WILL run from Quake .091..?
    Last edited by Wally; 10-15-2011, 02:35 PM.

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  • Spike
    "Is there a way to make shareware quake think it is a registered"

    Yes, go to the console, enter 'registered 1' and press enter. Quake will now think that it is registered and will allow you to get the LG on the start map. It'll also open up the other portals so you probably also want to set noexit as well, as it'll pretty much crash if someone uses one of the portals that opened up. But you probably want that anyway as it kinda defeats the point in deathmatch to not do so, especially if you're playing on a map with 5 different ways to change maps - excluding timelimits/fraglimits/admins.

    I realise that this may not actually help you.
    If you already bought a copy from steam, just redownload it or something. Your tinkering with the prerelease/qtest version has probably fubared it.

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