Looking at the opening another server.. The more the better right? Below is 2 ip addresses they can only be pinged as they are not running any servers at this time. I would like replies from those who ping them and which ip you would like to see open up as a server. The ips are in 2 different locations. Please reply back and whatever ip gets the best results i will open up a server in that ips location. Thanks..
: - reply with ip/ping times
: - reply with ip/ping times
Servers currently in
Atlanta, GA - wicked.servequake.com - DM
Los Angelos, CA - dmwest.servequake.com - DM
: - reply with ip/ping times
: - reply with ip/ping times
Servers currently in
Atlanta, GA - wicked.servequake.com - DM
Los Angelos, CA - dmwest.servequake.com - DM