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I've Had Enough !. (And Hi).

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  • I've Had Enough !. (And Hi).

    That's it, I've had enough of modern gaming. It's all boring me now.

    I long for the good old days of Quake deathmatch and mapping sessions, so I want in.

  • #2


    • #3
      Welcome back Panthur, where the hell have you been all these years?
      May be too intense for some viewers.
      Stress Relief Device
      ....BANG HEAD HERE....


      • #4
        A long way away hehe.

        Still, tomorrow I'll be getting right back on it and starting a new map. Let's see how many of the old skills I still remember.


        • #5
          Cool deal, we need some huge maps for freezetag!


          • #6

            Well, as promised, I've made a map.

            Really it was an exercise to see how much I could remember, and surprisingly it all came back, so I banged on some Pink Floyd and got to work.
            The result is a map called dmpants1.bsp (In certain social circles, my net handle of 'Panthur' has been lovingly nicknamed 'Pants'). I've uploaded it to the catalogue and I assume someone will cast an eye over it and approve it. I welcome any feedback, but please bear in mind this is the first time I've touched Quake mapping for over 10 years.

            Now I feel old.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Panthur View Post
              Well, as promised, I've made a map.

              Really it was an exercise to see how much I could remember, and surprisingly it all came back, so I banged on some Pink Floyd and got to work.
              The result is a map called dmpants1.bsp (In certain social circles, my net handle of 'Panthur' has been lovingly nicknamed 'Pants'). I've uploaded it to the catalogue and I assume someone will cast an eye over it and approve it. I welcome any feedback, but please bear in mind this is the first time I've touched Quake mapping for over 10 years.

              Now I feel old.
              this happened to me way back in the day too! MindfieldzX was shortened to mindzy / forever more known as mindz.
              Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


              • #8
                I wish people would "shorten" Mad to Gypsy or just call me Michael (with no damn shortening ever, I will kill you)... Mad is not a name it is an adjective, maybe even a verb. Who knows? I suck at that stuff, which is ironic, because I love languages and I can't even define the parts of my native one. I also just add a bunch of punctuation wherever with the theory that, if I add enough of it some of it has to be right.

                //  (if)?then:(else if)?then:else
                (Gypsy == "Mad")?Gypsy = "Gypsy":(Gypsy != "Gypsy")?Gypsy = "Michael":return;
                The power of inline conditional statements.

                or how about this

                public class Gypsy
                    public function Gypsy():void
                        private var myName:Array = new Array ("Gypsy","Michael");
                        private var reaction:Function = new Human.NameReaction();
                        public function addressed(name:String)
                            for each (pronoun in myName)
                                if (name == myName[pronoun])
                                    return reaction(name);
                                else if ((name != myName[pronoun]) && (pronoun == (myName.length - 1)))
                                    return null;

                Yes, I am hella bored. You like my encap? You can't change my name or reaction and you can only access me by addressing me, even then only with the proper name. Maybe I should just turn my entire verbally reactionary self into an AS3 program. Then I could just let it run and it would free up some time to do other important things, like... who am I kidding? I don't have anything important to do.
                Last edited by MadGypsy; 08-15-2012, 06:18 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Panthur View Post
                  Well, as promised, I've made a map.

                  Really it was an exercise to see how much I could remember, and surprisingly it all came back, so I banged on some Pink Floyd and got to work.
                  The result is a map called dmpants1.bsp (In certain social circles, my net handle of 'Panthur' has been lovingly nicknamed 'Pants'). I've uploaded it to the catalogue and I assume someone will cast an eye over it and approve it. I welcome any feedback, but please bear in mind this is the first time I've touched Quake mapping for over 10 years.

                  Now I feel old.
                  Would it be ok if I took it for a spin,I don't know where that catalog is or who "they" are however.
                  May be too intense for some viewers.
                  Stress Relief Device
                  ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                  • #10
                    Here ya go bluntz. dmpants1

                    My guesswork is improving, cause I didn't know what he was talking about either.

                    EDIT: Oh, the catalog is this. I had to use the search feature to get it. It doesn't appear to be in the list yet. That being said, I guess "they" is baker/solecord/someOtherAdmin and apparently they have to add it to the list. I wonder how many other maps are in "the void".
                    Last edited by MadGypsy; 08-15-2012, 07:18 AM.


                    • #11
                      Well for whatever reason I don't have permission to access that area of the site.
                      If I did I would have contributed to it long ago.I never met a quake file I didn't like and tend to archive everything.
                      May be too intense for some viewers.
                      Stress Relief Device
                      ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                      • #12
                        I've stuck it on some hosting...

                        Here it is.Anybody can let rip and let me know whats good / done wrong. I haven't done this for such a long time, any feedback will be welcome. Can't wait to see how much things have changed. Just the coloured lighting has floored me !

