Originally posted by H1CC
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I won't lie and say I would have boycotted the pc version if I knew kp2 wasnt going to be released on pc. or that pc wasn't going to get GGPO network coding.
I've been courting mortal kombat since it was taunting me that I had to play that game and take my quarters.
I preordered 2 months in advance or some shit because I would Goro free if I did and bought 2 new controllers for it.
So what if they don't give me KP2. great chance internet community takes ps4/xone asset files and splices them in somehow. If that happens I'll just have two copies and when I want to do Alien vs Predator fights I'll just resort to what I was forced into.
PC MKX multiplayer is so dead it reminds me of Quake1 multiplayer.
Fuckin tumble weeds are moving in on alot of my games. Crysis3 is like 90% over seas servers and nil north american activity.
Titanfall was a season pass because if I didnt all the maps I would have missed 75%+ of the multiplayer action when it was a new game. the map packs get given to everyone 4-5 months later.
Game companies be shady everywhere. Kojima was disowned. The flappy bird game author shutdown the game and removed it from the e market because it was making him too rich since at one time it was generating 50,000 dollars a day.
If you ever see me wanting a WB published game who is outsourcing the PC to being a 2nd party port job, and to make sure the game dev is handling the pc version in house, if not WarnaBrother bout that WarnerBrother.
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