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What the hell is going on here!!!

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  • Focalor
    Originally posted by wicked_lord View Post
    This administration has divided this country by race, white vs blacks, and police vs blacks. The administration prey's on the weak, Yes I am calling ghetto America weak and the reason why is because majority of them are follower's and not leader's. A leader would not be helping racially divide this country. MLK is turning in his grave at the sight of all of the stuff going on. I stand proud with all walks of life as long as they stand proudly with me. However if you are wanting to harm anyone in my presence I will ensure that you will never do it again.
    I'm certainly not an Obama supporter, and not because of his skin color, and not because of his political party affiliation, but because he's just part of the American political system and ALL of them seem to be counter-productive when it comes to solving any problems in a successful or truly cost-effective way. I think part of that is because the 2 major parties are so concerned about the rivalry between themselves, but it's also because all of them individually just aren't capable of being true servants of the citizens. But if you have observed anything meaningful indicating that "this administration has divided this country by race", I have not seen the same thing. So if you would, please explain to me precisely what you have seen them make the conscious effort to do that would lead you to believe this.

    I do kinda agree with you that this administration, and the previous republican one, prey on the weak. It's almost like the definition of capitalism has kinda been mutated to describe all the ways one can legally get away with fleecing their neighbor rather than how one can simply profit from goods or services rendered. And since corporations can now contribute obscene amounts of money to campaigns as if they are individual citizens, they get the political favor to continue allowing them to get away with all the criminal and unethical shit they do to further fist-fuck the economy and the working middle-class American taxpayer.

    It's been my observation that people in politics have had very little to do with directly instigating any racial unrest. People protesting for this or that or whatever have been pissed off about a lot of things for a long time now. People who protest the war but support the troops, Occupy Wall Street, these college kids and their Safe Space protests for whatever, BlackLivesMatter, etc. People are mad because everyones getting poorer every year. The cost of shit is going up, the number of bills people get is going up, and the dollar amount on their paychecks is either staying the same or not increasing quickly enough to keep up with what they're paying out. People are emotional, people are looking for someone to blame. So I suppose in an indirect way, the governments shitty way of running the business of the country has a hand in it, but I don't see that they've made the conscious effort to sow racial unrest. That would mean that they have been "effective" at something... and I'm just not willing to give them that much credit.
    Last edited by Focalor; 07-29-2016, 06:11 AM.

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  • wicked_lord
    @Phenom, the statement I made about Ghetto America was from Sheriff David Clarke a black American. I just repeated what he said in an interview. Ghetto America is weak and not enough leaders and way to many followers. Ghetto does not refer to blacks as a whole. Ghetto has no color, ghetto is slang for how someone dresses, acts, and or displays themselves.

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  • Focalor
    The holocaust thing... I was just wondering if you were one of those weirdos from the nation of islam school of thought. Glad you're not into that. Met one of those guys on another messageboard recently in a discussion about religion. 'Twas a fuckin' trip. Been a while since I've had someone call me "whitey" that many times. I tried to get him to call me "cracker" instead because it sounds funnier, but he only wanted to call me "whitey", hehe. We were having an interesting discussion until it got to the holocaust part. Shit just kinda fell apart at that point. Anyone who denies that the holocaust happened... when anyone with working eyeballs can see that it obviously did... best to just walk away from those folks. When they won't believe their own eyes, there's no using logic or reason to make a point to people like that, and there's no way you'll get logic or reason FROM them either. Best to just tip toe away.

    I'm in a XboxOne GTA5Online crew with a guy from Germany who's apparently a real life neo-nazi skinhead. I've had discussions with him once or twice in our crews kik chat about "holocaust denial-ism", and he always opts to back out of it and change the subject or go silent before it really even gets started, lol. Odd thing is... sometimes he'd post his funny little nazi reference memes in the kik chat. Like this one, which is actually kinda funny...

    ...but then other times he posts memes that reference the holocaust. And if he really thinks the holocaust is bullshit, then I don't understand why he'd think a meme about it would be funny. But, whatever. Nazi's. Whatcha gonna do?

    Rodney King's case might've been a tad different than mine. I remember seeing the video in it's entirety on TV back then. I've seen it lately too. Both back then and NOW, I don't observe him to be making any threatening movements at all. If he was continuing to move after them beating the unholy hell out of him, then like I said, it's a reflex, a persons GONNA move when you start hitting them. The brain says, "The pain is coming from that direction, I no like-y pain, I go other direction." And in cases like that where police end up beating the crap out of someone, maybe it wouldn't have gotten to that point if they were trained to think more intelligently in a situation like that and realize that NOBODY likes getting hit and EVERYBODY is gonna react in some way... so maybe try a little harder to NOT have to begin hitting them in the first place.

    I'm not of the opinion that he did anything during the traffic stop that might've prompted the officers to start beating him like that. Whether they did it simply because they were racist, I dunno, maybe. But it seems like the more likely story is that they were all pissed off before they even got him out of the car because they had been chasing him in a high speed pursuit before they finally cornered him and he was forced to stop. They were cops. And unfortunately too many cops are of the incorrect opinion that they ARE the law, not that they are servants OF it. They had adrenaline surging from the chase, they were angry for having to go through all that, and when he didn't instantly comply with a command, they pounced and let all their anger out on him.

    And this why I'm a HUUUUUUUUGE supporter of the push to put body cameras on ALL cops today. We have the technology, it's stupid not to use it. Look at it this way: If you're a cashier at a gas station or a walmart or anywhere else, the store is probably gonna have a camera pointed at your register. It's there so that the store can have evidence and proof if someone robs them, and it's also there to catch YOU if you decide to pocket anything from the register. Should a cashier have the ability to turn that camera on and off whenever they want to? Hell no. You can't trust them to do that. You can't trust cops either. It's not an invasion of their privacy. They are a public servant doing their work IN PUBLIC. On the clock, camera should be ON. It'll hold the police accountable at all times for their actions, and it'll also prove they're doing their jobs properly if there's ever a question about it. And that's precisely WHY questionable incidents happen with police, because there is no way to always hold them accountable for everything they do if there is no video/audio evidence of it. And when they don't feel like they HAVE to be accountable for everything... eventually a few of them are gonna do shit that they shouldn't. Body cameras! It's the perfect solution! Dunno why it hasn't become mandatory long before now. The technology has been there. Ri-goddamn-diculous.
    Last edited by Focalor; 07-28-2016, 04:31 AM.

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  • Phenom
    Originally posted by Focalor View Post
    That's an interesting perspective to have...
    I've personally met holocaust survivors and have seen enough evidence to understand exactly what happened, does that answer your question better?

    No I was not half-assed calling you racist but if that's what you choose to be then Welcome to the land of the free" I don't oppress other people's beliefs and ways of living even though I don't agree. My life policy is "do whatever the hell you want just don't F with me and *mine* and don't hurt people unjustly".

    Honestly with the Rodney King case if he played stupid games then he absolutely deserves stupid prizes... I believe stupid prizes shouldn't be locked down to any specific individual of any specific color. It was in general. It did look like he attacked one of the police however, which I think we all know what that means despite your skin color or gender/gender you identify as for all you trans-genders out there.

    I was replying to your "Black pride? Sure.

    Me personally, I don't care if you're a "white person" with pride as long as you don't go around being a dumb-ass -racist- have all the pride in the world in being you despite your color.

    What I was trying to convey was the stigmata behind the terms which you probably knew but I've come to used having to explain explain history to people who get their education/news off YouTube these days.


    Drinking'n'driving? yeeahup... you were playing a pretty stupid game there buddy . To bad the cops took it so far for something as little as that but at least you're alive to tell the tale.

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  • Focalor
    Originally posted by Phenom View Post

    P.S about your story of DUI... Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
    That's an interesting perspective to have. But something tells me you didn't have that opinion when they beat the living shit out of Rodney King.

    It occurs to me that I probably didn't make my point clear enough and maybe that's where you're convinced that I'm some kind of shifty too-scared-to-come-right-out-and-say-it racist prick, which I'm not.

    It's my impression that racism as formal written state or federal policy does not exist anymore and is altogether completely illegal. If that's not the case and I'm mistaken in that impression, then please point out any instances where racism against black people as formal government policy still exists. If it does, and the place it's happening is within driving distance from me, I give you my word that I'll happily go there and take a shit on their front doorstep every single day until the law or policy gets changed. If there's anywhere in America that it's against the law for a black person to be somewhere or do something that other people can do, I'm not aware of it. That's my point. I'm not saying that racist people aren't out there anymore. Hell yes, they are. I know plenty of them. I'm related to some of the assholes. My "wait for them to die" stance is entirely concerning THEM. I can tell them all day every day that they're stupid for being racist, and I can beg and plead with them to change their ways, but they never will, so why bother?

    Are there dirt poor black people living in shitty parts of town with little hope of ever improving their situations largely due to past generations of racism keeping them from becoming more educated and/or economically viable? Sure. But there's an awful lot of poor white folks too. Some of them got fucked over by crooked coal mining companies generations ago and they still haven't recovered from it. I don't have a solution to this problem though. If you have one, go for it, let's hear it. Otherwise all I can say to these people is... do your best.

    Are there golfing country clubs where it's almost impossible to become a member if you're black? Yes. But who the hell wants to play golf anyway? It sucks. It's a private club though, it has nothing to do with government. They kinda have the right to hold that policy if they want. Then again, everyone else also has the right to strongly disagree with such a policy and protest against it... just as long as they aren't doing it on the country clubs property.

    Ever heard of Bob Jones University? It's a private non-denominational protestant college. Before and during the Civil Rights era, the schools president spoke out about segregation. Check wikipedia if you wanna. It's fucking appalling how this dude was hiding behind religion as justification for his personal racial prejudice. What's even more appalling is the fact that even AFTER the Civil Rights era, this piece of shit school still held a strict policy against interracial dating all the way up until 2000! It blew my fucking mind when I heard about it back then. It was all over the news at the time. They were getting their proverbial shit pushed in by the media about it. And after a week or two of 24 hours a day demonizing and bad press over it from all the 24hr news networks like CNN, they finally realized they were gonna have to cave in and shitcan the ridiculous policy. And just as a last act of defiance and a final "fuck you" to the rest of the normal world, the explanation and public statement they issued to the media at the time of the policies removal was something along the lines of, "We're changing this policy because we don't want to give the devil a tool to use against us and the Lord's work." They didn't say, "Yeah, it was totally racist, we were wrong for doing it, we're sorry about that." They basically in so many words said, "We're only doing this because you assholes won't shut the fuck up and it makes us sad when people say bad things about us on that there TV box."

    And the point I have in mentioning that is this: It just seems like an inevitability that eventually all cases like that with private organizations will eventually mend their ways. Racism is such a great ratings grabber for the news channels now that they all fight each other to the death to be the first to break stories like that these days. And once it makes the news, it's all over for those people. They can't hide behind obscurity and anonymity anymore.
    Last edited by Focalor; 07-27-2016, 06:39 AM.

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  • Phenom
    Originally posted by Focalor View Post

    Just out of curiosity, are you of the opinion that the holocaust didn't happen?
    That's a silly question.

    I'll leave you to your not caring and minding your own business, just don't throw your 2 cents in if you don't want someone else's 2 cents on top of yours later. That's common knowledge.

    P.S about your story of DUI... Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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  • Focalor
    Originally posted by Izhido View Post
    As a WoW player, right now, I'm imagining two trolls dancing atop your gravestone... doing a ritual to summon you as an undead servant.

    Dude, I'm supposed to be at work right now
    Just as long as they're gay pothead minority trolls.

    Like I said before, I didn't anticipate starting a fist-fight with anyone over racial shit. I suppose it's not the main topic of this thread, although it is closely related, so... whatever.

    The main topic of this thread was COPS, right?

    I do agree that too many cops do not have the right temperament for the job. I've met these cops before. They suck. They're fucking egotistical power-tripping assholes who love being able to be as unpleasant as they like to people with no repercussions. They have no business carrying around a gun where they might pull it out and shoot at another person.

    In my younger days, I was batshit crazy and used to get in trouble frequently. I've been arrested before, let's just say more than once. On one occasion I had been pulled over for speeding and I think I was probably doing 75 in a 55. It was probably around 1am, and I was coming home from drinking my balls off at a strip club all night. I had drank several beers, and between probably every 1 or 2 beers I was downing highball sized glasses filled to the rim of a drink called a StormTrooper, which was half Jagermeister and half 100 proof Rumple Minze peppermint shnapps. So yeah, to put it in scientific terms, I was what you would call "absolutely fucking hammered". The cop instantly knew I was intoxicated, so he asked me to step out and come to the rear of the car. While standing there talking with him, I was obviously nervous because I knew I was probably fixing to go to jail, so I kept slipping both my hands into my pockets. It's just a nervous habit that many people commonly have at times like that. He asked me to remove them from my pockets, so I did. He continued questioning me, and without thinking (because I was fucking drunk), my hands went back into my pockets again. Again he reminded me to keep my hands out of my pockets. By this time, another cop arrived on the scene. They both stood there while the first cop continued questioning me. Again... being drunk and forgetful, my hands went back into my pockets. At that point, both cops leapt at me and spun me around up against the trunk of my car. The first cop began punching me in the ribs while the second one was toe-kicking and muay thai kneeing the living shit out of my thigh. It hurt like hell, obviously. Dunno if you've ever had someone trying to beat the shit out of you before, but the tendency most people have is to try to avoid being hit further. It's basically a human reflex, you can't help it. So when I did this, they began both screaming at me, "STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING!", while I yelled back, "I'm NOT! You're fucking hitting me! Stop hitting me!" By the time they were done, I had a giant bruise on my thigh that went from my hip all the way down to my knee, and what I assume was a couple of broken ribs. I was charged with DUI, speeding, resisting arrest, and assaulting an officer. But my lawyer was smart enough to obtain a copy of the dash cam, and the last two charges were thrown out. The two officers were never disciplined for quite obviously charging me with something I didn't do.

    And that wasn't the ONLY crooked thing that happened during that whole experience. The local crooked court never assigned me an actual probation officer. Instead they had me pay my fines AND the probation fees directly to the city. I was never once drug tested during my probation period (because there was no probation officer to do it), which is standard procedure for DUI offenses. Anyway, long story short, a few years later the state found out about all the crooked shit the local police department was up to and they fired almost everyone.

    It's also relevant to note that a few months after my arrest, the same cop was shot to death with a sawed off shotgun by a a couple of guys in a pickup truck he was pursuing that flipped over in a ditch. He pulled over, got out, and was running up to the truck to see if they were injured and to arrest them. One popped out with a shotgun and emptied it into his face.

    I don't believe they had a good reason to beat the ever loving shit out of me that night. No cop should ever do that to a person. On the other hand, I did have my hands in my pockets. He briefly patted me down before questioning me, but he did not completely empty the contents of me pockets since I wasn't officially under arrest yet. He didn't know FOR SURE that I didn't have a weapon. And as it turned out a few short months later, he obviously had a good reason to be overly cautious, and if he had continued being overly cautious at all times, he might still be alive today and the local park might be named after someone else.

    It's important to remember that cops are people too. I dunno if any of you have ever been to jail before, but I have on several occasions. Lemme tell ya, it's stacked floor to ceiling with the worst human beings you never want to meet. And all of them at one point were roaming around free in the world. And these are the people that the cops have to directly interact with on a daily basis. If I were in their shoes, I might accidentally shoot someone too. Because you never know when one of these people are gonna come up with a gun and pop you right in the face. You can't necessarily train a person to ALWAYS remain calm and composed in a crisis situation. When a person is facing the real possibility of death, no amount of intense training to control your reflexes and the release of adrenaline can be guaranteed to work.

    I actually have neighbors now that I consider kinda close friends who are cops. None of them get paid nearly enough to have to deal with the kinds of assholes that comprise the jail and prison populations. And a lot of people who might be a perfect candidate for the job are never going to take the job because they aren't willing to get paid such a ridiculous amount for the risk they'd have to take on a daily basis.

    So I guess the advice I'd give to anyone who doesn't want to find themselves being the victim of police brutality or an unjustified shooting would be to NOT do anything to cause the interaction with the police in the first place. Don't speed, don't drink and drive, follow all traffic laws, follow all OTHER laws when you aren't on the road. It's been 10 years since the last time I got in trouble with the law. Haven't been pulled over ONCE since then. Before that, I was getting bailed outta jail at least once a year, often several times a year. I was getting pulled over all the time, and many times I got away with shit that I could've been arrested for had the cop decided to investigate a little closer. How do I do it? I make sure I'm ALWAYS following the laws. Of course that doesn't excuse police from any blame if they're beating someone for a dumb reason like mexican kids wailing on a pinata at a birthday party. It'd be swell if we could trust all cops to not be like loanshark enforcers with a badge. But in this version of reality, you can't do that. So the best approach for your own safety is to be smart and give the cops no reason to talk to you in the first place.
    Last edited by Focalor; 07-26-2016, 09:40 PM.

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  • DeathMaster
    Originally posted by Focalor View Post
    Yep. Death's coming, grandpa. And when it does, we're gonna make sure two high-as-fuck gay Jamaican black dudes have their wedding ceremony right on top of your grave.
    PC culture's gotten really violent over the past few years... Equality!

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  • Izhido
    As a WoW player, right now, I'm imagining two trolls dancing atop your gravestone... doing a ritual to summon you as an undead servant.

    Dude, I'm supposed to be at work right now

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  • Focalor
    I didn't anticipate starting a full on argument with anyone when I replied to this thread. So to maybe clarify my whole "hands off" approach to curing the race problem in America, it might be interesting to know that I take the same approach with SEVERAL political/whatever issues.

    I'm the same way about the marijuana legalization issue as well. I've smoked my fair share of weed in my day and then some. I know what it does to person, and I know what it does not do to a person. Like I said before, I'm a big fan of liberty. I don't think it's acceptable that the government can tell us we can't possess or use something that I've found in all of my experience to be pretty harmless, especially compared to alcohol which is totally legal. I don't personally smoke the shit anymore for many reasons that quite frankly aren't important, but I'm not so uppity that I think because I don't do it that no one else should either. The Lord God asked Cain, "Where is thy brother?", to which Cain replied in a most smartassed fashion, "Am I my brothers keeper?" You go, Cain! Indeed I am NOT my brothers keeper either. It is not my responsibility to keep track of other people and make sure they aren't ruining their lives with poor choices. A person can fuck their life up smoking too much dope just like they can by buying too many scratch-off tickets, or drinking too much, or jacking off too much, or whatever. Anyway, getting back to my point... The main obstacle preventing the legalization of marijuana is old crusty assholes that DO incorrectly think they have the right to tell others how they can live their lives. And no amount of protesting or petition signing is going to change their minds. The only thing that will ever change the situation is DEATH. And since it's illegal to kill old people... I guess we're just gonna have to sit and wait on them to die so that the younger and more tolerant generation can finally take a vote on the issue without these angry surly wrinkled fuckers throwing all their votes into the hat and derailing everything.

    It's the same way with homosexual marriage rights. What business is it of the government to tell ANYONE who they can or cannot marry? You wanna see people who are TRULY discriminated against by formal government policy, look at the gay and lesbian communities. There's still states where it's against the law for them to get married. I'm not gay, and to be perfectly honest, the sight of two dudes tongue kissing each other makes me wanna barf, but I still acknowledge the fact that it's none of my damn business if they wanna get married and I have no right to be able to deny them that liberty when them having that liberty would not effect my own liberties. But again, the biggest obstacle to legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states is... BIGOTED OLD PEOPLE who unfortunately are not so old that they have dementia which makes them forget to vote.

    This is why I'm not gonna waste my time protesting such things. Things are changing, and people have changed, especially the younger generation. But unfortunately there's still a lot of people who are just too set in their ways for whatever reason to budge on these issues. And so the only thing we can really do is sit and play the waiting game.

    Yep. Death's coming, grandpa. And when it does, we're gonna make sure two high-as-fuck gay Jamaican black dudes have their wedding ceremony right on top of your grave.
    Last edited by Focalor; 07-26-2016, 10:32 AM.

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  • Focalor
    Originally posted by Baker View Post
    The quality is going to vary.

    Big city cops will always be a lot better trained than cops in satellite towns and communities 15-20 outside a major city.

    Big city cops tend to get paid more and have the opportunity to go up the ranks of advancement and all that comes with it too.
    Sometimes true. But not always true.

    I live in a somewhat rural area of NE Georgia. When the economy crashed and burned in 2009, the local police department had to close down due to lack of funding. It's 2016 now, and we're still relying on the county sheriffs department and the state patrol to handle our policing duties. It's a pretty small town though, and we don't have much crime other than the occasional car being broken into and ransacked, so it's not a big deal. However, the next city over lies on an interstate corridor which is obviously frequently used for trafficking drugs between Atlanta and South Carolina, and this city does have it's own police department. These guys are WELL trained and can shoot well enough to qualify for FBI agents if they had to. Part of the reason they are paid more than other departments and have access to better weapons and vehicles and training than other departments is because they produce such positive results. They've cooperated in several operations with ATF and FBI in stopping drug and weapons trafficking up the east coast. How many times have you heard of big city departments participating in training exercises with FBI and ATF? Out here, they do it at least twice a year in the summer. They aren't just plinking targets either, they break out the pink and orange paint tip bullets and fully auto assault rifles and play out real time hostage and assault scenarios.

    If I was ever being held hostage in a bank robbery or something, I'd much rather have these guys come help than the city of Atlanta PD.

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  • Focalor
    Originally posted by Phenom View Post
    Life doesn't get easier by ignoring problems and pretending like they don't exist, you simply push your responsibility off onto someone else while you chose the easy road then boast about something you didn't do. a.k.a Valor thief.
    Not exactly true. My life becomes IMMENSELY easier when I stop worrying about the petty problems of other people and mind my own business. If more people did this, there would be far less problems and conflicts in the world.

    "Responsibility". Why is it my responsibility? Why should I feel obligated to save the world? Is the world worth saving? I'm not personally responsible for anyone else in the world, so I'm not going to be an asshole and TAKE that responsibility when it may not be mine to take. The constitution guarantees all citizens life and liberty. And whilst I know the government finds it very difficult to follow the guidelines set out by the constitution sometimes, I don't let it discourage me from still believing that the basic tenets of it still have some worth to our society today. Therefore, I'm a big fan of liberty. I want liberty. You want liberty too. Everyone wants liberty. But no one's gonna have any damned liberty if everyone else is telling everyone else what to do all the time. And when someone is out in the street yelling racial epithets that might offend you, you have to remember that "liberty for all" would cease to exist if people chose to silence the things that offend them. Sometimes you just have to be the smarter wiser man and learn to ignore things you don't agree with. Because most of the time the people screaming the offense bullshit are nothing more than psychic vampires. If you ignore them and deprive them of the attention they need to survive and feel validated, they'll go away. And this is the approach I take with the racism problem.

    Boast about something I didn't do? Jesus, dude. Sensitive much? You just fucking met me. You know jack shit about me. Unfortunately this is how most people react when they're debated or questioned these days. Welcome to 2016, everyone cord off their allotted 10ft of safe space.

    Black pride, white pride, fuck 'em both. Putting the color before the "pride" connotes pride in the color, not in the national heritage. Nobody did anything to be the color they are, so why take pride in it? Isn't that kinda like being a "valor thief"?

    Just out of curiosity, are you of the opinion that the holocaust didn't happen?

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  • DeathMaster
    Here's my summed up thoughts on race, racial pride, racial history, and current race relations:

    Can't we all just get along?

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  • Phenom
    Originally posted by Focalor View Post
    The error in itself is not that black people can't have something, it's that white people can't have the same thing.

    Black pride? Sure.

    Honestly, I don't personally give a damn what color anyone is. I tend to dislike ALL people equally. If anyone in the world feels discriminated against, they're welcome to feel that way if want to. I sleep just fine knowing I'm not the one doing it. And I sleep just fine knowing I'm not doing anything pro-active to make race relations in America any better. I don't care. I'm alive on this planet for a short amount of time. I'm smart enough to know that things aren't gonna be cured overnight. It's gonna require all the people with racist sentiments finally dying before things really change. As far as I can tell, it's against the law and it's an actual CRIME to do anything truly racist anymore. It's illegal to refuse to hire someone based only on the color of their skin. So... looks like things are headed in the right direction to me. Why row when you're in a motorboat?

    Personally, I don't think racism should be anyone's main complaint anyway. Seems more like a convenient distraction from all the other problems with far more devastating consequences. Look how ineffective and wasteful and crooked our federal and state governments are. Look at how our economy is setting itself up for a repeat of the 2008 depression. Look how much money we spend sending soldiers off to wars where the American people really have no clear idea WHY we're there.
    Originally posted by Focalor View Post
    The error in itself is not that black people can't have something, it's that white people can't have the same thing.
    Let me break this down for you...

    Black pride is having pride in your history, culture. Which is even though we started out as being considered non-human/less then human slaves in this country and even after that fact we weren't allowed liberties same as the "white-man" and there are STILL places in this country which shows and follows blatant forms of the "old way of thinking" that we are still fighting to be seen as equal by the egotistical,racially driven system that's in place, don't be fooled. Racism is alive and well, just because you don't experience it as a white person in a mainly white country doesn't mean jack shit.

    White pride is having pride in your history, culture [Which is even though you may not be a racist] is to hold on to and praise the roots of your European immigrant ancestors who broke away from a tyrannic and oppressive system stole,raped,abused,polluted and erased the history of the native-American people, stole other people and forced them to work as slaves then and ONLY after a separation from the United States and only after an insane war broke out between the north and the south did anything change in which the south rebelled because the north wanted to do way with slavery and the north didn't want to give up their "property(human slaves).


    When a black person says "black pride" they're saying it to show respect and pride in his/her history of how black people overcame travesties. What would a white person be saying "white pride" for exactly? Not that I really care if you're a racist, it's a free country, be whoever you want to be just don't mess with another's beliefs or injure another.

    ...but go ahead and cherish that white-pride I guess.

    The difference is when you see groups like the original Black Panthers yelling black-pride it's a sign if strength and love for the black-American. When a KKK member yells "White-pride" it's a sign of hate, segregation & racism. Don't hate me, I'm just repeating what's already been shown in America's history.

    If you didn't want the term "white-pride" to be associated with stupidity and hated then perhaps your ancestors shouldn't have made such a big deal out of skin color. There's nothing that can be done about this now. It's something white people will have to deal with because of their ancestors. It's ok though because "no racist from back then is alive today so get over it".

    Racism will heal itself based off what you've said. Lets all sit down and shut up and get back to our TV guides while problems fix themselves like the Windows 10 Troubleshooter.

    Your mentality seems very young to think a problem will fix itself.

    But please get back to sticking your head in a hole until things solve themselves... remember though Life doesn't get easier by ignoring problems and pretending like they don't exist, you simply push your responsibility off onto someone else while you chose the easy road then boast about something you didn't do. a.k.a Valor thief.


    If there's a different issue you'd like to discuss feel free to open that topic up in a new thread instead of derailing this one.
    Last edited by Phenom; 07-25-2016, 10:52 AM.

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  • Focalor
    Originally posted by Phenom View Post

    I've also seen a lot of people complaining about B.E.T (Black Entertainment Television) because it's black culture.... on 1 single channel out of hundreds++... Then they go on to say "What if we had W.E.T they'd say it's racist." but the truth is most television IS White Entertainment Television.

    Everytime "black-people" get something there's always some "white-people" saying "what if we had that? It'd be racist!" which shows the error in itself.

    Can't "black-people" have anything?
    The error in itself is not that black people can't have something, it's that white people can't have the same thing.

    Black pride? Sure.

    Honestly, I don't personally give a damn what color anyone is. I tend to dislike ALL people equally. If anyone in the world feels discriminated against, they're welcome to feel that way if want to. I sleep just fine knowing I'm not the one doing it. And I sleep just fine knowing I'm not doing anything pro-active to make race relations in America any better. I don't care. I'm alive on this planet for a short amount of time. I'm smart enough to know that things aren't gonna be cured overnight. It's gonna require all the people with racist sentiments finally dying before things really change. As far as I can tell, it's against the law and it's an actual CRIME to do anything truly racist anymore. It's illegal to refuse to hire someone based only on the color of their skin. So... looks like things are headed in the right direction to me. Why row when you're in a motorboat?

    Personally, I don't think racism should be anyone's main complaint anyway. Seems more like a convenient distraction from all the other problems with far more devastating consequences. Look how ineffective and wasteful and crooked our federal and state governments are. Look at how our economy is setting itself up for a repeat of the 2008 depression. Look how much money we spend sending soldiers off to wars where the American people really have no clear idea WHY we're there.

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