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Use IRC n00bs!

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  • Use IRC n00bs!

    I often see posts here where people discuss Darkplaces or something and seem to hope that the actual developers would come to this forum and listen to requests etc.

    I also see people discussing how to go about learning QC.

    What you guys are missing out on is that tons of developers, engine coders and QC wizards (and even more interesting people) are hanging out in IRC all day long, and often all night long, where they're readily available for people who wanted to contact them. And if they're not currently available, you can still leave a message for them and when they're back they will probably see it.

    You can't expect everyone else to come to you. If you're interested to learn or want to test or contribute to some engine, or just idle with developers, you must go to them.

    Learn to use IRC bitches! (to use your language)

    Let's collect resources in this thread! Such as channels and IRC clients.




    Channel for coders, both QC and engine, and often general game related chat. This channel is usually pretty full (around 30 users) and semi-active.


    Channel for DP engine development. Also usually pretty full. This is probably the right place for DP enthusiasts.




    Channel for FTEQW development.

    IRC clients

    Free Windows IRC clients

    Pick one of these, install it and connect to one of the abovementioned chat servers. You can then enter /join #channelname in the chat line. You can use /nick newnick to adjust your name.

    Mibbit web-chat client

    Mibbit runs in the browser. Click on "Launch App", enter the server and channelname. Easy.

    What is Internet Relay Chat?


    It is normal for people to "idle" in an IRC chatroom. This means they will have the IRC client open while doing other things. They might even be sleeping! Because of this, it is customary to "highlight" a person you want to speak with. This is as simple as saying their name. If you wanted to talk to me, for instance, while I was idling, you'd type "gb" or some sentence including my nick, and this would make the IRC tab turn red on my end or even play a sound, so I know someone wants to talk to me.

    If I still don't react, but you see my nick in the channel, you would just type what you wanted to say and I would read it later.

    Easy and practical!

    There are a lot of people on IRC who don't usually post here, so IRC might be the best or only way to talk to them.

    If you're not using IRC, you are missing out. It is a great resource.

    No trolling

    Don't try to troll or flood in an IRC channel. You will be kicked or banned ASAP. The people there have a lower bullshit tolerance than this forum and everything happens in realtime, including kicking people who can't behave.
    Scout's Journey
    Rune of Earth Magic

  • #2
    Thanks, I never knew about this. Now, I can stop begging you to help me ...I'm just kidding, I will never stop .

    For real though good post and resource.

    Learn to use IRC bitches! (to use your language)
    I was raised by female dogs
    Last edited by MadGypsy; 08-08-2012, 04:37 AM.


    • #3
      For people looking for, say, answers to DarkPlaces or QuakeC questions, no doubt IRC is the absolute best way handle it.

      Case in point: In 2006, RocketGuy and I hit a super-frustrating problem. On IRC, we immediately had FrikaC, LordHavoc and Spike helping us (!!!) --- jeezus fuck --- talk about problems solved in a nanosecond. The 2nd time we needed help compiling an engine on Linux and we got Divverent's help (!!!).

      At the same time IRC has a lot of liabilities:

      1) Tossing knowledge in a blackhole, whose event horizon generally is never penetrated by Google. I call this the "groundhog" day problem. You aren't adding to the public body of knowledge. People relive the same problems over and over again, versus a documented forum answer. Sure there are IRC search tools, but nothing as effective as using Google.

      2) Inefficiency. How many conversations go like this:

      Somebody: Hi!
      You: Hey, what's up with <insert something>

      [15 minutes later]

      Somebody: I'm sorry, was afk.

      3) Inaccessibility.

      Using internet on a phone. Sure I bet there is "an app" for that. But I'm not sure IRC is all that great of a match, for, say using a phone. And for people using the internet at work, they probably don't care much what you do on a web site, but they may not want you installing a chat app. Not that there aren't other ways available ... Java, Flash, maybe something else.

      I'm just saying IRC is not a total panacea.

      That being said, it is clearly a resource that is not getting used enough by some. - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

      So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


      • #4
        1. IRC logs. Turn on your client's logging function. If something really interesting is discussed, you can keep that log around or even paste it somewhere (forum thread?). IRC is public, after all (even if you *can* private message someone over IRC).

        IRC is for communication though, not storage.

        2. That's not half as bad as you make it sound. Also, that's just normal on IRC. It is a medium where people idle in a room together while each is going about their business.

        3. If you can use a browser on your phone, you can use mibbit. But you'd more typically let your IRC client run on your home PC, then read through the backbuffer and see if anyone highlighted you while you were away.

        It's not a solution to all the world's problems, but clearly more knowledgeable people are on IRC than on this forum. And if you want something from one of them, you can directly reach them.

        IRC is no substitute for, it is a valuable addition.
        Scout's Journey
        Rune of Earth Magic


        • #5
          I will highlight responsibly.

          On a side note, I don't know how many damn posts I need to get past "death lord" but I'm sick of being Hitler. It's avatar change time.
          Last edited by MadGypsy; 08-08-2012, 05:16 AM.


          • #6
            Hitler sucks anyway. Sherlock is cool.
            Scout's Journey
            Rune of Earth Magic


            • #7
              I might add a prominent link somewhere to the IRC channel [Inside3D is essentially a lock-box, with the registration closed.]

              I've personally always been a fan of things like the "Mapping Help" thread at Func because the aggregate easily accessible information.

              But still, some people could really benefit from "real-time" help from the top of the deck especially with complex QuakeC stuff or under-documented DarkPlaces features.

              And getting the knowledge out is important.
     - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

              So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


              • #8
                Would it be possible to simply embed IRC on the site, maybe like 2 or 3 of the more open channels (ie not a direct link to bug the crap out of LH)? I could probably make an embeddable flash GUI. I'm not sure how the cross-domain policy would work for that though. I'd have to go back and refresh myself on the security sandbox.

                I've been itching for a noteworthy project that I can actually perceive an end to and finish. I've been working on the crappiest Quake game ever for 2 years, it would be nice to take a break and build something pro.


                • #9
                  there's some sort of web-based irc thing on inside3d, I believe, never used it myself, but should work for getting to #qc. A real client is easier though.
                  Some Game Thing


                  • #10
                    Since no one mentioned it, IRC.GAMESURGE.NET ; #Quake1 #QuakeOne

                    Originally posted by #QuakeOne channel Topic
                    #QuakeOne We have all the quake codes and quake bots and quake chics! /msg LordHavoc for more info.
                    Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                    • #11
                      Guys, IRC is public. If someone doesn't want to be bothered, they typically don't hang out on IRC.
                      Scout's Journey
                      Rune of Earth Magic


                      • #12
                        The real thing people 'flocking to IRC to pester LH' should know, is that it really operates like this....

                        Send message to Channel / or PrivateMessage, if the channel is flowing with text.

                        ----WAIT,longer than 30min,longer than 1day if need be. He will see your msg,and respond----

                        It took 2-3days to fully get the dual GPU thing ironed out,but he helped me do it 1 on 1 on IRC. You're very right, IRC is like plugging directly into the coder. Although, two missing deity's are R00k/Baker on IRC. Then, IRC would be epic. And then,they'd all have to be on the same server. I don't go to any of the ones mentioned, just GameSurge
                        Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                        • #13
                          I would but... I'm on enough irc chans/nets as it is, nice to know they are there though.
                          Regular One Man Slaughterhouse


                          • #14
                            any channels for graphics stuff? i tried to put up a channel for the quake revitalization project years ago... have to poke around a bit
                   :: Total Remodeling Progress :: Monster Remodelling Project :: New Player Model ::


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by golden_boy View Post
                              Hitler sucks anyway. Sherlock is cool.

