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Why Aren't I 50 Points Ahead?

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  • #16

    Holy fuck! This 2016 roster is a freak show...

    I just love the looks on the faces of the news anchors at the end. Priceless!
    ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
    ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


    • #17
      Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
      I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you. Clintoris is a known evil but Trumple Underfoot is a very dangerous wildcard. Have you heard him talk? He's a psycho who has no clue what he's talking about and obviously no care about the consequences of his ideas, were he in a position to act on them. GWB squared. *shivers*

      You mean the people who threw all the sand they could in the gears of obamacare all along the way? Yeah, real responsible! Good luck with that.
      Oh I'm not a disagreeing with you at all about trump. Wildcard is a very good description. But I'd take an ignorant money hungry psycho over a cold and calculating psycho any day of the week and twice on sundays. I don't believe his intentions are as evil as hillary's. Honestly, I think he's running because he's bored. He's filthy rich and done it all except be prez. Not the greatest of reasons if it's true. I'm no trump supporter by any means, just vehemently against hillary.

      We just went through 8 years of captain asshat running the executive branch. I have a hard time believing trump can do much worse, but I've been wrong before. I am entirely certain he will do less damage than hillary. Just look at her past (some of it quite recent) in a leadership position.

      Neither one of them has served in the military. IMHO, if you haven't served, you've no business running the military as commander-in-chief.

      As far as 'sand in the gears' still passed, and it's still screwing over countless middle-class americans. I'm one of them. I'm going 3 months of this year without health insurance, and it's going to cost me come tax season.

      Congressmen seats are up for election every two years. It's easier to replace the assholes, as long as their constituency isn't a bunch of assholes (newsflash: in a lot of cases, they are).

      I don't think there is a right answer to any of this. Honestly, with our national debt, willingness to stick our nose in other nations business, and the severe division (close to 50/50) of the american people in ideology...I'm surprised this country is still up and running.
      'Replacement Player Models' Project


      • #18
        Originally posted by Baker View Post
        Like Gary Johnson, the weirdo that did something highly unusual in an interview today?
        what. the. hell? i'm at a loss.
        'Replacement Player Models' Project


        • #19
          @Gary Johnson Interview

          ALL of his interviews are whacked out. That guy is a total clown IMO. He had a big interview a while back and instead of using the opportunity to expose his platform he decided to lose his marbles due to the interviewer using the term "Illegal Immigrant". It got real silly cause, at the end of his psycho rant (which also did not seem genuine IMO) he had to admit that people that come here illegally from another country are in fact illegal immigrants [family feud X].

          In another interview he claimed he was about to bike 3000 miles. That dude must get the best fuckin weed that has ever been grown. "Stoned" doesn't even begin to describe how fucked up he must be.

          We have a pothead clown, a (b/m)illionaire clown and Satan all running for President. I'm gonna vote for Spike. Maybe he can take all his programming/logic skills and reprogram this shit to not suck balls. If Spike don't want to be Pres, I'll vote for myself and reboot this whole fucking thing.

          I'd start my Presidency with a slew of executive orders that make it impossible for anybody that follows me to fuck everything up again. This country would be free by executive fucking orders...lots and lots of them.
          Last edited by MadGypsy; 09-23-2016, 09:57 PM.


          • #20
            Maybe his intentions are not evil but you know what they say about Hell and pavement... This guy put in the oval office will have the power to set the world ablaze without even meaning it. Clintoris I think is only seeking her own personal interest. She will risk neither her mandate nor a world war by doing something recklessly stupid.

            Originally posted by Dutch View Post
            screwing over countless middle-class americans. I'm one of them. I'm going 3 months of this year without health insurance, and it's going to cost me come tax season.
            I don't get it. Before Obamacare, you had to have money to get access to medical care. Now the poor can too. What's wrong with that? Here in France, social security was one of the two most important social progress of the last century, the other being paid leave. You can't dismiss that just because it'll cost YOU a little extra something, that's a very selfish point of view. You say you go 3 months without health insurance, but you have it the other 9, haven't you? That's way better than nothing.
            ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
            ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


            • #21
              NO!!! Before ObamaCare we had 100% completely free health care via charities. I know this for a fact cause I paid 0 dollars and 0 cents for over $35,000 in surgery.

              I had stage 2 rectal prolapse due to about a decade or more of EXCESSIVE drinking, which led to excessive diarrhea, which led to hemorrhoids, which led to stage 2 rectal prolapse. BEfore my surgery I was having bowel movements of pure blood and lots of it. I have NONE of those problems thanks to Sisters of Mercy Charity and LSU Medical Center.

              If I was to relapse or have other such problems it would cost me a fortune to take care of them now. You don't end up with a user friendly health care system by letting big pharma write the policy. This whole thing is nothing but a life tax.

              I feel like the endgame here is pretty obvious. The plan is to keep making these fucked up policies until 100% of your income is spent on "insurances" and bogus taxes (like carbon tax). The people that can't pay will get this stuff for "free" but they will have no income. In the very end everyone realizes that working is completely useless and you wind up with an entire country dependent on the government. Which is exactly when the government pulls the rug out and collapses the entire country.

              This will all be timed in such a way that robots and machines have completely obsoleted humanity and the end purpose is to create a riot so big we wipe ourselves out. All the while a bunch of elites hide in their safe houses/rooms/bunkers and wait for us to finish. They then resurface with an automated world at their disposal and no "bottom feeders" cluttering up their planet.

              I mean, my view might be a bit overly Sci-Fi but where this is all heading isn't a whole lot better or different than what I just said.

              @cost me come tax season
              unless you have some serious assets I wouldn't even consider paying that shit. Also, if you need some help, I can show you how to fill out your W2 and pay NO FEDERAL TAX AT ALL. Everybody thinks they are claiming kids on their w2. That line has jack shit to do with kids. Allowances and Kids are not even remotely similar things. Sure kids can't count as allowances but allowances are not a child count. I claim 4 allowances and I have no kids. Anybody filing for a return at the end of the year is an idiot. All they did was give the government a no interest loan for 1 year because they don't understand the tax form. Give me your income numbers and a calculator and I'll get you ALL of your money right now. I can get you so fucking close that at the end of the year you will owe nothing and get nothing. You will exactly pay your taxes within a handful of dollars of accuracy.

              You ever noticed the line on a W2 that asks how much extra you would like the government to withhold? That seems like a stupid line right? I mean, who wants the government to hold even more of their money? That line is your gold. First you over claim by 1 on allowances (there is a formula to find out that number), then you run some math and write the number on the extra withholding line. What this does is this:

              1) It is almost never that your allowance will fall dead on an integer so you round up
              2) Rounding up makes the government take too little money so you use the other line to adjust

              Every allowance you claim puts about 30 or more bucks in your pocket per check. My checks are about 100 bucks more than if I claimed 1. That's 2600 dollars I did not give the government (in a year). I'm smart and work a low paying job with high paying tips so I also claim Exempt because I do not make more than 15k a year on the books. So I pay NO federal tax. All of this is completely legal. I'm easily keeping about 4000 bucks a year out of the governments hands and in my pocket. That's 4000 bucks that can be put somewhere that DOES produce interest, as opposed to giving the govenment a no interest loan.

              Knowledge is power bro. My checks are taxed at about 8 percent and I will owe and get nothing at the end of the year. ALl you have to do is request new tax forms from your employer and by law they have to give them to you.If you start making more or less money you may want to do it again. The government knows what you made and knows your tax situation long before you file anything. As your income changes you should fill out new forms.

              You ever notice the talk about rich people not paying taxes? Well, you don't have to be rich to do the same shit they do. What they "do" is simple. They learn how taxes work and rape the system for all it's worth.
              Last edited by MadGypsy; 09-23-2016, 11:16 PM.


              • #22
                Ewww! Thanks for the gory details, Gypsy...

                Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                NO!!! Before ObamaCare we had 100% completely free health care via charities.
                Well that's in complete contradiction with all that I've read and seen. Then again, I don't live there, so what do I know?

                Have all charities suddenly gone poof? I strongly doubt it.
                Last edited by Mugwump; 09-23-2016, 10:54 PM.
                ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                • #23
                  So, we're stuck with the psychotic clone of Obama, a madman with a hairline that resembles that one tsunami woodblock piece, and a weird schizo in-between who probably takes the worst of both and makes a shit sandwich. Oh, and whoever's in the Green party.


                  The US is totally hellbent on making us all dependent because that means they can come up with more bullshit solutions and waste more taxpayer money. Think about it: these aren't necessarily idiots, they at least have advisers that understand the consequences of their actions, so why would they make these totally idiotic moves? The answer is so they can provide "help" and fill out that quota so they can get paid big money. It's a process of "fuck-ups" that they make so they can fix them and get status and money from it. They never cared about the people, the truly good people of the world don't actively campaign for power. It's all in-office competition for whoever gets that next big executive position.

                  Is it also a coincidence that I have a copy of V for Vendetta right next to me? I need to stop reading and learn blissful ignorance.

                  YOU'RE GONNA CARRY THAT WEIGHT...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
                    I don't get it. Before Obamacare, you had to have money to get access to medical care. Now the poor can too. What's wrong with that? Here in France, social security was one of the two most important social progress of the last century, the other being paid leave. You can't dismiss that just because it'll cost YOU a little extra something, that's a very selfish point of view. You say you go 3 months without health insurance, but you have it the other 9, haven't you? That's way better than nothing.
                    I got healthcare through employee benefits. I pay about 30%, my employer pays 70%. At my last job, it was 50/50. It was a simple procedure to obtain this employer-based benefit:

                    1) Bust my ass learning a trade.
                    2) Bust my ass to get a decent job.
                    3) Bust my ass to continue working at said decent job.
                    4) Bust my ass to convince my boss I am worth paying half (or better) of my health insurance.
                    5) Bust my ass from now until an undefined point in the future to maintain this sweet deal.

                    Notice the amount of ass-busting I do to get healthcare. There's zero reason why anyone else couldn't do this. I'm a firm believer in earning what you have. That may sound selfish, but it's not. Consider this: is it selfish for me to do for myself, or expect others to give me stuff (like paying for my healthcare)?

                    Free govt healthcare takes away some of the incentive to work hard. So do unions, minumum wage, and just about any other social welfare. Less hard work = less productive industry = less technological achievement = goodbye cool phones and gadgets and better medical practices and anything else you can think of that's convenient.

                    And then there's the charity side of things, which works a helluva lot better than the mainstream media and politicians like to let on (gypsy's story is a perfect example).

                    It's simple numbers. This nation and humanity as a whole didn't get to where it's at by waiting around for free stuff (which ironically isn't free at all, someone somewhere is footing the I said, numbers).


                    I've done some reading and was starting to reach the conclusion you just presented. I've also poured over the tax brackets to find out exactly where I should be. I'm already claiming only 1. I think I'm going to be a lot closer to the 'break-even' point this year. We'll see. I got some more reading to do though, cause you're dead right: knowledge is power.
                    'Replacement Player Models' Project


                    • #25
                      This point of view is dismissing the fact that unemployment is a reality and that not everyone who works hard gets to be in a position of wealth. Conversely, not everyone who has wealth deserves it. Sure, when you have any tool at your disposal you're gonna find fuckers who take advantage of it but seriously, these are few and far between. The vast majority of the bottom of the ladder are honest people who just happen to be out of luck. I am a partisan of social justice and solidarity, and I wouldn't deny them this right because of the misgivings of a few freeriders. To make an analogy, should the internet be taken down because terrorists and pedos can use it for their nefarious purposes? I don't think so.
                      Last edited by Mugwump; 09-23-2016, 11:46 PM.
                      ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                      ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by DeathMaster View Post
                        Is it also a coincidence that I have a copy of V for Vendetta right next to me?
                        There is no coincidence, only cause and consequence.
                        ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                        ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                          If you have studied ww2 that deep then you know Churchill was an inhumane piece of garbage. Hitler literally had more decency than Churchill.
                          Originally posted by ratbert View Post
                          What history have you been studying?
                          Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                          None written or published by Jews...


                          You can watch all the docjewmentaries you want, you aren't learning any facts for the most part.

                          Yes, yes. Go on. Do tell. And don't be afraid to use terms like "1488", "Zog", or "Rahowa".


                          • #28
                            Memes aren't nearly as aggressive as how Zyklon B attacks the jewish persons respiratory and nervous system.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by nahuel
                              do you mean "holocaust" is a meme?
                              Yes it is!

                              Last edited by Mugwump; 09-24-2016, 05:44 PM.
                              ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                              ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by nahuel
                                do you mean "holocaust" is a meme?
                                Dude! Language barrier? You're gonna hafta hop that shit cuz I like it right where I'm at, I ain't moving unless there's free p-u-s-s-y or some damn good BBQ ribs in the deal for me. And none of that Sonny's bullshit either, I'm talkin' REAL North Carolina BBQ.

