Hey guys whats the procedure for playing online these days, I havent done it in forever. Can you play using darkplaces or is there another that you have to use? Has it got a server browser built in or do you need to use gamespy or All Seeing Eye? Do I need a list of master servers or have to add any manually? Is there still a difference between netquake and quakeworld style of games or is it all the same now? Like with the feel of movement prediction and bunnyhopping ability and physics and all that.
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Yes u can use DPLACES but not recommended in my opinion. I prefer proquake, qrack or directq. Server list here located here on the site off to the right there is a main page list, just put cursor over a server name and it gives ip address, or look at left side of main page you will see "servers" and thats an entire list of servers for NETQUAKE. As for QuakeWorld i cant help you.
DarkPlaces can connect to NetQuake and QuakeWorld servers, and even it's own DarkPlaces Servers. Personally, if we had all moved to DP long ago both nq and qw players could be playing on the same servers using FTE or DarkPlaces as a client.
Don't even mention the 64 fn player server support..... wowzers I want to experience 64 players on map DeathMatch32C plz. (Custom DarkPlaces as server exe + CAx mod).
Only catch? Everyone has to use DarkPlaces,and that's constrictingLast edited by Mindf!3ldzX; 08-13-2012, 11:25 AM.Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!
Originally posted by R00k View PostPersonally, if we had all moved to DP long ago
The breaker was DarkPlaces doesn't work with everyone computer or video card. And there wasn't any way to predict who's didn't work or why.
So had we tried, players X, Y, Z, Q, K, M, Z and W would have been like "DarkPlaces doesn't work what do I do?". And there wouldn't be an answer to that question.
DarkPlaces could work for Nexuiz, because if you were new to that game and DarkPlaces didn't work, that was just tough luck.
But for an existing community, that isn't workable.Quakeone.com - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.
So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...
a few years ago when i tried to play everyone wanted you to use "proquake" and locked you out of connecting to the server if you didnt use it. and it looked like a crappy version of win/glquake so i gave up on playing online at all. there was fitzquake and telejano as well as tenebrae and dp back then, so i dont understand what the attraction to proquake was all about.
Originally posted by echos View Posta few years ago when i tried to play everyone wanted you to use "proquake" and locked you out of connecting to the server if you didnt use it.
Someone can use anything to connect to servers now.
And almost all the servers have anti-wallhack, which you wouldn't notice because it works so well.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf94PbE-b9I&feature=player_embedded]Bomber - wqpro3.92 - YouTube[/ame]Quakeone.com - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.
So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...
It was all about security as tons of cheaters were ruining games.
What the admins had no idea was by locking out the players not in the know was that it basically killed the player pool almost entirely.Anyone with even a slightly modified directory could not connect even if the correct version and security.dll were used!Only the diehard quakers would persist until they were able to get it sorted out.WARNING
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I was using darkplaces, but I passed to quakespasm becahse darkplaces does not work well in hipnotic.
So, my advice is: multiplayer darkplaces. singleplayer quakespasm.
Personally I am playing through the whole quake* in nightmare in SP now...
*quake, hipnotic, rogue, impel.Contradiction is truth. Fear is freedom. Rights are privileges. Job is a commodity. Ignorance is strength.
hey whats wrong with hipnotic in darkplaces? i want to play thru all of them in coop with someone soon and we were going to use dp for it.
on a side note it would be cool to have a mode where the monsters keep respawning in nightmare mode like they did in dooms nightmare, especially for coop mode. is there a way to do that?
i dont know, but there are a few doors in some maps which dont open correctly in hipnotic when using DP
for the gold door in first map of episode1 of hipnotic:
turn your back to the door and strafe side to side backwards against the door and it should open
for the map where you start falling out of the pipe followed by gremlins, and two doors should open after picking up the horn but they dont open:
sadly theres afaik no fix for this. just use noclip to go through the doors and then turn noclip back off again after you went through the doors.
but except for that there are no bugs in hipnotic as far as i know. ive played out hypnotic countless times in darkplaces and those are the only bugs i know of
about respawning monsters: yeah im sure there would be a way to do that with a mod. but im no coder myself, so you'd have to ask one of the coders here on the site, im sure they can help you with that.are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
> then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread