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Intentionally glitched mod

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  • Intentionally glitched mod

    So there's countless cool mods for Q1. both SP and MP. But something I've been getting a chuckle at thinking of lately is a intentionally glitched-to-hell mod.

    Something where at totally random intervals the game decides to screw over something. Nails going at 10 percent their speed, gravity changing, the rocketlauncher randomly shoots a single nail, the grenade launcher lobs out a ferocious shambler. zombies throw lazer-beams, all gibs turn into rockets and launch off into random directions.... Sheer utter chaos.

    Anybody sick enough to try doing it? Has it been done and slipped past me?

  • #2
    Hah, I like this idea. I'll write one. Name the one that you would like to see the most and I will take a stab at it.

    Break Quake Mods


    • #3
      How about :
      rottweilers that bark lava balls
      skys that drop blood
      health paks that actually hurt(traps)
      secret doors that slam shut or doors that malfunction randomly
      ;D ||


      • #4
        I always wanted a SNG gun that made the LG look like a bitch
        Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


        • #5
          maybe a shambler that shoots out fiends instead of lighting and the fiends shoot lightning while they jump around and attack to protect the shambler


          • #6
            i know that doesn't go with the concept but it sounds cool


            • #7
              maybe even have random shielded monsters as a glitch where u cant tell when any ammo will bounce off or hurt them, sorta like that doctor who mod, i forget the name of it.


              • #8
                Wow! Sounds like I've got the ball rolling! All these are great ideas. Let nothing be sacred. If possible maybe even have miniature shamblers or oversized dogs. spasming corpses. doors that wont stop open/closing.


                • #9
                  already been done
                  skys that drop blood - darkplaces rain effect with red color
                  health paks that actually hurt(traps) - health spawnflag ROTTEN
                  miniature shamblers - Scourge of Armagon? Zerostorer? ...some episode
                  spasming corpses - zombie spawnflag CRUCIFIED
                  doors that wont stop open/closing. - my first multi-trigger attempt LOL

                  This is my favorite one - maybe a shambler that shoots out fiends instead of lighting and the fiends shoot lightning while they jump around and attack to protect the shambler - but instead of "shoot out" - use the knight statue code to freeze the shambler in a "hands in front facing each other" frame and have him "spawn" demons between his hands. Could even use the darkplaces alpha effect with a think to make the demon fade in.

                  I'm gonna make that. Y'all can keep posting stuff, as I finish (or fail) one thing I will pick another. I also don't have really any idea on where to even start so, this might take a little while. Never fear though - I can figure this shit out.

                  However, I don't really want to keep posting all these different progs.dat files every time a new mod is made. I'm just gonna post the classes here and YOU can add/compile them. that's the "toll" to play break quake - learn how to copy/paste and click a button or miss out.

                  I always wanted a SNG gun that made the LG look like a bitch
                  Super Lightning Nails - it could be the lava nail gun in every way except with white glow and it explodes like a sparkler on impact.

                  Mods like this are going to effect every version of a thing in quake. So open/close doors (for instance) would be every door ^ every shambler etc. That's gonna suck. Gonna have to make custom break quake maps and write FGD definitions with flags for these things THAT I CAN DO - no problem. Actually that's good cause if it's break Quake and everything is messed up then the maps should be all messed up too. (not leaky though)

                  Maybe stuff like the ground is simply never level, you are always at like a 15 to 45 degree pitch (lol). all step-systems have a step that you have to jump to ascend. maybe the map can even attack you - like mine fields or something. Push triggers that push you into things really hard.

                  Ooooh the grand finale - when you are 1 bullet away from beating the game - it crashes. That's how you know you beat it - it shuts down, deletes all of your drivers, installs a virus and gives you a blue screen - YOu WIN! LOL
                  Last edited by MadGypsy; 02-29-2012, 12:21 AM.


                  • #10
                    now THATS ROCK N ROLL right there!! (well, i would like to have my computer still operational after the game ends i guess, call me a panzy)

                    essentially, look to datamoshing and the doom mod "The Sky May Be"

                    [ame=]DOOM - Sky May Be / The Blessed Engine - YouTube[/ame]


                    • #11
                      im glad to know someone picked these ideas up as a project, i can't wait to see what all else is added and a finished result maybe even with contributions of newbies learning as suggested by the classes.


                      • #12
                        There's an admin command on FvF which can be used to make gibs bleed out of the walls, ceilings, and skies. There's another command that can teleport things, players, monsters, and certian entities that have health, like some doors, most memorably the green armor secret at the end of E1M5. If the door is teleported, it will appear at a random spot in the map, then eventually make its way back to it's 'track' in the wall and close normally. Maybe that's something that could be added to this mod, doors, elevators and such randomly teleporting and moving back in place... but nothing gamebreaking, as in an elevator needed to ascend to the next part of the level. It would be a good deal of work looking through all the maps and hand picking which objects that can teleport and which can't without making the game broken and frustrating.


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            maybe have lavaballs that bounce out of the pits and chase you while they multiply smaller ones that turn into puddles of lava as it bounces but can be destroyed before it floods the map with lava


                            • #15
                              maybe have lavaballs that bounce out of the pits and chase you while they multiply smaller ones that turn into puddles of lava as it bounces but can be destroyed before it floods the map with lava
                              O.O - you have great ideas but they all require a masters degree in QC lol. You also have a passion for multiplication (LOL). How about we just make it to where everything is out to get you and if you even so much as shoot it it doubles, including the walls and everything. You start off in a room with one door and a dog. As soon as you start shooting things it starts building the map and adding monsters.

