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It's a game, get over it!

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  • It's a game, get over it!

    I wanted to get this off my chest; I've been holding it in but I'm just tired of it. For starters, I'm sick of gamers talking crap at others who simply didn't do well enough while it should not matter. I received such messages and it irritates me. I may not be the best gamer around but I only play games just for fun like what it's supposed to be and yet these gamers just kills it. What irritates me more is that one of the members of the team sends a hate or harassing message to me or another gamer in the same team for not doing well while the majority of the team didn't do well also. Why should one gamer in a team take the blame when everyone failed as well?

    I understand that anyone can get away with it online, but we all have to admit that there is no excuse. Besides, why would it matter whether we win or lose and why would it matter if one person didn't do well while it takes the majority of the team to act to win? I understand the competitive spirit of gaming but harassing, bullying, or being hateful to others is just too far.

    To be honest, I used to get frustrated at losing, getting killed a lot, and to other gamers for not doing well but I keep on reminding myself that it's just a game and I can't expect others to do well and I sure as heck didn't send any hateful or harassing messages to others because I'm not that kind of person. As guilty as I may be, I learned well enough that Video games are made for entertainment and should not be taken too seriously.

    That's all I wanted to say about I fell about this. No one should be treated this way if they just want to have fun.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Frost R17 View Post
    I wanted to get this off my chest; I've been holding it in but I'm just tired of it. For starters, I'm sick of gamers talking crap at others who simply didn't do well enough while it should not matter. I received such messages and it irritates me. I may not be the best gamer around but I only play games just for fun like what it's supposed to be and yet these gamers just kills it. What irritates me more is that one of the members of the team sends a hate or harassing message to me or another gamer in the same team for not doing well while the majority of the team didn't do well also. Why should one gamer in a team take the blame when everyone failed as well?

    I understand that anyone can get away with it online, but we all have to admit that there is no excuse. Besides, why would it matter whether we win or lose and why would it matter if one person didn't do well while it takes the majority of the team to act to win? I understand the competitive spirit of gaming but harassing, bullying, or being hateful to others is just too far.

    To be honest, I used to get frustrated at losing, getting killed a lot, and to other gamers for not doing well but I keep on reminding myself that it's just a game and I can't expect others to do well and I sure as heck didn't send any hateful or harassing messages to others because I'm not that kind of person. As guilty as I may be, I learned well enough that Video games are made for entertainment and should not be taken too seriously.

    That's all I wanted to say about I fell about this. No one should be treated this way if they just want to have fun.
    I don't think you're wrong at all. I've been playing a lot of Rocket League as of late and this behavior is very rampant in there too.

    A little trash talking is fine, I don't mind that. But when you're saying really mean things and chastising your own team, it's not fun anymore.

    In RL, I've been in several games where one guy sees himself as this amazing player and the other team will score one goal and he is just immediately awful to everyone on the team. For one, it's just a game. For two, it's easy to come back in that game!

    I've yet to win on a team with a person like that though. We always seem to come back when the other guys are more like, "don't worry we got this" or "Hey we'll get it back." I try to always act that way in any game.


    • #3
      Thanks for understanding; it's hard to have fun with those such gamers. They always talk down to others for failing by harassing or being hateful towards them. Whether you win or lose in a game should not matter in real life; it's frustrating I know, but there is no reason to get mad over a game.


      • #4
        This happened in Quake1? Was it team deathmatch? Was I on your team?
        Can you private message me with the details if this happened in Q1TDM ?
        Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
          This happened in Quake1? Was it team deathmatch? Was I on your team?
          Can you private message me with the details if this happened in Q1TDM ?
          If you are asking this question to me, no. It happened on a different game.


          • #6
            i just wanted to comment on this , i personally think a lot of the problem is how game servers are hosted now. back in the day we all had our own server with our own rules . if you didnt like the environment then you didnt come back to that server. but now especially with a lot of newer games you dont really get to pick which server you go into or all players are smashed into one server and its really irritating.

            some of us are really competitive and dont really have fun unless we win, because well thats the objective of the game. otherwise we'd all be walking around in an empty world space, and some of us just want to play and not care.

            i personally think we need to go back to having smaller community servers similar to goldsource/quake days. not many games exist like this anymore. at least not many popular games, unless its some kind of survival game.


            • #7
              It's easy to let morality and common sense go in a fantasy world. Some people get sucked in a bit to much and believe their fingers *clacking* on a keyboard converts to their actual greatness and credit to their persona. What they fail to realize is how badly they need to step away from the keyboard, disconnect and get some real life issues back in their lives with real faces and consequences.

              Some people turn into keyboard warriors the second they realize they learned how to spam button presses better then someone else.

              Their gift is the lack of morality.

              A.K.A Basement trolls.

              Every elite Quake player I've met has had a positive attitude. I'm not talking about anyone on this forum I'm talking about the "ancient elite Quakers" who were top tier when there were many thousands of others playing (even millions?). The new guys who think their hot-shit usually just want you to believe their ego's will. Ignore them, they take care of themselves. This also only has to do with Quake but can easily be changed to any situation where there's a blanket of secrecy over them so they can let their inner troll frolic and play.
              Quake One Resurrection

              Great Quake engine

              Qrack 1.60.1 Ubuntu Guide
              Get Qrack 1.60.1 running in Ubuntu!


              • #8
                if somebody beefs on me for not being the number 1 best player or something I just say

                "shut up you gimp" or "you're a nerd mate"

                usually it's such a dumb statement that they can't really argue with it without making themselves look equally stupid, which to me is just hilarious
                wew lad


                • #9
                  As much as I love them I'm rubbish at games. I never play online as the last thing I need when I'm trying to relax is having some tosser with anger/ego issues shouting at me because I'm lacking as a human being...
                  I got the phone call at 4 a.m.


                  • #10
                    I used to play a lot of league of legends and believe me I got angry. It's annoying going into a ranked game , hopeing you will get a decent team behind you so that you can better yourself and your positioning. Yet your held back by people who still belong playing bots. Yeah there's a lot of ego nerds out there but take it from a person who's gotten upset in video games before. It's not that you're bad that's angering it's that you are holding me back from doing my best. I know it's unavoidable sometimes. But instead of placing yourself in a competitive environment around other players who are really trying. Try and think of someone besides yourself and stick to normal matches or bots. (This obviously can't apply to all games)

                    Most of these people even if you just try and give them some tips to do.better just get pissed and tell you "stfu noob" . Even though in reality they're the "noobs"
                    Last edited by ceriux; 11-22-2015, 03:57 PM.


                    • #11
                      Unless you're playing professionally, and/or getting paid to do so, it shouldn't matter if you are good or not. You, self proclaimed experts, should expect a certain population of "rookies" in any public online gaming community. People should just chill and play the game. Yeah, I know that's fantasy... much like the game you're playing in the first place.
                      *I chose the road less traveled... Now I don't know where the hell I am*


                      • #12
                        I'm not a fan of MOBA's ,but I decided to try out an FPS/MOBA hybrid called Battleborn. The game was only in closed beta but was already plagued with someone losing their mind about the right lane being undefended on voice comm's. No thanks hah.

                        Competition is the driving force behind most multiplayer games. Nearly everytime I go online to play MKX (which is all I do now days,because Very Easy,Easy,and Medium the AI sandbags,Hard and Very Hard reads inputs and adjust accordingly) I am losing,sometimes horribly.
                        Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                        • #13
                          Yeah I try to keep my cool , there are always going to be rookies. But the problem is when I offer them advice since I've been playing for years, you should take it. If you're playing in a ranked game it literally means it's a serious game. So if you don't like that type of environment why play in it? Go have fun in normals. That's what I do when I Just want to Goof off. And yes mobas are not for everyone. Btw you should check out block n load. It's like team fortress mixed with mine craft mixed with a moba very fun and pretty laid back with a shallow learning curve.


                          • #14
                            MOBAs are kind of awkward, as somebody who's played most at an incredibly high skill level I can only tell you it gets worse, but worth it if you have friends to play with
                            wew lad


                            • #15
                              Haha, love that "you're a nerd, mate" being too silly to argue... does it usually defuse the siituation?

