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10 posts rule

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  • 10 posts rule

    I'm trying to get my 10 posts so I can edit my profile. I don't have 10 immediate and legitimate participations to post. I think this rule promotes spam and makes no sense. Eliminating bot accounts is what moderators are for. I am the member of many forums and they all entice you to fill out a profile upon registration. Some even require it. Since when do bots (my assumed reason for this) fill out profile data? This rule seems like a lazy work-around to a non-issue.

    I have 4 posts to go before I can even upload an avatar or fill out a bio. Really? I have to earn the right to identify myself?

  • #2
    Single spam post to satisfy the 10 post rule. Sorry. I was one away and there was nothing else recently on this forum for me to legitimately participate in.

    WTH! I have 10 posts and I still can't edit my profile. Maybe Quakeone isn't for me. Most communities actually want their members to enjoy features and don't make you jump through hoops to obtain them. Aside from this spam post I played your game as legitimately as possible, and I still can't utilize the most basic feature of 100% of community sites. This makes you look silly and amateur.
    Last edited by Anubis; 06-08-2015, 03:33 PM.


    • #3
      the reason this rule was implemented was a while ago the forum was bombarded with spam bots. it was literally a torrent of these acc's hitting the forum. the 10 post requirement has done well since it's inception, and i think you are the first to complain.

      ofcourse we want you to be able to indentify yourself, edit your profile, etc. the admin just wants new users to post ten posts, to prove your not a bot.

      as for it still not working, send solecard a PM. just be patient.
      Last edited by Syluxguy28O3; 06-09-2015, 10:26 AM.
      My Avatars!
      Quake Leagues
      Quake 1.5!!!
      Definitive HD Quake


      • #4
        ...or how about you don't participate at all? Like you said, maybe QuakeOne isn't for you.

        Imagine I come over to your home, without even knowing you, and start shit-talking about the fact that you won't let me in to kick it on your couch and eat snacks out of your fridge.

        Pretty much what you're doing here. You want to identify yourself and get to know people, you gotta put some effort in.

        Christ, no one wants to work for anything these days.
        'Replacement Player Models' Project


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dutch View Post
          ...or how about you don't participate at all? Like you said, maybe QuakeOne isn't for you.

          Imagine I come over to your home, without even knowing you, and start shit-talking about the fact that you won't let me in to kick it on your couch and eat snacks out of your fridge.

          Pretty much what you're doing here. You want to identify yourself and get to know people, you gotta put some effort in.

          Christ, no one wants to work for anything these days.
          LOL. My thoughts exactly after reading his 2 post before even seeing this one.


          • #6
            Both of you are very amusing. Which one of you is Tweedle Dum?

            Seriously though, this is possibly the only site on the entire internet that has a 10 post finish line to access your profile options. If you don't see how this is silly, we have nothing more to communicate regarding it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Anubis View Post
              Both of you are very amusing. Which one of you is Tweedle Dum?

              Seriously though, this is possibly the only site on the entire internet that has a 10 post finish line to access your profile options. If you don't see how this is silly, we have nothing more to communicate regarding it.
              glad to hear it. btw i see you could edit your profile. problem solved.
              My Avatars!
              Quake Leagues
              Quake 1.5!!!
              Definitive HD Quake


              • #8
                It does seem like an odd requirement, and I don't really understand how it would inconvenience any spam/bot accounts.

                It's not super-essential to get your profile edited right away though (IMO), so I guess I never thought much about it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Anubis View Post
                  Both of you are very amusing. Which one of you is Tweedle Dum?

                  Seriously though, this is possibly the only site on the entire internet that has a 10 post finish line to access your profile options. If you don't see how this is silly, we have nothing more to communicate regarding it.
                  I'm pretty sure the signature section of freshly created profiles was being targeted with spam/ads (don't quote me, Solecord will be by here soon to confirm or something)

                  I'm tweedle-dum , nice to meet you! I'm just glad you was able to locate the information on why you wasn't able to immediately edit your profile. While I can not remember why a 10 post limit exists, I do recall
                  "YOU MUST HAVE A TOTAL OF TEN (10) POSTS BEFORE YOU CAN EDIT/MODIFY YOUR PROFILE!", the very existence of that text was my suggestion. People couldn't figure out why they could not edit their profiles, so, I suggested the bold/underlined text that informed you why you couldn't edit the profile.

                  Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                  • #10
                    The rule was enacted because we were hit with bursts of spam bots who were using the site's traffic stats and indexing power to get their profiles, filled with spam links, indexed by search engines. I literally deleted around 500 accounts in one week when we were getting the brunt of this.

                    This rule has prevented the site from being filled with thousands of no-use spam accounts filling up the member list AND having negative impact on the site's SEO. Search engines pick up if you link to spam sites and can negatively impact your SEO.

                    As others have said, you are the first to complain about this. No one else has complained about such a simple fact. The rule is not meant to discourage users from participating. In fact, in your efforts to get 10 posts, perhaps you can find some other interesting threads that appeal to you and help you engage with the community more... especially since you are new here.

                    Sorry if you find this an inconvenience. I am in the process of testing a new platform to which the site may migrate to. If that happens, this rule will most likely be turned off to start. If the site gets bombarded with spam bots again, it will be re-enabled.

                    Please enjoy your stay here at


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I never really even thought about getting a profile picture until after about 10-ish posts, so to me it wasn't a big deal. One REALLY annoying thing though on some sites (not Quake-one though, at least I think...) is the inability to post links and/or pictures in a post until you hit about 10+ posts. What, you can't let a bro post a link on the interwebz? Wow...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RangerXT View Post
                        Yeah, I never really even thought about getting a profile picture until after about 10-ish posts, so to me it wasn't a big deal. One REALLY annoying thing though on some sites (not Quake-one though, at least I think...) is the inability to post links and/or pictures in a post until you hit about 10+ posts. What, you can't let a bro post a link on the interwebz? Wow...
                        Yeah I have ran into that issue several times when attempting to link back to

                        REALLY irritating to be honest.

                        Just glad the both of you made the leap into being active and participating!
                        Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                        • #13
                          Well, a a rule that limits you to doing stuff with your profile until hitting 10 posts isn't a big deal. That would never stop me from being part of this wonderful community here at Quakeone. Plus, this was the only place basically that I could ask questions for help with Quake. I have learned much in the past few years at Quakeone, and in retrospect I am certainly glad I didn't give up (even though I never had thoughts of giving up). I don't usually need help anymore, so I usually just browse the "Quake Talk" section of the forum, as well as others.

                          Please, just promise me, PLEASE never implement a 10+ most minimum for posting links/images. PLEASE Quakeone, don't ever go down that route.

