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Windows 10 is atrocious

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  • Windows 10 is atrocious

    I've been trying it out in virtualbox to see if I wanted to upgrade from 7, but guess what? It's awful. The start menu is, while similar to 7's, still mostly useless compared to the 9x start menu.I wouldn't hate 10 nearly as much if it had the classic start menu, but it has this bastard child of Windows 7 and Windows 8's start screen. Also, it has mandatory updates, spyware, and flat UI. None of which are particularly my cup of tea.
    Last edited by particlebat; 06-19-2016, 06:11 PM.

  • #2
    Windows XP. The only reason I still run a 13 or 14 year old computer. XP was legend. I dread the day I finally build a new PC, I'll get stuck with whatever bullshit OS is on the market.
    'Replacement Player Models' Project


    • #3
      Use virtualbox with WXP when you need to get a new PC. You can just replace the vhd if it ever gets a virus and it works as well as it does on the hardware itself.


      • #4
        Google StartIsBack, you can get your Win7 Start menu back.
        Quake One Resurrection
        Great Quake engine

        Qrack 1.60.1 Ubuntu Guide
        Get Qrack 1.60.1 running in Ubuntu!


        • #5
          Look, I already know of Classic Start, but the start menu is not my only problem.

          Also the Windows 7 start menu is just as useless to me.


          • #6
            if there is one thing I hate more than anything it is windows crappy, never-ending slew of time crippling updates. I could use all of my bandwidth in a week or so if I let windows update at it's behest. It never ever ends. The screen that shows update percentage gives NO info at all regarding what it's doing. Half the time I'm not sure if it is updating or just showing me a little spinny graphic thing. I have basically suppressed all updates entirely and rely on 3rd party software to keep my computer safe. So far, it seems to be working. Windows even tried to force me to try windows 10 through an update. I clicked nothing, accepted nothing and immediately googled removal of the update. I've come to consider microsoft my biggest security threat and I'm slowly transitioning to linux. I don't know who comes up with these bright ideas at microsoft, like win 10 update nag screens via an update but, that guy/girl/group needs to die. I shouldn't be made to feel animosity toward my own property via it's software. I shouldn't have to be locked out of my computer while windows sticks nag screens on it. Basically, completely fuck windows.
            Last edited by MadGypsy; 06-19-2016, 04:40 PM.


            • #7
              Man, I really need to get back to Slack. You all should try it for a week, too. I think it has a live trial function on the ISO.


              • #8
                Most Linux distributions have live cds you can try without installing.

                Last edited by xaGe; 06-19-2016, 06:16 PM.


                • #9
                  Yeah, I know. Tried a bunch of distros before switching to Slackware, but I don't know if there was a live-CD version, I just installed it as quickly as possible.


                  • #10
                    Oh I hear you! Windows is not my go to OS either. I've used slack before, but it just wasn't for me.


                    • #11
                      If you had copies of Windows 10 or Slackware but could only pick one or the other, which would you pick? This is an open poll, by the way.


                      • #12
                        Windows 10, much to my chagrin. Truth is, everybody and his/her grandma writes software for Windows, and unfortunately not everybody does it for Linux .


                        • #13
                          But you can virtualise Windows or install WINE and pretty much make that a moot point.


                          • #14
                            "Currently" in regards to Wine your correct unless it's a directx 10,11 or 12 game then it's windows only. Besides that I've found Linux programs that can do what a Windows program equivalent could do. In the case of darktable I prefer it over say lightroom. The price is much lower as well.


                            • #15
                              Running openSUSE for months now, and no complaints. Took a lot of googling to get my custom setup (like using mouse gestures) working in Linux, but after that it was smooth sailing.

                              I don't really game anymore, btw.

