I realize this may not exactly fit here but I thought others could use it. Quaddicted.com has a list of checksums and filesizes for Spirit's single player archive:
I wrote a small perl program that takes those checksums and sizes and uses the system's locatedb to find matching filenames. It runs a SHA1 checksum if the files are the same size. It outputs which files have the same name but aren't the same size.
It's more likely that the ones that are different sizes are corrupt but it gave me too many false positives because some maps have generic names. In a new version, I will probably let the user specify which directories to look in so I can assume that files named the same must be the same checksum. There will still be false positives but much less than checking your whole system.
It's kind of neat to verify you have the same copy of maps and also you can tell how many maps you have that someone else does. You can also tell if you have duplicate copies. I'm always hesitant to delete files named similar things without verifying checksums because one could be different than the other. This tells you if they are the same using the checksum.
Would anyone here be interested in this? It's not just quake specific. You could use this with any set of checksums and filesizes. It's Unix only at this point. I'm not aware of a Windows locate program that's standard.
Baker: If you think this would be useful, could you host it?
I have no webspace. It's GPL v2 or later. There are two versions: One that uses all system commands ("locate", "sha1sum", etc) and another that's much faster but requires extra perl modules.
I realize this may not exactly fit here but I thought others could use it. Quaddicted.com has a list of checksums and filesizes for Spirit's single player archive:
I wrote a small perl program that takes those checksums and sizes and uses the system's locatedb to find matching filenames. It runs a SHA1 checksum if the files are the same size. It outputs which files have the same name but aren't the same size.
It's more likely that the ones that are different sizes are corrupt but it gave me too many false positives because some maps have generic names. In a new version, I will probably let the user specify which directories to look in so I can assume that files named the same must be the same checksum. There will still be false positives but much less than checking your whole system.
It's kind of neat to verify you have the same copy of maps and also you can tell how many maps you have that someone else does. You can also tell if you have duplicate copies. I'm always hesitant to delete files named similar things without verifying checksums because one could be different than the other. This tells you if they are the same using the checksum.
Would anyone here be interested in this? It's not just quake specific. You could use this with any set of checksums and filesizes. It's Unix only at this point. I'm not aware of a Windows locate program that's standard.
Baker: If you think this would be useful, could you host it?
